Teamsters Endorse OBAMA


Well-Known Member
Mike, you ignorant slut :angry: ...
OMFG! LMAO! I wonder how many people here know what that is from. Absolutely hilarious Hoax. You may not be as "out of the loop" as mike would have us believe.

Saturday Night Live (Chevy Chase to Jane Curtain) back when SNL actually mattered (although I will admit that Tina Fey's depiction of Sarah Palin is dead on and funny as hell).

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
......everything leading up to it happened on CLINTON'S watch.
Why does it always turn into a Bush bashing session?
This post was about the Teamsters doing what they always do. Support the Dem. party IE Osama.....ooops, I mean Obama....damn typos. :wink2:

Yeah the Bush bashing is getting old. Is he running for president again? Didn't think so.
9/11 happened on retards watch
By :censored2: I guess you mean G.W.Bush, in that case you are correct that 9/11 happened during his watch. 8 months into his watch to be more accurate. Bush was still having to rely mostly on data gathered during Clinton's 8 YEARS.
Data that included:

Feb. 26, New York City: bomb exploded in basement garage of World Trade Center, killing 6 and injuring at least 1,040 others. In 1995, militant Islamist Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and 9 others were convicted of conspiracy charges, and in 1998, Ramzi Yousef, believed to have been the mastermind, was convicted of the bombing. Al-Qaeda involvement is suspected.
Nov. 13, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: car bomb exploded at U.S. military headquarters, killing 5 U.S. military servicemen.
June 25, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia: truck bomb exploded outside Khobar Towers military complex, killing 19 American servicemen and injuring hundreds of others. 13 Saudis and a Lebanese, all alleged members of Islamic militant group Hezbollah, were indicted on charges relating to the attack in June 2001.
Aug. 7, Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: truck bombs exploded almost simultaneously near 2 U.S. embassies, killing 224 (213 in Kenya and 11 in Tanzania) and injuring about 4,500. 4 men connected with al-Qaeda 2 of whom had received training at al-Qaeda camps inside Afghanistan, were convicted of the killings in May 2001 and later sentenced to life in prison. A federal grand jury had indicted 22 men in connection with the attacks, including Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, who remained at large.
Oct. 12, Aden, Yemen: U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole heavily damaged when a small boat loaded with explosives blew up alongside it. 17 sailors killed. Linked to Osama bin Laden, or members of al-Qaeda terrorist network.
Sept. 11, New York City, Arlington, Va., and Shanksville, Pa.: hijackers crashed 2 commercial jets into twin towers of World Trade Center; 2 more hijacked jets were crashed into the Pentagon and a field in rural Pa. Total dead and missing numbered 2,9921: 2,749 in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in Pa., and 19 hijackers. Islamic al-Qaeda terrorist group blamed. (See September 11, 2001: Timeline of Terrorism.)

All of which went unanswered during Clinton's watch. As did the OK City bombing when reports and witness accounts show McYeigh had connections with possible terrorists from the middle east were swept under the rugs. ALL DURING "loverboy's watch"
History has proven time and time again that you can not tax your way to prosperity. One thing you can count on though, if Obama is elected he's gonna try it one more time.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
History has proven time and time again that you can not tax your way to prosperity. One thing you can count on though, if Obama is elected he's gonna try it one more time.

I'm fearful and quite sure that Obama will be elected. Mostly due to the fact the that general public is misinformed about Obama and is only relying on bumper sticker politics and the ability of liberals to use emotion and lies to convince said public that he is the better candidate. One thing I do take comfort in knowing is that if is elected he will probably be a one term president. The general public will wake up and realize that the brand of extreme liberalism that Obama will bring to the White House should be kept out of office.
What I find most interesting about Big 0 is that since his political career began he has been extreme left wing liberal. Yet once he got into the Presidential race (primaries) he has switched more to the center in his speeches and promises. The man is still and always will be an extremist at his core. He will drift back to what he has always stood for, to what he truly is.


Well-Known Member
I heard Obama talking about rallying all these young people to do volunteer work in hospitals and other public areas of life. How the heck do unions who want jobs for paid union workers, back a guy who wants to promote young people doing volunteer work in exchange for college tuition credits? Where is the nurses union when your candidate starts talking that way? Or, do you already know he is totally full of it? That "chicken in every pot" angle is nothing new.
SENDAGAIN, That's a lame excuse to not VOTE for OBAMA, Everyone knows OBAMA is talking about the youth giving back to the community in exchange for college tuition so the government doesn't have to pay for every little thing.

Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Please explain your logic ...I sure the hell can not understand the comparison. I am not racist in any manner and have been singled out by Blacks I work with as being a good guy.
If you are trying to piss me off, you have certainly done it.

