Swat called in for Tea Party where Obama is speaking...


Für Meno :)
ya this economy is just charging ahead , why they have reported 36,000
new homes for March, 2010.
Just down a shade of the 136,000 reported way back in March of 2008.
In fact you would have to look back to 1970 to find another month with such a low monthly increase.

So, you wanna compare the fake housing boom numbers, (the very thing that took the economy into a deep dive) with todays "realistic" numbers. ???
I'm surprised houses are even being built.
In southern Florida 3 or 4 homes per block had either a forsale or foreclosure sign attached to them.
Enough used homes to choose from, by all means.

It will be a while to see new homesales ever reach those fake Bush year booms, again, if thats even possible with only legitimate, credit-worthy borrowers.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Obama's populist rhetoric against wall street is having its desired affect.

If Obama hates wall street so much why doesn't he just shut it down? Or are we expected to somehow invest in the stock market without seeking profits. Perhaps the government will tell us how much profit we are allowed to seek?

If Obama finish's crashing the economy will he spin it by saying he won the war against greed?

Untill your investors decided to gamble with your pension and Retirement funds and drop the ball on them and say "Oh Well" Sorry Tieguy, your S O L, is when you'll remove your head from their poop-shoot....So what can Brown do for you ?
That's not Capitalism, that's theivery !


Untill your investors decided to gamble with your pension and Retirement funds and drop the ball on them and say "Oh Well" Sorry Tieguy, your S O L, is when you'll remove your head from their poop-shoot....So what can Brown do for you ?
That's not Capitalism, that's theivery !

ah pension scare tactics to turn me against capitalism. yes yes, communist brainwashing trick number 103.

Does your master have any new material for us to digest?