Switching Sorts/Shifts


New Member
Do you have to wait for a p/t position to open to transfer shifts (preload to twilight)?

If so once a position is open do you have to go to the spot vacated or low seniority position?


"Hang in there!"
Do you have to wait for a p/t position to open to transfer shifts (preload to twilight)?

If so once a position is open do you have to go to the spot vacated or low seniority position?
There should be a listing somewhere in your hub/center of available positions on the different sorts. You should be able to bump onto the sort you choose provided you have more total company seniority and you are not trying to bump a preferred job. Providing you are qualified to bump into the position.


Well-Known Member
Do you have to wait for a p/t position to open to transfer shifts (preload to twilight)?

If so once a position is open do you have to go to the spot vacated or low seniority position?

Not sure. I'm sure if they want you on a different shift then they can bypass all the red tape and make it happen!

I once double shifted and did preload. They had me loading a truck. After 2 days I had it down and loaded the truck with no missloads and was helping loaders in trucks near me. The preload FT sup begged me to transfer to preload.


promoted to mediocrity
Do you have to wait for a p/t position to open to transfer shifts (preload to twilight)?
You need to check with HR what your local policy is and check with the Local Union to see if that's been addressed in any contract supplements, riders, addenda, letters of understanding, etc. For reference only, in my bldg (Metro Chicago, official HR policy is no transfer until after one year.
If so once a position is open do you have to go to the spot vacated or low seniority position?
Yes, you would have to wait for a position to open up, would be at the bottom of area seniority list. Might be possible to get on "preferred jobs list " (Article 22, Section 4 of the contract) for the other shift, I would recommend you check with your Steward or Business Rep/Agent
Please let us know what happens.