I am assuming at this point you did not spend much time studying World or American history.
Unions grew out of the Marxist and Hegelian philosophies, which became to be known as Socialism.
Unions by their very nature are Socialist. I am an ex-Union member and personally support "organized labor" representing an individual or group of individuals against a company.
Hell, I'm looking to the day when the Teamsters get off their dead butts and organize FedEx. Incidentally, if Obama is elected then the chances of this happening will be much greater than if McCain is elected. Win-Win situation for me and UPS.
I am not a Socialist but I respect the right of Unions and Democrats to have their Socialistic views...and as for being a bit of a hypocrite, I look forward to drawing Social Security. Social Securit is a Socialist program.
Well Hoaxter, You seem to have a different tone now, For some reason in your last post you were comparing Obaoma to socialism and France, I'm just saying with that kind of thinking your not going to believe a word I say.


Man of Great Wisdom
I've been working for 30 years and no matter who was president and how good or bad the economy I always seem to have money in the bank, food on the table, ice cold beer in the fridge and most important, Football on autumn afternoons.


Well-Known Member
You are brainwashed and I think you should give your salary back and don't use your vacation time, health insurance ect......but you will have a job! You may as well give back your Union Card because McCain will not do anything for Labor as Mike posted.....

Go now and Vote for your Captured Conrad that left his maimed wife for a millionaire heir......He will certainly help you and the maimed vets coming home to a bankrupted ecomony!

Hey Drewed, Where are the WMD's at?

That is all I want to know.......
Paidslave, I couldn't have said it better.


Well-Known Member
Mike you're discrediting the intelligence of this crowd here with this third grade rhetoric.

Republican leadership has always reached out to union members. there is no evil plot by the republicans to eliminate unions and return everyone to substandard wages. Try to mature your argument if you can.
Tieguy, I just go based on the facts, I'm no a real polital guy but I do know who's on my side. Both Biden and Obama have been continuesly endorsed by UNIONS in there district. WHY? Because they are willing to work with unions on fair pay and bennefits at the same time see to it that corporations can reamin profitable, Win-Win for everyone. Fair days work, Fair days pay.


All Coservative radio and republican leaders continue to talk about how UNIONS continue to bring down companies. Example: Newt, Rush, Bush Jr, Reagan. Remember the airline strike that Reagan told to "Get back to work or lose your jobs"?

TIEGUY, If your pro-union then your going against your Republican views, Just listen to conservative radio or the Republican leaders.

TIEGUY, Can you name one Republican that has been Endorsed by the Teamsters?

Or a Republican that did a photo-op with the Teamsters?

Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, anyone who doesn't want Obama as President must be a racist.

Oh yeah... We have the benifit (sic) of NAFTA, the most anti-union move ever made (Thank you Democratic President Bill Clinton)

How 'bout EMPLOY you??? How 'bout electing a President who actually employs Union people? How 'bout electing John McCain, who through his family, EMPLOYS Union people?
Nothing like supporting organized labor like EMPLOYING them!
Over9five, Have you gone off the deep end. Go ahead and suport your republicans for abortion, and anti-gay and tax cuts for the rich. BUT

Please don'rt try to fool anyone into thinking a Republican is going to suport anything UNION. Just listen to your favorite conservative AM radio show in the morning.

Republicans in my center wish the Republican leadership would do a better job working with UNIONS.

It's true and you know it but your going to vote Republican no matter waht.


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree with Mike on this. Ive never voted in my life, like other people have mentioned in this thread its gonna be the same bs no matter who is elected. However the way everything is going down right now i registered to vote and my vote is going to Obama. I can respect Obama and some of the choices hes made in life. He wasnt given anything he had to work for it. I respect that. Mccain gets no respect from me what so ever hes all about the money and the big corporations go figure him and Fred S are good friends (very anti union man). Theyre all about making the rich richer and I dont understand how my fellow brothers and sisters can want to vote for this man (I do respect your opinion though) I just dont understand. The way I see it Mccain gets elected then theres a few people (the rich) who benifit from it while the masses suffer for it the (poor and the middle class).
Why vote for a man who is rewarding companys for going overseas? Why not support a president who wants to keep jobs in America? Im not democrat or republican I have no label I choose the person who I think will best represent me and my country.
HYENA, That's all I'm talking about. I'm trying to stick to the Teamsters and UPS and who would best suport our cause and our childrens cause. Clearly Obama will represent the Teamsters far better than any republican, In Fact, most all Republican leaders feel there is no need for a UNION!


Staff member
Please don'rt try to fool anyone into thinking a Republican is going to suport anything UNION.

I don't have to fool anyone. Why aren't you supporting a candidate who supports you by EMPLOYING UNION WORKERS?

Republicans in my center wish the Republican leadership would do a better job working with UNIONS.

They work with you by giving you a paycheck. How many UNION workers does Obama employ?

It's true and you know it but your going to vote Republican no matter waht.

