Recently Terminated--NEED Help


New Member
Hi I was hoping somebody would be able to let me know where I stand. I was fired about 7 business days ago. I had scanned packages away from their delivery points and sheeted them NI, or CL. Most of the time it was with NDA. At businesses were I was familiar with my customers and they gave me the Ok. Then I would bring the packages by some time later that day. I was doing this for a while. I Knew it was wrong but I didn't think I'd get fired for it with no warning or write up.

Eventually some shipper complainned, and Loss Prevention GPS'd a bunch of my deliveries. I admitted everything and explainned to them that anytime I did it, it was understood with the customer. But they didn't care- they said the shipper is the only one who matters and called it Falysification of Documents. So, I was wrong for doing it. I've been with UPS for 8 years driving for 3.5. My record is clean and I didn't have a bulleye from management. I hear Most managers are actually quite surprised they let me go so abruptly. I knew I was wrong but never thought I would lose everything for it.

Does anyone know what the chances of me getting my job back are??


Well-Known Member
I would fight it. Get a hold of your union business manager. I have seen and heard of people doing worst things than that and get there job back. You'll probably get your job back if you fight it but it might take while.
Have you talked with the union yet? The company might just be making you sweat it out for a few days to make an examply of you. But you do need to talk to the union.


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
Most terms are usually automatically grieved and go to panel. You need to be sure this is happening. Find out if you grievance is on the docket for next panel.
If you had a meeting with mgmt and Security, your steward or BA should've been at the meeting and explained this to you already. What did the union tell you so far?


Well-Known Member
First off good luck with your situation. I hope it works out well for you. But in your description you said you only did it with the customers consent, but then said the customer complained. Did the customer change their mind? I guess this is a great lesson for all us, we need to stop worrying about the numbers and just do our job. If its late its late. Again good luck


As they should. Sorry, no sympathy from me. You falsified DIAD entries to make your job easier, and you cheated our customers.

I hope you're more honest in your next job.
There is a saying that keeps floating around here. Something about not being able to fix something................................. can't quite come up with the rest of it. It escapes my memory at the moment. :knockedout:


Well-Known Member
Over, thats a bit harsh. We all do stupid things, I dont think he was doing it for devious reasons. But then again you might be perfect. And your right pkgd, he did say shipper.


New Member
In my district I've heard of several people who did similar things and were fired. They didn't get their jobs back . Ups takes dishonesty seriously. Dot your I's and cross your T's. They're watching everyone so be careful. It's not worth losing your job. Why would do something so stupid. They pay you by the hour not per package.


Für Meno :)
Over, thats a bit harsh. We all do stupid things, I dont think he was doing it for devious reasons. But then again you might be perfect. And your right pkgd, he did say shipper.

I agree and disagree on this one.
Had drivers sheeting rezis as closed or NM1, even though they didn't make the attempt.
They didn't even get a day suspension !
Not even sure they got written up, or in most cases not even detected.

So, why should he get fired ?

But, then I need to think about my case, and my honest work I done.
I never cheated the system, ever !
Maybe the odd DR thru a mail slot, during thier lunchbreak, or slid it underneath the door. But, that was customer orientated, so they get it now, and not 3 or 4 hrs later, when I return.

But, like I said, they have these cheaters at work, and still working there, and I'm not.

So, I don't have much sympathy. On the other hand, UPS can keep them.
Like they do here.

Wish you good luck, anyways.
It's a great job, and you'll learn your lesson to be more honest with your work in the future.
I think you'll get your job back.


Retired 23 years
A good lesson for everyone. Even your best favorite customer will turn on you in a heartbeat if it envolves any kind of problem with their parcel. I saw it happen many times and believe me the excuse "well the customer told me it was ok with them" just won't fly. CYA

rocket man

Well-Known Member
CUSTOMERS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS The winks smiles pat on the backs .tips ect. Dont mean a thing. DO your job if it means going over 9/5 so be it.. you would not have wrote this post . JUST do not resign and i hope you wrote a grivance with in ten days (remmedy i want removed from file and be made whole. good luck WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES. DONT RESIGN save some money to go to panles .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hi I was hoping somebody would be able to let me know where I stand. I was fired about 7 business days ago.
Heres where you stand: you are terminated for dishonesty. Of all the topics on this board you should have read, I posted one when this contract was being ratified that explained just this scenario. Of all the training you recieved over the 3.5 years driving, where were you instructed to sheet anything away from the delivery point or sheet as closed or NI1 to avoid a 1030am commit time? Only an idiot would believe that he/she could circumvent the system designed to catch such dishonesty.

