Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."


Für Meno :)
I just love this one ! :)

I like Palin, but I do not support her for president or even VP and I hope she does not run. I don't agree with all of her positions nor do I think she is a genius or stupid. What I do like about her is she is a passionate outspoken individual that speaks what she believes to be true.
IMO, the left and the media has made way too big of a deal out of the Paul Revere thing, it was no bigger a gaf than 0's 57 state comment. I also think that anyone that didn't recognize the "ringing the bells" part of her statement as a metaphor are just looking for a reason to slam her for being inc
orrect. I do think she is a pretty woman, but that has nothing to do with my opinion of her as a person.


Strength through joy
by AWR Hawkins As we survey the political landscape, things don’t look so good for President Obama. Unemployment remains high (over 9%), fuel prices remain high (Obama said “get used to it”), we are still in Libya (“days not weeks”), and Americans who can’t afford to go on vacation are increasingly sickened by Obama’s never ending vacations and 70-plus trips to the golf course.

To put it mildly, the commander-and-chief comes across a bit haughty.
However, it seems that even Obama is starting to realize there could be trouble in his would-be socialistic paradise. Thus he recently made mention of how he and his family would be okay if he was only a one term president and he sent Michelle Obama out on the campaign trail (which is the next best thing to asking not to be re-elected).
For example, while campaigning in California on June 13[SUP]th[/SUP] Michelle said of her husband, “this man doesn’t take a day off” and she praised the fact that he has accomplished “the withdrawal of our troops from overseas.”
In subsequent news, two U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq on June 14[SUP]th[/SUP], our troops are still fighting a war in Afghanistan, and Obama spent the majority of Memorial Day on a golf course.
My point is not simply that Obama is out of touch and beatable, but that he is way out of touch and extremely beatable. Not, of course, by some moderate Republican, but by a conservative Republican: and particularly by Sarah Palin.


golden ticket member
I dont need to make anything up to sustain my charge that Palin is an idiot. By all accounts, the american public is on my side as only 24% of the country approves of Sarah Palin.

24% pretty much makes up all those on this board that still like her.

[h=1]Paul Revere’s Revenge: Sarah Palin’s Approval Rating Sinks To 24%[/h]June 15, 2011
By Jason Easley

""She is a traveling circus of ignorance and excuses. Put her on a bus and Sarah Palin is a mobile freak show that demands constant victimization. She thinks it is God’s will that she be president, and she isn’t going to let the fact that most of America can’t stand her stop her. ""
Her stupidity does not need my promotion, it promotes itself.

Its remarkable that 24% still like her. Shes almost into BUSH country.

BUSH was at 19% when he left office.

That loser bus tour torpedoed her re-emergence into the political limelight, and that maroon A Wiener outshined her stupidity by doing something even more stupid than she.

Not to worry, Weiner is now unemployed and out of the limelight but we still have months of PALIN-isms to bag on in the future!

Sarah, keep this thread alive! "Run sarah Run"


So it's extremely important to you that the Amer. public is on your "hate Palin" side ?? Why? She's that much of a threat to you that just by her living you are threatened? Would you actually melt if Palin ran for anything?? ...or just implode?


golden ticket member
I don't want Palin to run for anything either. I think she can get a crowd of people excited about their patriotism and set the stage for whichever candidate will be speaking. She can work a crowd like the guy who works the audience before Jay Leno takes the stage. If she goes around all during the campaign, I see another book deal from her travels. She can make money for herself and family.......I guess thats a sin in a lot of people's books!! I give her props!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So it's extremely important to you that the Amer. public is on your "hate Palin" side ?? Why? She's that much of a threat to you that just by her living you are threatened? Would you actually melt if Palin ran for anything?? ...or just implode?

My intention to demonstrate the "view" of the american public isnt because of being afraid of Sarah Palin, its to destroy the republican concept that they can take any idiot because she is pretty, and place her in a position that would afffect millions of americans negatively.

The repubilcans have placed an "idiot" on the ballot on three occasions. Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2. In all three occassions, these men did what they were told, said what they were told to say, enacted things they were told to enact.

Reagan ( the great communicator) was no more a communicator than anyone on this board. Reagan relied on well scripted speeches and press conferences. Being an actor, he was able to transmit each written communication with ease.

I know his personal speech writer personally. Dana Rohrbacher, was his personal speech writer during his term and is now a congressman in Long Beach California.

While "we" dont agree politically, we can be friends, and he has shared his thoughts on the whole Reagan myth that is communication.

Every president has a speech writer, the manner in which its delivered determines the effectiveness of the message. Reagan was successful in the message, while both Bush's showed idiotic tendencies when speaking publicly.

With Sarah Palin, she is another "idiot" the right wing would like to place in a position of power. The reason is simple.

The way she looks deflects people from actually listening to what she is saying.

Those right wing operatives who are working behind the scenes to control her ( Sal Russo ) are making millions off of her. Russo, who is currently being investigated for alledgedly taking campaign donations is the one pulling Palins strings.

Her popularity declines every month and everytime she opens her mouth.

The republicans are out of ideas and concepts other than reducing the taxes for the rich while placing the burden of the debt load onto the american middle class.

How the republicans can get people to vote against their own interests still baffles me.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't want Palin to run for anything either. I think she can get a crowd of people excited about their patriotism and set the stage for whichever candidate will be speaking. She can work a crowd like the guy who works the audience before Jay Leno takes the stage. If she goes around all during the campaign, I see another book deal from her travels. She can make money for herself and family.......I guess thats a sin in a lot of people's books!! I give her props!

Hitler and Hermann Goering could get people excited about their patriotism and how did that work out for america?



Well-Known Member
And Jeff Dunham has made millions getting huge audiences excited with nothing more than what equates to a sock puppet. And it's this sock puppet that is exactly what our Presidents (plural, both parties) are and also what the candidates for the office really are. Place a sock on your hand and then work it like some character you created. Look at it. When it animates, who is ultimately behind that?

Presidents like sock puppets are the very same thing, it's just to get them on the needed hand and animate them costs a whole lot more than going to your sock drawer but voting for any of them is the same as standing at the sock drawer determining which one you will pull out!


Well-Known Member
With all this talk of Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Independants, etc., I just want a president that, when I see them on the news or their picture in the paper, I can fantasize about "doing" them. I think Palin could fit the bill and, yes, Cheryl, I would say it directly to her and I think she'd get a kick out of it.


golden ticket member
Your side took an idiot that could read well with no other experience and put him in charge to deplete all monies and wipe out every trace of jobs from America. Obama is just a teenager who needs to have the riot act read to him and his allowance taken away.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Your side took an idiot that could read well with no other experience and put him in charge to deplete all monies and wipe out every trace of jobs from America. Obama is just a teenager who needs to have the riot act read to him and his allowance taken away.

Heres a question for you moreluck,

Who is the bigger idiot, OBAMA vs BUSH

BUSH 10.7 trillion in National Debt

OBAMA 3.67 trillion in National Debt

Which is worse?

Then ask yourself, why would you support another republican when they have demonstrated a talent for running deficits?



golden ticket member
You may not like her politics, personality or voice.....but if you didn't know her and you saw a picture of could you possibly think she's not pretty.

Maybe you are just used to having uglies!!