You got that right!


Well-Known Member
Dont worry i turned in mhy union card long ago

But either way my logic isnt flawed vote Obama in get your higher wages he doesnt fix the economy we lose jobs, a whole lot of good that raise did you....

Im the brainwashed one? youre putting the good of the union over the good of the country....thall shouldnt toss rocks when ones in the glass house....
I don't even see your logic, I guess that's your way of saying you can't find one good reason the Teamsters would endorse McCain?

Next your going to tell me the same ol"

Lower Taxes for the Rich and pray for a trickle down.

Like I said that boat don't float anymore

and BTW, WE HAVE ALREADY LOST ALL THOSE JOBS, uNEMPLOYMENT IS UP, people are losing there houses, Banks are going under, Companys are moving overseas. nEED i GO ON. All this under Republican Leadership.

And your worried about OBAMA?


Well-Known Member
I vote for the candidate that I believe can do the best job of leading this country. It really is that simple. There are so many silly, bipartisan notions regarding party affiliations and what they represent. Don't buy into that. There is a perception that the Democrats are weak and can't lead the nation in a time of foreign turmoil. the reality is that during both world wars, vietnam, and korea we had democrats as commander in chief. The other common misconception is that the republicans are the fiscally responsible leaders, yet the great stock market crash of 1929 and black monday in 1987 were both presided over by republican presidents. Jimmy Carter is often derided as some kind of imbecile, but his biography is chock-full of winning policies and brilliant ideas. FDR is revered as the genius behind the New Deal that dragged us from the Great Depression, when in fact most New Deal policies were created by Raymond Moley who was actually a staunch conservative and a vocal Republican.
The point I am making so long windedly is this: ignore politics when making important political decisions. Choose the right candidate and leave the politics to the washington blowhards.
Scoobypanda, Good call.


Nine Lives
Well Hoaxter, You seem to have a different tone now, For some reason in your last post you were comparing Obaoma to socialism and France, I'm just saying with that kind of thinking your not going to believe a word I say.

Mike, seems you are a budding politician (can I call you Sarah), since you did not answer the question as to why you called me a racist.

Also, I do not back down from calling Obama a Socialist and that he sounds like a French politician.
I also happen to think George Bush is much more of a Socialist than I care for. The Democratic party tends to be much more Socialist than the Republicans and the Democrats in the last two presidential elections have nominated candidates that have very strong Socialist views.

I also realize that this is just my point of view based on 35 years of voting experience, study of Western history, and the study of Western philosophy developments starting back in the 1700s. Socialism is a viable form of Government and if that is what the majority of a democratic country's population wants, then that's the way it is. See my signature..."It is what it is."

Also, I am a Libertarian that votes for Democrats and Republicans in addition to my party's candidates and my philosophy is based more on Kant than on Sartre.

I respect your's or anyone else's right to a different opinion and furthermore, will not resort to malicious slurs just because someone does not agree with what I believe.

And, as compared to you, I seem to have a more open mind and am willing to listen and adjust my beliefs based on considered, rational thoughts presented by others. I assume you are a young 20 something based on your wildly emotional outburst and close-mindedness...therefore, I forgive you.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe Obama is the answer at all. I still am not convinced about the Rev. Wright issue. You can't tell me Obama was not taught by that nut for 20 yrs and some how wasn't there for the comments we all saw on tv. I will not be suprized at all if something else will pop up between now and Nov 4. What about William Ayres. I know if I were serving on a board with him. I would not be any where near him or any board he was on. The main stream media wants him.No way will they dig the way they would for someone they hate. Also Mike this is no place for the race card. Hoax I applaud your comment!!!!McCain/Palin-Middle class is AMERICA. Obama is TAX the middle class..Who would vote for some one who says that.
oh my god 10 2 go, So I take it McCain has no option now but to just go NEGATIVE. Let's not talk about the failed economy under your Republican leadership. Jobls lost, High Unemployment, Bank Failures, Bail outs, homes lost.

All this (and more) under your Republican leadership.

NO, LETS JUST GO NEGATIVE AND pray that the american people forget about the failed economics of the Republican leadership. Yeah, That's the ticket.

Let's talk about Bill Ayers or better let's talk about the Rev Wright, Yeah, that will distract from the economy and we can do more damage, Perhaps we can bust the UNIONS.

Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Im not debating work ethics with you, my point is people want to pick a canidate completely based on that its who the union picked. Which is the most idiotic thing ever.
Think for yourself people
Drewd, That's exactly what myself and many americans are doing now "Think for yourself". For "Myself" My UNION has helped me receive a fair days work at a fair days pay and benefits while at the same time my company (UPS) still makes BILLIONS. Sounds good to me. I'm not going to be coned by the Republican party anymore and pretend to do what's "Good for the country.

Give me a break.