Production termination!


Staff member
My favorite is the guys who break every rule to put up the numbers, brag about skipping their lunch and breaks on message boards and badmouth anyone who doesn't do the same as a slacker, basically go through the day treating the contract like a piece of toilet paper. But the first time they have a problem with management that they can't ass kiss their way out of they run crying to the union, calling the BA and leaving messages, etc, all worried about whether management is following the almighty contract. I'm sure no one on the Brown Cafe would do anything like that though :happy-very:


To Endeavor To Persevere
Run and gunners get discipline (maybe not as often, but it happens) just like the everyone else, and the union has to fights for them, too. They get rid of them when they become more of a liability than an asset.


Well-Known Member
I have been reading this post for a while and have been quiet just to get the feel to see what way some of you guys are going. I didnt get to read the report but do know all of the parties involved. Tinman made a very valid point about the ojs sup. He was a center manager and was demoted for integrity issues. I am not sure how much credibility he has(Vic), but I would assume its not a hell of alot because of the reason he got demoted(will leave it at that). The DM nice guy all round till you get him mad, then he is very vendictive. The driver, nice guy,good head on his shoulder, and a very good candidate for the next election. He might be thick headed and did have some other **** on his plate ,maybe thats why his production was in the ****ter(will leave it at that). My personal opinion is that the only reason they got the sup from another center was because of his track record on past ojs ride and how he manages to get guys sporhs higher. I could go back to that integrity issue but wont. The sup hates unions and union activity because he himself was fired in the 80s while he was in the union by President Ronald during a strike.

New Englander

Well-Known Member
You never answered, when are you going into mgt?

Is that same tired come back the best you've got?

Get real will you. Since I think, especially in the economy that we should actually have to "work" to have our jobs - I'm going into management? Your going to defend this guys actions when people in other industries are getting honestly laid off? Probably never to return to their original employer?

Perhaps you should just get the sand out of your hoo ha?

PAS'd out

This ain't rocket science
Which is why they tried to work with him and did a second time study to make sure they were fair to the driver. Had they not done this, their might have been some discrepancy with the first one. So a second time study to reflect the changes on area would also be needed for your area, no? Is the center manager willing to do that for your areas as well?

BTW, are you 3-4 stops an hour below your planned day?


They will not do time studies up here claiming that runs will lose time. I have heard this from the DM (several years ago) as well as on roads. I had a time study done on my run at the time 20 years ago when they were doing time studies left and right.. If I took all of my break time I would be over an hour to 1.5, the time study gave me an even hour. When I trained on this run we ran a buck over which is probably about what it is off.

The stops vary depending on plan of the day. In the summer I need 78 to 80 stops for an 8 hour day, now it is 90 to 100. SPORH is really meaningless, give me the total plan to be somewhat consistent with any day.


Is that same tired come back the best you've got?

Get real will you. Since I think, especially in the economy that we should actually have to "work" to have our jobs - I'm going into management? Your going to defend this guys actions when people in other industries are getting honestly laid off? Probably never to return to their original employer?

Perhaps you should just get the sand out of your hoo ha?
No, since you 'seem' (let me put this in quotes so I can wiggle out of it if the situation seems to fit) to side with mgt point of view most of the time, I asked you, "when are you going into mgt".

What I did say is that some jacka$$es, that are obviously protected by mgt, need to be terminated. The ones that get away with falisfying records and harrassment etc. Ya know, like you, that ones that cheat the system to get the numbers. The ones that make my job more difficult because I take my lunch/breaks and don't run.

And you can go pound that sand.

New Englander

Well-Known Member
No, since you 'seem' (let me put this in quotes so I can wiggle out of it if the situation seems to fit) to side with mgt point of view most of the time, I asked you, "when are you going into mgt".

What I did say is that some jacka$, that are obviously protected by mgt, need to be terminated. The ones that get away with falisfying records and harrassment etc. Ya know, like you, that ones that cheat the system to get the numbers. The ones that make my job more difficult because I take my lunch/breaks and don't run.

And you can go pound that sand.

You honestly don't really have a clue do you. I'm far from siding with management every time. Perhaps I'm too much of a realist to live in your fantasy world.

