Qualification Question

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I was told by my preload supervisor this morning that they said i was dqed because i was to old andto start driving. I am 42.
A) that's not nearly "too old" to be driving lol
B)They are opening themselves up to an age descrimination lawsuit
These posts (that show up on this forum EVERY YEAR) are for the most part never the full story.
Sorry for my skepticism but for management to DQ someone for a few minutes being over isn’t the whole picture. They didn’t like him or he was a liability.
Management can and do regularly switch and change time cards to help those they want who are close to scratching. Seen it with my own eyes. In 20 years plus I’ve seen guys be DQ’d for anything and everything but a DW for being a few minutes over tells me that they didn’t want him or there’s more to it.
They ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS make it about safety when officially asked about why they disqualified a driver, that is it. they don't check off 300 items on a tablet just to not use them to destroy a person's well earned dignity.

The managment team already decided their fate. get with your union and file, it won't go anywhere but neither will the idiot that disqualified them. The goal in reality is to make a big enough name for yourself that the next disqualification would get the general membership pissed off.


Well-Known Member
I was told by my preload supervisor this morning that they said i was dqed because i was to old andto start driving. I am 42.
I just got hired at 44. During training I had over 180 to 200 stops in the last week. 5 Scratches over an hour to spare each route in the last week. I say do it again in six months and workout at the gym and jog. Young good looking girls and guys dq for not scratching. Right now I'm doing other people's routes and scratching over 30 mins to spare and I'm working at a slow pace and having a lunch. U need better training or you are too slow.


I just got hired at 44. During training I had over 180 to 200 stops in the last week. 5 Scratches over an hour to spare each route in the last week. I say do it again in six months and workout at the gym and jog. Young good looking girls and guys dq for not scratching. Right now I'm doing other people's routes and scratching over 30 mins to spare and I'm working at a slow pace and having a lunch. U need better training or you are too slow.

Oh boy we’ve got us a Super Trucker
I just got hired at 44. During training I had over 180 to 200 stops in the last week. 5 Scratches over an hour to spare each route in the last week. I say do it again in six months and workout at the gym and jog. Young good looking girls and guys dq for not scratching. Right now I'm doing other people's routes and scratching over 30 mins to spare and I'm working at a slow pace and having a lunch. U need better training or you are too slow.
Let's see how many years you can keep up that pace


Well-Known Member
Hi, I was wondering if UPS has to put you on a training route while qualifying or if they could change your route day to day. If they can't and then "DQ" you over your times, could it be grieved?
IF your qualifying, in our local they (UPS) can't change your route if they do you automatically qualify 😉 every local different

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
I just got hired at 44. During training I had over 180 to 200 stops in the last week. 5 Scratches over an hour to spare each route in the last week. I say do it again in six months and workout at the gym and jog. Young good looking girls and guys dq for not scratching. Right now I'm doing other people's routes and scratching over 30 mins to spare and I'm working at a slow pace and having a lunch. U need better training or you are too slow.
Sounds like Dave under another name!


Well-Known Member
To all:

Long time ago.....I was DQ'd. I was assigned a put together route of some of this and some pickups. It was NOT a designated training route. We were required to be scratch or better for 5 straight days. Back then we had paper time cards and it was all entered by hand. I had 4 days under and was 5 clicks over on the 5th day. DQ'd. I was absolutely naive that fairness and no sort of agendas were in play.

My MGR was on a mission to get rid of me. He did.

But.....I also had a sharp and dedicated steward. He noted and carefully documented my situation. He knew what was coming.

I must say, he gave up his free time on the phone and I even visited him at his home to strategy plan and such. I owe my career to him.

I grieved my DQ. It was settled minutes before the panel hearing. The company agreed to let me re-qualify......and I did 22 days later....like it never happened. My new Div. Mgr. told me personally:
"Welcome to blank. Forget all that has happened and let's get to work". That was 33 years ago. BTW, that new Div. Mgr. was legendary for being very hard core and old school. He was nothing but professional to me. MOF, we never had any sort of negative interaction.

I believe it just depends on who is calling the shots. The new folks that I encountered after the initial DQ were world's different than before. I'm not going to call them pleasant......but they were much more professional and positive. I also believe it was sent from above to make sure I was given a fair chance. Note: I was moved to another center.

To be fair, I was also seasoned(2nd attempt) and much more aware of how the system worked and all the "tricks" to run scratch. The first time, I knew nothing of how pkg driving worked. Nothing.

All that said, yes you can be manipulated......to not qualify. I believe that if they don't want you to qualify...you won't.

I was told by my preload supervisor this morning that they said i was dqed because i was to old andto start driving. I am 42.
If true.....this is your golden ticket......


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
I already got "DQed". They said I was late getting back by 5 minutes to 10 minutes on a few different days. The route was different everyday so that wasn't surprising to me. The driving stewerds know about it and work really hard at avoiding the question. Its almost like they know I should have been on a training route during my qualification but are to scared to say anything to management about it.

When I asked management why I wasn't on a training route and why I was delivering in a new city every day their answer was: "We add stuff to the route everyday you drive until you are at 8 hours" ????? That doesn't even come close to answering the question I asked.

I am very confused.