Safe Driving Honor Plan


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Wow, what timing. I ordered a safe driving award from Fina Thursday after putting it off for four months. I wasn't too thrilled with the selections, most of the stuff looks like it comes from Big Lots.


Staff member
I got a clock once. I think it's called an anniversary clock.
Anyhow, the face looked really nice on the website, but it actually had a "sticker' for the face. CHEAP!!!
Ah,the annual pageantry of choosing an award that reflects your hard work in not killing yourself or the public and saving the company millions of dollars. Would anyone like to buy 19 sets of tumblers with the company logo?


When you reach 35 years safe driving theres a nice selection of walkers and wheelchairs,40 years you can get a small house trailer a trip to Las Vegas or a cemetary plot


Staff member
When you reach 35 years safe driving theres a nice selection of walkers and wheelchairs,40 years you can get a small house trailer a trip to Las Vegas or a cemetary plot

Wow! Ouch, Thanks DS, I bruised my backside sliding outta my chair reading that last part!


Well-Known Member
The change in the company servicing the awards program will require that you wait for your certificate before you can browse/place your order as you have to input an 11 digit number (not your employee ID) to see if you are eligible for the award. In the past, if you were within a few weeks of receiving your award, you could actually go online, input your employee ID and browse/place your order. I actually did this for my last safe driving award and I am glad that I did because they were 2 months late in presenting the award to me. My center manager apologized and I told him not to worry as I had received my gift 2 months ago.


Staff member
Upatate, you can browse the awards without your certificate. You can select the year range and look without any sign-in. I'm a little bummed for the younger drivers that the 21-25 year awards are the same as 16-19 years. A lot of years to look at/pick from the same stuff.


Senior Member
When you reach 35 years safe driving theres a nice selection of walkers and wheelchairs,40 years you can get a small house trailer a trip to Las Vegas or a cemetary plot
So true, but the plot is only 3ft by 3ft (to save cost) and you will have to be buried standing up.


Staff member
...and your 3' x 3' plot is at your local UPS buildings parking lot. We will allow you a small flat marker (your cost) so that the trucks will still be able to drive there.


I'm Broken
....(and in order to get your body in the 3 x 3 plot) you are buried feet first and head first....bending over so all future upsers can kiss your a:surprised::surprised:


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
...... There is a slightly extra charge to have your rear end pointed toward the building.........


Well-Known Member
Just bury me with my a&& outta the groud so my friends can park their bikes when they come to visit!!!! BC (not Bike Champ)