Sadly- Covid-19


Well-Known Member
How do you eliminate a virus? We are buying time to develop a vaccine or an effective treatment. trump wasted two months by telling the American people not to worry that it will just go away.

Trump was out in front of everybody, banning flights from China and being called racist for it even in January.

He should have done more, sure, but he got crap from everyone every time he did something productive.

None of his critics have any room to talk. They'd all have been worse.


Well-Known Member
Part of the problem is people falsely believed everything we are doing now is directed at eliminating the virus. It is not. What they are trying to do is slow down the burn rate. It's like using the damper on a wood stove, all the wood will be consumed, but at a slower pace.
Wood old.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How do you eliminate a virus? We are buying time to develop a vaccine or an effective treatment. trump wasted two months by telling the American people not to worry that it will just go away.
Fake news

The President put in a travel ban that saved lives. As you may recall he was called racist for doing that by Democrats.

Joe Biden for one was against the ban.


Well-Known Member
The President put in a travel ban that saved lives. As you may recall he was called racist for doing that by Democrats.

Wait, he saved lives?

You literally just said that human action only changes the rate, not the total amount, of death.

We're done here. I can't fix the stupid.


Well-Known Member
For your butthurt.

I don't have any. Nobody has breached my 6ft barrier, and I have three cargo pockets that contain lysol, clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer respectively. I'm good.

It's everybody else's family that I'm worried about. I'm being safe.

It's the relatives of the dummies that I'm worried about. That's almost all of you.


Inordinately Right
I don't have any. Nobody has breached my 6ft barrier, and I have three cargo pockets that contain lysol, clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer respectively. I'm good.

It's everybody else's family that I'm worried about. I'm being safe.

It's the relatives of the dummies that I'm worried about. That's almost all of you.
If you cared at all about your family you would put up a tent in your backyard and live in it until the threat has passed.

If your family gets sick it's on you for not moving out. How dare you!


Well-Known Member
If you cared at all about your family you would put up a tent in your backyard and live in it until the threat has passed.

If your family gets sick it's on you for not moving out. How dare you!

The biggest problem with ignorance is that it takes intelligence to recognize it.

Therefore, the stupid people continue thinking they are smart. There is a name for this effect, but I'll let you google it.