I'm sure that everyone who out performs you is cheating. Go tell yourself that if it makes you feel better at the end of the day. Though the funny thing is, the slugs don't bother me. I just don't feel they have much of a leg to stand on when the crap rolls your way.

You seem to be the one all upset about other people.

Trust me....I'm more then sure that sand is far from worth "pounding".


Browncafe Steward
And you are going to bury your head in the sand and do what????

Please get real

1 center manager have threatened to the beginning of time about production. And they will till hell freezes over. What he threatens and what he can actually do are usually two way different things.

First off, he is using this as black mail. You mentioned it yourself. Dont sign the 9.5 list, and you dont have a problem. Sign it and you will be targeted. Totally different than anything this covers.

Secondly they gave this guy two rides, the second one to adjust the first study. They tried to work with this clown.

Thirdly, this clown was 3-4 stops an hour off each day. Well almost. When they gave him a warning letter in the morning, he improved greatly. He also refused to work as instructed when they showed him a better method.

2 Your center manager needs to get a clue and read the whole thing, not just the parts he wants to highlight. This was not about production, it was about the whole ball of wax that makes a UPS driver.

So unless your stewards are blind and stupid, using this hearing will in no way allow them(UPS) to do any thing more than they could do a year ago.

Danny this isn't your daddy's ups anymore! I am not sure how long you have been retired exactly, and i do not mean any disrespect towards you, but people are fighting everyday to keep their jobs!

Ups is skipping the whole grievance procedure, by terminating employees for non sense and than offering their jobs back a day or two later as time served. Everyone jumps at their job back not realizing that next time they do something similar they are terminated.

Package drivers are being sent home, while air drivers are being used to deliver airs and grounds, and pick up airs and grounds. 22.3s are being sent home before they even get their guarantee, sups are working non stop and refuse to stop even when approached by the union only to type up statements after the fact that they were not working at all.

I'm glad to hear that you are happily retired and hope you understand that a lot of us here also one day would like to retire, but right now we are just fighting to get hours from day to day and not get pulled into the office and terminated!

Today's ups does not care about anyone of us and has changed for the worst compared to even 4 years ago!


Browncafe Steward
You honestly don't really have a clue do you. I'm far from siding with management every time. Perhaps I'm too much of a realist to live in your fantasy world.

I'm sure that everyone who out performs you is cheating. Go tell yourself that if it makes you feel better at the end of the day. Though the funny thing is, the slugs don't bother me. I just don't feel they have much of a leg to stand on when the crap rolls your way.

You seem to be the one all upset about other people.

Trust me....I'm more then sure that sand is far from worth "pounding".
How do you determine who the "slugs" are? Because the operations report says they run overallowed?

I never have needed an or to tell me i work hard, and for this reason alone and to see my kids during the week, i recently bid a new route. I start this new route tomorrow, whats the chance of me running scratch or bonus?


My favorite is the guys who break every rule to put up the numbers, brag about skipping their lunch and breaks on message boards and badmouth anyone who doesn't do the same as a slacker, basically go through the day treating the contract like a piece of toilet paper. But the first time they have a problem with management that they can't ass kiss their way out of they run crying to the union, calling the BA and leaving messages, etc, all worried about whether management is following the almighty contract. I'm sure no one on the Brown Cafe would do anything like that though :happy-very:

You honestly don't really have a clue do you. I'm far from siding with management every time. Perhaps I'm too much of a realist to live in your fantasy world.

I'm sure that everyone who out performs you is cheating. Go tell yourself that if it makes you feel better at the end of the day. Though the funny thing is, the slugs don't bother me. I just don't feel they have much of a leg to stand on when the crap rolls your way.

You seem to be the one all upset about other people.

Trust me....I'm more then sure that sand is far from worth "pounding".

Hey, NE? Do you Identify with the guy that Jones is talking about. If I remember correctly, you said that you don't take your lunch because you want to get home to your family. Do you still work that way? What if MGMT came up to you for lying/falsifying because you put an hour of lunch in your board, but never took lunch? Do you still think you're doing a good job, even though you don't take lunch? What happens when someone covers that new route of yours, takes lunch, and runs overallowed? Just curious, man.


