Rich get richer from fewer labor unions, study says


Well-Known Member

A study by the International Monetary Fund tracked three decades of income and found that as unionization declined, the wealth of the richest 10 percent in advanced countries showed a continuous increase.

A rising concentration of income at the top of the distribution can reduce a population’s welfare if it allows top earners to manipulate the economic political system in their favor,” they wrote, referring to things such as lower taxes and business subsidies.

decline in unionization is strongly associated with the rise of income shares at the top...about half the net income is driven by deunionization,”


Retired 23 years

A study by the International Monetary Fund tracked three decades of income and found that as unionization declined, the wealth of the richest 10 percent in advanced countries showed a continuous increase.

A rising concentration of income at the top of the distribution can reduce a population’s welfare if it allows top earners to manipulate the economic political system in their favor,” they wrote, referring to things such as lower taxes and business subsidies.

decline in unionization is strongly associated with the rise of income shares at the top...about half the net income is driven by deunionization,”

this should be no surprise to anyone


Bad Moon Risen'
In case you missed the memo, I am 100% in favor of labor unions.

I am just against forcing someone to join against their will.

But I can see how the dim-witted could get that confused.
Why should the union have to spend any of its resources to represent such employee if they don't pay into the pool?
Is that fair?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Why should the union have to spend any of its resources to represent such employee if they don't pay into the pool?
Is that fair?
It shouldn't. I want that part changed.

They got RTW partly right. The choice on whether or not to join.

Now if I had my way, a person chosing not to join the union would/should not get:
#1 union representation.
#2 union negotiated pay
#3 union negotiated health and pension benefits.

If a company wants to match the union negotiated pay and/or benefits, they could.

That's how it should work in the future, and in my opinion, the battle the union should be fighting for.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
In case you missed the memo, I am 100% in favor of labor unions.

I am just against forcing someone to join against their will.

But I can see how the dim-witted could get that confused.
Conservatives,and you call yourself one, hate people that actually *work* for a living, and they HATE democracy, because unions are democratically run associations of workers.

According to Conservatives, only businesses should be allowed to have professional associations, not their employees. Conservatives hate the very idea of paying people for their work in the first place, and so the idea of employees joining a professional association to protect themselves from the rapacious business owners fills them with hatred.How do you live with such conflict?????


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
It shouldn't. I want that part changed.

They got RTW partly right. The choice on whether or not to join.

Now if I had my way, a person chosing not to join the union would/should not get:
#1 union representation.
#2 union negotiated pay
#3 union negotiated health and pension benefits.

If a company wants to match the union negotiated pay and/or benefits, they could.

That's how it should work in the future, and in my opinion, the battle the union should be fighting for.
That's not what the KOCH-ROACH walker your favorite republic thinks...If your corporate shill The KOCH-ROACH had his way, all labor unions would be banned and all federal and state labor laws regulating workplace conditions -- including child labor laws -- would be repealed. Workers' comp, overtime, paid vacation, health benefits, sick leave, pension funds, Social Security, minimum wage, etc. ... all would be distant memories.Pity so many have been brainwashed........


nowhere special
That's not what the KOCH-ROACH walker your favorite republic thinks...If your corporate shill The KOCH-ROACH had his way, all labor unions would be banned and all federal and state labor laws regulating workplace conditions -- including child labor laws -- would be repealed. Workers' comp, overtime, paid vacation, health benefits, sick leave, pension funds, Social Security, minimum wage, etc. ... all would be distant memories.Pity so many have been brainwashed........

Talking about yourself again?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Talking about yourself again?
Another fan of the Koch-Roach I see...The eternal mystery, voting republican while working for a living, I was always amazed at how many members were hostile to the union when if it were not for the union they wouldn't even have the :censored2: time to be hostile to it. They would have been working for less money and scrambling to pay their bills. Idiots.That always made me smack my head....


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That's not EXACTLY right and you know it.

Public sector unions are not the same as private industry unions.

And since he was speaking of the AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS, that are government union workers, we're ordered to return to work and refused, it is not union busting in my book.

Government workers should not have the ability to strike. There are many other benefits they get such as job security and health care and public pensions that offset the ability to strike that they get when they chose to enter the public sector workforce.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Another fan of the Koch-Roach I see...The eternal mystery, voting republican while working for a living, I was always amazed at how many members were hostile to the union when if it were not for the union they wouldn't even have the :censored2: time to be hostile to it. They would have been working for less money and scrambling to pay their bills. Idiots.That always made me smack my head....
If you think Democrats care about you or the working man, I have a bridge to sell you in the desert of Arizona.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
That's not EXACTLY right and you know it.

Public sector unions are not the same as private industry unions.

And since he was speaking of the AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS, that are government union workers, we're ordered to return to work and refused, it is not union busting in my book.

Government workers should not have the ability to strike. There are many other benefits they get such as job security and health care and public pensions that offset the ability to strike that they get when they chose to enter the public sector workforce.
The air traffic control strike was illegal. The misinformed/uninformed variety on the left (and a few on the right) tend to leave that part out or ignore it.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
No one is forcing people to join. Don't want to join a union, find a non-union job.
And if you have the skill set and actually want to work at a company in a non-RTW state, you are suppose to what?
A. Get hired, be forced to pay union dues.
B. Go look some place else for a job that you might not get?

Why not give a person the CHOICE to join or not? Would the average person, seeing what the teamsters have been doing at UPS, want to join? Would they?


Well-Known Member
And if you have the skill set and actually want to work at a company in a non-RTW state, you are suppose to what?
A. Get hired, be forced to pay union dues.
B. Go look some place else for a job that you might not get?

Why not give a person the CHOICE to join or not? Would the average person, seeing what the teamsters have been doing at UPS, want to join? Would they?

why dont americans have the CHOICE to have single payer healthcare instead of private insurers???


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
why dont americans have the CHOICE to have single payer healthcare instead of private insurers???
Private insurance or choosing to take your chances and not have insurance was the American way before Odumbo.

Pretty soon they will start chosing the foods we can eat and the cars we can drive. It's sickening what is happening to our once GREAT nation.