Teamsters local 623 trustee Gray throws out Vote No fliers in UPS PHL airport

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
How can you delete your posts? I think that option goes away after a few minutes.

So what are you babbling about?

If you were here 20 minutes ago you'd know what I was talking about. The guy that started this thread "PHLtroublemaker" is one of the Integrity Slate guys. Not sure which one, but he was verbally insulting drivers in a center next to mine assuming I was one of them. One is a Shop Steward, and a stand-up guy. This is what they do. They attack members, insult them online on this site and on Facebook. It's the most unprofessional Slate to run in the two plus decades I've driven for Brown. Completely disrespectful, and embarrassing to even be remotely associated with them. I go to almost every Union meeting, and these guys running for office hardly ever show up! I know that's anecdotal, but sadly it's true. On one such occasion I bore witness to one of the saddest examples of their entire run for office. Their lead guy stands up and starts saying "where are all the jobs that were promised? They're not in the contract!" Then he was shown what page it was on in the contract, and after they looked at it for a few minutes they walked out humiliated! These guys don't even know the contract they're trying to fight for!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If you were here 20 minutes ago you'd know what I was talking about. The guy that started this thread "PHLtroublemaker" is one of the Integrity Slate guys. Not sure which one, but he was verbally insulting drivers in a center next to mine assuming I was one of them. One is a Shop Steward, and a stand-up guy. This is what they do. They attack members, insult them online on this site and on Facebook. It's the most unprofessional Slate to run in the two plus decades I've driven for Brown. Completely disrespectful, and embarrassing to even be remotely associated with them. I go to almost every Union meeting, and these guys running for office hardly ever show up! I know that's anecdotal, but sadly it's true. On one such occasion I bore witness to one of the saddest examples of their entire run for office. Their lead guy stands up and starts saying "where are all the jobs that were promised? They're not in the contract!" Then he was shown what page it was on in the contract, and after they looked at it for a few minutes they walked out humiliated! These guys don't even know the contract they're trying to fight for!
Too long. Falling asleep. Can't read all that.

Learn to make a point with fewer words next time.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
There were several posts deleted for personal attacks and mentioning somebody's actual name. This is against Brown Cafe policy, try to keep it civil guys.

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
There were several posts deleted for personal attacks and mentioning somebody's actual name. This is against Brown Cafe policy, try to keep it civil guys.

That's the point. These Integrity Slate guys are known throughout the local for this kind of stuff. This is not the kind of people you want running for office. Unprofessional scumbags. Its no wonder his wife cheated on him with a sup and left his sorry ass. Just happy I won't have to see them run again and will be retired by then. (Knock on wood)

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Got the T-Shirt
The guy that started this thread "PHLtroublemaker" is one of the Integrity Slate guys. Not sure which one, but he was verbally insulting drivers in a center next to mine assuming I was one of them.

He has posted all over Facebook.... with No attempt to conceal his identity.

I thought the point was well made. You took issue cause someone was pointing out failures in OG challengers.

That is how TDU people operate.

In the shadows.

realbrown1.... has been here just over a year.

But, limits access to his BrownCafe profile. There is a name for that....




Well-Known Member
Marne vet. There's a stripper that started on orepa preload. Come in early and knock her up too. Hang out with your boy rw and do some scan checks.... How's the basement rf

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Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Marne vet. There's a stripper that started on orepa preload. Come in early and knock her up too. Hang out with your boy rw and do some scan checks.... How's the basement rf

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What does that even mean? You're trying to insult my wife now too? You still think I'm someone else? Haha. Too funny. Keep throwing out insults against random members. This is why you'll never hold an office in Local 623. Leaders don't act like this. They take criticism and handle it in a professional manner. There's nothing professional about you. These guys in Mayfair must've done something to really get under your skin. You won't stop talking about them.

Another fine example from Bob and exactly why no one voted for him.

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Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Just a thought....


TDU is getting desperate.


That describes their Slate to the letter. I go to most, not all, but most of the meetings. I like seeing guys I started with that have either retired, or have moved on to Feeders etc. I never see this guy Bob at the meetings. He wants to hold an office, but as you can see all he does is insult the membership. He has no clue who I am, but in his mind I'm a guy in a nearby center that I'm pretty sure doesn't even have half the amount of time in I do. This Integrity Slate (irony) doesn't go to meetings, but criticizes the leadership about decisions they don't even go to voice their opinions about, and then just attacks them everywhere up to including handing out flyers with photoshopped pictures of them. It's the most disrespectful, unprofessional Slate I've ever seen. They just don't get it. Look how he handles himself here. This is the guy that wants to lead a local people.

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nowhere special
TDU when it was first created was useful to shake up the old union but it has definitely morphed into not much more than pointless troublemakers. TDU is not the same beast now that it used to be for sure. Hoffa and his bunch still have problems and the rank and file are stuck in between with few options.

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Sorry Bob, but that's not me. She's a hottie though. Do you always just assume you're right? You keep thinking that's me. Did he cheat on your wife or something? I would really love to hear the backstory on why that dude got under your skin. Kudos to him.

This is one of the reasons you weren't elected. You did the same thing with contractual info, and TeamCare. You kept assuming you knew what you were talking about, and bad mouthed anyone that confronted you. The more you reply the more you look bad, and I'm definitely saving all of these posts to pass along to the Hall. Thank you for just being you. :)

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
He has posted all over Facebook.... with No attempt to conceal his identity.

That is how TDU people operate.

In the shadows.

realbrown1.... has been here just over a year.

But, limits access to his BrownCafe profile. There is a name for that....



Trying to look at my profile?
