So Now I'm "On Call"...



Some of you make a college education sound like a bad thing. Dont ever quit college, somewhere down the road something may come along or happen to you at UPS and you need to be in the position to find other work. You will never regret an education no matter what you are doing.


Since you are curious, yes I do,amd working on doing online course to go further,since work isn't real helpful as to hours available to attend a university, whether or not my employer will pay for them. I was a full-time student when PT at UPS and gave it up since I got my "dream" job. But I realized an associate wasn't any better than a high school diploma. Cant hurt in the market today. There is nothing wrong with driving a truck and trying to better yourself, or driving truck til you retire. I just decided I needed to be prepared. Nothing lasts forever, and there are no guarnatees what you are doing today will be there tomorrow, or that tomorrow you will be able to do it. I just know what it takes to get even an associate, and I would never discourage anyone from furthering themselves just because they are full time at UPS. I do not want to advance at UPS, but anyone who does needs at least a Bachelors degree. At least in this area.


As the spouse of a 25 year UPSer, the best advice that I can give you is to stay out of this board/chatroom and others like it as much as possible. There is way to much negative talk here, and it only leads to a bad attitude. Stay with the company, work hard and keep a good attitude. You will do well with the company! Also, stay in school, you never know when that degree will come in handy!! If you work for any company for any length of time, you will have good times and hard times, good bosses and bad bosses, just remember that is the REAL world. And to all of you gripers out there, just be thankful that you do have a good job with a reliable company, with great pay and benefits. JMHO}}


RD0127....If the best advice you can give is to stay out of these chatrooms, What in GODS name are you doing here.Everything you said made a whole lot of sense except that comment.If what people in cyber land write on a computer affects the way you perform your job, I think its time to see a mental doctor.This site has lots of good information about UPS for the UPS people.If you dont like what you read, then turn off your computer.....Knowledge is POWER.....


Honestly, rd0127, I like this board because of the variety of opinions that are on here, even the negative ones.

Anyhow, it turns out that at first they were going to have me "laid off" for today, then several people called in sick, so I got called in. Sup took advantage, did an On-The-Job eval with me, and after the eval, management was a lot more considerate to me.

And volume IS low. We had zero unstarted trucks after break, and usually there are 4-6 that need to be unloaded.

And I do think this has been one of the most rewarding jobs I have had yet.


If you will read my post again local804 you will see that I said, stay out as much as possible. I do believe checking in from time to time is okay. But, I also believe that if you spend lots of time here you can have your attitude change. In my opinion if you hang out anywhere (that being on the internet or in the breakroom) where too many people with bad attitudes hang, it will eventually rub off on you a little. JMHO pgraening glad you got to work some and I hope that you get seniority soon!


The only people who change their attitude are people who were convinced by persvasive evidence..... who weren't firm in their beliefs in the 1st place. .....or had what they feel was an injustice done against them.


"if you are planning to be a full-time ups employee, why are you going to college?"

That statement forced me to get the tin foil hat out of the closet. It's a bit tight, but I feel much safer now. Never stop learning........

(Message edited by dammor on September 05, 2003)


dammor...that was a question not a statement.

you obviously overpaid for any "formal" education that you apparently believe you have!

the tin foil is tight because your head is swollen up.


The Pennsylvania Dutch have a saying.

"We get too soon old and too late smart".

Education should never stop. The more we learn, the more there is to learn.


kidlogic: half right? pgraening will gain seniority. Even though the company has the right not to allow people to gain seniority during peak months, in the past few years they have allowed it so the PTers will stay after peak!

By the way, he worked last week.......


In a center like mine we will use 2 or 3 extra partime people during peak. After peak we will have drivers doing preload. Those extra people who worked during peak will have no contractual recourse for gaining senority. Right or wrong? proups.... The fact that some hubs may have turn over problems and UPS wants to keep some people doesnt gaurentee him a job. They will pick and choose which ones will gain senority. He wont work his 30th day and say "yes ! I have senority" In the end his 30 days during peak will have no affect on wether he stays on or not. Your leaving him to believe he is gaurenteed a job after doing his 30th day during peak and that isnt true.


"dammor...that was a question not a statement."

"you obviously overpaid for any "formal" education that you apparently believe you have! "

Roboto, so sorry I mistook a statement for a question. Either way they both imply that a college expierence is not helpful to a full time person at UPS. Am I wrong? Were you just trying to get rise out of everyone that thinks and education is important? If that's the case then it worked.

As far as my "formal education" you are correct.
I paid way to much because I did't know what I wanted to do. I was young and had no focus. I did learn several things though. One being if you stop learning you may as well stop living.
Another being you had better grow up and take care of yourself.

As far as my tin foil hat statement that you obviously took offense to, that was a joke.
It's from the movie Signs. Fun show......
Sorry you were so offended.


Went back to work this week, and all is good.

Volume and truck-loads are back to normal, some are even excess.

As for going to college, well, with only two years left to go and a very strong desire to do really, really big things, a college degree (two majors!) will help me have a better life. I don't plan on being a full-time UPSer unless it would be a good opportunity. I DON'T want to be a feeder driver, or a regular driver. I like the job I have right now.


kidlogic: contractually you are correct.

He is working.

They are moving him to other areas.

If I were a betting man, I would bet that when all is said and done, his seniorty date will reflect his 2003 start date.