I had scanned packages away from their delivery points and sheeted them NI, or CL.
Ok, you admit to falsifying records and "defrauding" the company and customer out of a legitimate delivery attempt. You continue to maintain that you were "helping out" the customers you service, but what you FAIL to realize is that you were not cheating the delivery customer, but the SHIPPING CUSTOMER who PAID for the service.

Most of the time it was with NDA.
Of course it was, however, i am sure you do it with many other deliveries that you just dont want to service, like apartments, business you cant make by 5pm or stingers. I am sure your sheets are as dirty as a pig in chhit. Once again, guys like you need to be removed from service as you make it tough on other drivers to come in after you and clean up your smokers the next day.

Then I would bring the packages by some time later that day. I was doing this for a while. I Knew it was wrong but I didn't think I'd get fired for it with no warning or write up.
You are a class "A" idiot. When they give a sheeting class, under the "Do not Do" section, they should have your photo. Why would the company need to give you a warning letter or a write up for a CARDINAL OFFENSE? You pulled the trigger on yourself.

Eventually some shipper complainned,
EXACTLY...the one who paid for the service you decided to cheat them out of. I can only wonder how many claims for refunds you cost the company.

and Loss Prevention GPS'd a bunch of my deliveries. I admitted everything and explainned to them that anytime I did it, it was understood with the customer.
The customer? Not the shipper, you obviously dont know the difference.
But they didn't care-
Why should they? You didnt care enough to do the JOB correctly in the first place, why should they show you consideration when you were not willing to show the shipper customer the consideration of giving them what they paid for?

I knew I was wrong but never thought I would lose everything for it.
Again, you demonstrate you dont have the integrity for the driving job. Because of drivers like you, the COMPANY has to create more technology that complicates the delivery process further. Guys like you are the reason GPS was created for the delivery drivers in the first place.

Does anyone know what the chances of me getting my job back are??
This depends on how "DIRTY" you are. If your sheets are loaded with "false" recordings for months, then you will be unsuccessful in returning to work. If this was a "one time" event then you would be in better shape, but according to you, you thought you "covered" all the bases with your recieving customers and this demonstrates you are capable of deception and therefore are dishonest and without any integrity.

Panel should dismiss your case and uphold your term.

I wish people on this board would stop encouraging dishonest employees to fight for there jobs.

If they would only do the job correctly in the first place as we are trained, then there would be NO reason to "fight" for a job.

If you want to give them any advice, rather than encourage them to "fight" tell them to BEG instead. This will save everyone alot of time, effort and energy.

This particular driver is a dishonest person with ZERO integrity. He makes it tougher on you all with his actions.

He isnt the only one doing this type of action. There are many others and they too will be caught one day.

If this driver was too stupid to realize that he was cheating the system and eventuallty would be fired for his actions, then he deserves to be on the street.

I have no sympathy for him.



Staff member
Over, thats a bit harsh. We all do stupid things, I dont think he was doing it for devious reasons. But then again you might be perfect. And your right pkgd, he did say shipper.

It's not harsh. This wasn't a mistake. He didn't accidently sheet closed or not in when he wasn't even there. This was intentional. And he did it daily for several businesses. The shippers involved paid premium rates for those next days. They deserve to have them attempted on time.

What if he had done it with the package of a high volume shipper? What if that shipper then switched to FedEx causing 400 UPSers to get laid off? Would it still be alright?

At UPS we do a hard job, and I believe 99.99% of us do it ethically.

People who cheat our customers we do not need.


Retired 23 years
It's not harsh. This wasn't a mistake. He didn't accidently sheet closed or not in when he wasn't even there. This was intentional. And he did it daily for several businesses. The shippers involved paid premium rates for those next days. They deserve to have them attempted on time.

What if he had done it with the package of a high volume shipper? What if that shipper then switched to FedEx causing 400 UPSers to get laid off? Would it still be alright?

At UPS we do a hard job, and I believe 99.99% of us do it ethically.

People who cheat our customers we do not need.

Man- UPS loses just one of your packages and you go all "by the book" on us.:happy-very: