Suicide at World port?


Well-Known Member
IMO It was inappropriate.

I made no mention of this.

That is a different polarizing topic for a different discussion.

Start a thread if you want.
That was my point exactly you made no mention even though it was part of the conversation proves that you are not worried about unkindness at all. No need to start a new thread to prove that you are phony.


Well-Known Member
Not silly at all
When the mind has slipped so far into mental illness that the only way you see out is to throw yourself off of a 3 story building it’s not silly it’s a sickness and should be treated as such
Not debating mental illness and suicide, he assumed he knew the reason why was because she couldn’t get an abortion because it was illegal, that was the silly part. None of us know the reason why. Using someone’s tragic death to make a political statement isn’t really necessary.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
People off themselves all the time. Not our problem, the unions problem, or the companies problem.
