Second jobs


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what UPS' policy is towards 2nd jobs?

I am feeder driver, are you allowed to work another job as long as it doesn't interfere with your driving?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what UPS' policy is towards 2nd jobs?

I am feeder driver, are you allowed to work another job as long as it doesn't interfere with your driving?

I thought DOT has a rule against a second job if it would put you over 60 hours. Isnt 60 hours the cap?
I have been package for 7 years, and have been given that impression.


Well-Known Member
You are correct. A guy asked me about helping him on weekends. And was making sure I didn't break law or violate company policy


adirondack man
OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT:There have been times when many of us have had the opportunity or the need to have two jobs at one time.It is important that such outside interest do not interfere in any way with an employees job with UPS.An employee should be careful that extra hours of work do not affect the safe operation of his/her job by leaving him/her tired and slow to react.UPS rule book.As far as DOT rules can't drive more than 11hours a day must have 10 hours off duty in between you can work non CDL job as many hours as you would like.60 hours in six days or 70in seven day work week.Anyone working for UPS would fall under the 70 hour work week because UPS is open seven days a week.


Staff member
"..extra hours of work do not affect the safe operation of his/her job by leaving him/her tired.."

What a bunch of BS!!! UPS doesn't give a sh** how tired we are, and how unsafe it is, when they keep us out 11 hours delivering!

Take the second job if you need it. Just don't tell anybody.


I work UPS as my second job, and they have not asked me how many hours I worked just prior to reporting for work. They did care about how many "driving" hours I had left.


Does anyone know what UPS' policy is towards 2nd jobs?

I am feeder driver, are you allowed to work another job as long as it doesn't interfere with your driving?
You are in feeders and you want more money?
Man you must be strapped for cash.
Try taking a course on money management, instead of a second job.


Well-Known Member
You are in feeders and you want more money?
Man you must be strapped for cash.
Try taking a course on money management, instead of a second job.

IF I was at top scale that would be no problem. At less than 40 hours and not @ top scale is even worse. The orginal post was a long time ago.
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Retired 23 years
Sorry- I was assuming all feeder drivers were at top scale, worked 59.99 hours a week and made $100,000+ a year.:wink2:


IF I was at top scale that would be no problem. At less than 40 hours and not @ top scale is even worse. The orginal post was a long time ago.
My bad.
I didn't see the post was so old.
But, if you were under 40hrs Dot would allow you to drive more.
UPS has never restricted a driver to be able to moonlight, as far as I know.
How's the money now?
Do feeder drivers make less than a pkg car driver?
When you said making top scale, it made me wonder.