See ya.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully my several hundred posts on this site wasn't in vain. Honestly, it feels like they were, but if I got through to one person and they went into work and started doing their part on the union side -- my time here was a success. If your local sucks, don't feel alone in your stand, there are agencies outside and above UPS and the Teamsters that sit around just waiting for opportunities to take on workplace issues that a lot of us face everyday. The internet is a very powerful weapon and your answer is usually only a google search away. The contract is all that we have as a collective, it is our workplace Constitution and I really wish more people would treat it as such.


Well-Known Member
Griff, while our ideals certainly differ, I applaud your sense of conviction for fighting for what you believe in and urge you to keep up the good fight in your center. Best of luck to you. Dave.


See ya? hang on ,you have to submit a written document of intent to disassociate with browncafe members before you can be released.
Although your opinions are somewhat tainted,you are still part of the collective,and therefore must agree to be disassimilated legally.
Submit your letter to any mods and we will consider the situation and
forward our thoughts to the administrator.
Really now ,if you are not really going to visit anymore,I cant help but think that there may be a lot more to your life that we don't get to see,so whatever reason,you dont know a man till you walked in his moccasins.good luck man.


Retired 23 years
Don't leave us Griff. This site needs the "Griffs" of the world otherwise we will end up with nothing but "where can I buy UPS socks" posts. Boring.:peaceful:

New Englander

Well-Known Member
Hopefully my several hundred posts on this site wasn't in vain. Honestly, it feels like they were, but if I got through to one person and they went into work and started doing their part on the union side -- my time here was a success. If your local sucks, don't feel alone in your stand, there are agencies outside and above UPS and the Teamsters that sit around just waiting for opportunities to take on workplace issues that a lot of us face everyday. The internet is a very powerful weapon and your answer is usually only a google search away. The contract is all that we have as a collective, it is our workplace Constitution and I really wish more people would treat it as such.

I just wish people would understand the contract works both ways. I'm guessing by your post and past post about how your local sucks.....that your leaving to devote your time to shoring up your local!

Wouldn't want you to post anything you don't follow yourself.