Republican Rewrite of US Taxcode

El Correcto

god is dead
What would really help the debt is single payer health care, free college and allowing open borders so we can let more people into our social safety net. Stupid republican voters why can’t they see, the answer is more government spending and higher taxes!


Inordinately Right
What would really help the debt is single payer health care, free college and allowing open borders so we can let more people into our social safety net. Stupid republican voters why can’t they see, the answer is more government spending and higher taxes!
Both parties increase the debt.
The question is what do you want to get in return.
Corporate america thanks you for your allegiance to their profits.

El Correcto

god is dead
Both parties increase the debt.
The question is what do you want to get in return.
Corporate america thanks you for your allegiance to their profits.
Comrade, I’m not in favor of corporations. We need to tear down corporate America and hand power to the proletariat.
I don’t want more job opportunities or personal freedom. I simply want to please the people’s republic and live off of all it creates and provides.

El Correcto

god is dead
Who cares what Trump proposes, the guy is toxic, even his own party doesn't want to have anything to do with his BS.
I agree comrade, proposing to cut spending is unacceptable. We need to take money from the exploiters who do nothing for society and give it to the people’s party who does everything to help us. I want free college, healthcare and 15$ an hour while I work at McDonald’s.