Seasonal helper in NJ paying union dues...


Staff member
It definitely is extortion. Pay the initiation fee and dues or you don't work.

I've neot heard before of a helper paying these. If it says on your pay stubs that these fees are being deducted, AND you never signed anything agreeing to tho or acknowledging that you understood thia would happen, you can probably get your money back. Each local decides to take these fees or not, so only some of them are blood thirsty leaches.

Talk to a personnel person at the center your driver worked out of. If you get no satisfaction contact the state attorney general's office.

MWG, back in October (I believe), you posted that you were on board with paying initiation fees and dues. Ever since, you've been complaining about them.

With your (alleged) journalism background, this looks like your big chance to get a national by-line about the "blood thirsty leaches (sp)."


Well-Known Member
MWG, back in October (I believe), you posted that you were on board with paying initiation fees and dues. Ever since, you've been complaining about them.

With your (alleged) journalism background, this looks like your big chance to get a national by-line about the "blood thirsty leaches (sp)."

Please show me where I go"on board" with this. I accept it as a condition to have my job, but I definitely dislike it and stand by my opinion.

And oh yes, I am so looking to make a national name for myself on this board. Who in their right mind could ever imagine that commenting here could...wait a second... What's that I hear? Why, I believe it's the White House calling to invite me to dinner.

And as for my alleged background, I'll be glad to send you my resume so you can verify for yourself. What about your alleged performance as a driver?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Received no information regarding union membership or dues when hired, filled out no paperwork other than designating a beneficiary in the event of my accidental demise. i am grateful to be working, if only for a short time, and am losing three hours of pay per week for dues..
I would just like to know what I am paying for... any information appreciated...

What Local ?