From the promised LAND

Why should the company care about the contract? Many of the drivers dont, unless its their family jewels squeezed by UPS. They are out there an hour before start time, work most of their lunch, all of their breaks, and punch off before their car quits rolling back at the center.

Its those drivers that I ended up having to represent the most often.

Things like taking personal time without noting it in the diad ( not like some of your guys who go by the pub for an hour or two), and a lot of other issues.

As far as the firing of employees for nonsense, that is where you come in. A good steward can help with good advice.

I have been gone about two years, and while things have changed, I do keep up with the latest flavor of koolaid. Usually try to have lunch with the stewards once a week, and the BA once a month. So I do keep a bit more up to date than you might expect.

Bottom line on this case. UPS bent over backwards to get this nut to change his work habits. HE refused to take instruction. HE refused to give UPS a fair days work for the pay. Its not that he couldnt, he didnt.

And it was not just here and there. It was almost every day.

IF you go out and are running 12's by yourself, but yet when anyone rides with you, you consistently run 16', there is something wrong. Unless you can offer something up besides the ole mantra of "the union does not recognize production therefore you cant do a damn thing about my piss poor production."

In this case the total lack of any defense of any kind with the exception of repeating the above ended his career. I cant believe anyone else would be that stupid.

And that has been my point.

The majority of the drivers that are worried about this affecting their jobs give it their best. When instructed to do something, they do it to the best of their ability. In these cases, UPS does not stand a chance of firing the driver on production alone.

This guy wanted a pissing contest on his terms. UPS gave it to him, and he lost. End of story.


New Englander

Well-Known Member
How do you determine who the "slugs" are? Because the operations report says they run overallowed?

I never have needed an or to tell me i work hard, and for this reason alone and to see my kids during the week, i recently bid a new route. I start this new route tomorrow, whats the chance of me running scratch or bonus?

Please don't be a maroon. I run over allowed all the time. Yet I will never worry about being fired for production till mine drops for what ever reason.

Every center has drivers that leave you wondering - "How in the hell do you still have a job?"

New Englander

Well-Known Member
Hey, NE? Do you Identify with the guy that Jones is talking about. If I remember correctly, you said that you don't take your lunch because you want to get home to your family. Do you still work that way? What if MGMT came up to you for lying/falsifying because you put an hour of lunch in your board, but never took lunch? Do you still think you're doing a good job, even though you don't take lunch? What happens when someone covers that new route of yours, takes lunch, and runs overallowed? Just curious, man.

Steve - I don't enter a lunch when I don't take a lunch. Nothing is being falsified. I thought I had made that MORE then apparent considering I've been given a warning letter for it.

Gosh.....why do I have to always say this over and over and over again? I don't enter a lunch and then not take it. I take everything I enter into the board.


You honestly don't really have a clue do you. I'm far from siding with management every time. Perhaps I'm too much of a realist to live in your fantasy world.
I said you 'seem' to side with mgt. Figured you'd take that tact.
I'm sure that everyone who out performs you is cheating. Go tell yourself that if it makes you feel better at the end of the day. Though the funny thing is, the slugs don't bother me. I just don't feel they have much of a leg to stand on when the crap rolls your way.
No, not at all. I do what I can do. I noticed that you said 'my' way instead of their way. Keep your prepositions correct.
You seem to be the one all upset about other people.
I have not posted on this thread since the beginning (until you started spewing your crap) yet you say I am the one upset. You are wrong. There have been many, many comments that could be construed as being upset. None of them have been mine.
Trust me....I'm more then sure that sand is far from worth "pounding".
It's so nice to see that you are so perfect. It's your sand.


Please don't be a maroon. I run over allowed all the time. Yet I will never worry about being fired for production till mine drops for what ever reason.

Every center has drivers that leave you wondering - "How in the hell do you still have a job?"
You need to keep your flames to yourself and for that matter your judgements. You don't know me or Red or anyone else on here. You have no idea how we work and I for one resent the innuendo's.