SALT question


Well-Known Member
ok if one does not know I've been picking stuff off the belt for 3 trucks and I have a guy who loads.. for the past two days now I'm getting more and more stuff thats just on the wrong belt when they do salt do they stamp salt on a package or do they just let it ride up?

Yesterday was pretty crazy but not sure if the box was meaning the fish or whatever but I noticed it said salt at the top left when 4 other boxes of live fish did not.


Well-Known Member
I will admit that no, I have never heard of that. I actually thought that you were referring to table salt, so I apologize as your post made absolutely no sense to me.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
lets see how many can we all remember !!! mcm , mcw , mcg ,mcb , dr , fd ,bd ,gar,aod , cod, srm ,tofc , nda, 2da, scsz ,fstz, xx, zz ,center manager,ct, fc pu i'm going nuts trying to remember 19 yrs worth of these stupid things my favorite was call cntr 911 or asap! im sure i left out a couple thousand


Well-Known Member
lets see how many can we all remember !!! mcm , mcw , mcg ,mcb , dr , fd ,bd ,gar,aod , cod, srm ,tofc , nda, 2da, scsz ,fstz, xx, zz ,center manager,ct, fc pu i'm going nuts trying to remember 19 yrs worth of these stupid things my favorite was call cntr 911 or asap! im sure i left out a couple thousand


Driver Release Front Yard:devil3:


Retired 23 years
had a fellow driver that always wrote "WL 1" on misloads. (Won't Locate)" As far as I know he never got in any trouble. He said it saved him the trouble of calling in a misload. This was back in the paper days.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of salting someone during peak, it's too damn heavy, after peak, sure every other day, it happens alot....not during peak though...:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
When I was a pick-off in the early 90's, 10% of the packages went to another belt. The pick-offs have to be always moving, so if they don't know where the package go's it go's anywhere.