Well-Known Member
You're just mad the white cop didn't get the death penalty. You racist. Lol. And yes, I did demonstrate the contradiction. Sorry if it hurts to deal with ideas not spoon fed to you by your racist media overlords.

I'm not mad he got convicted. He tried to plead guilty to third degree murder. He got what he deserved. I just like to point out obviously racist jurors who can't reason for themselves.
The 12 jurors were selected by both both the prosecution and the defense. Lol


I'm a star
He was convicted on all 3 charges. He will be doing more time than a plea. But keep on believing in your boy lol

"As part of the deal, officials now say, he was willing to go to prison for more than 10 years," the Times reported. "Local officials, scrambling to end the community's swelling anger, scheduled a news conference to announce the deal."
For someone with no criminal history such as Chauvin, the suggested sentencing range for unintentional second-degree murder and third degree murder is the same — from just over 10 and a half years to 15 years in prison. The recommended median sentence is 12 and a half years

So brave. Your boy Chauvin will be back on the street in no time, would have been longer and less waste of taxpayer dollars if they took the plea.

The 12 jurors were selected by both both the prosecution and the defense. Lol

And any of the ones who might have been objective recused themselves by saying they feared for their lives by being on the jury, leaving only the racist mob appeasers. Oops.


Well-Known Member

"As part of the deal, officials now say, he was willing to go to prison for more than 10 years," the Times reported. "Local officials, scrambling to end the community's swelling anger, scheduled a news conference to announce the deal."

So brave. Your boy Chauvin will be back on the street in no time, would have been longer and less waste of taxpayer dollars if they took the plea.

And any of the ones who might have been objective recused themselves by saying they feared for their lives by being on the jury, leaving only the racist mob appeasers. Oops.
The justice system only works against black and brown people in your eyes. Thx for playing......


Well-Known Member
All cops serve time in PC. Protective Custody. Can’t put em general pop for obvious reasons. The pressure to convict this guy and quell any future riots and looting was huge. I suspect he will be a free man sooner than later. Just simply disappear.


Well-Known Member
All cops serve time in PC. Protective Custody. Can’t put em general pop for obvious reasons. The pressure to convict this guy and quell any future riots and looting was huge. I suspect he will be a free man sooner than later. Just simply disappear.
Guys like him usually don't last long in confinement. Too weak minded to be productive while locked up and more than likely will end up hanging himself in his cell.

El Correcto

god is dead
Didn't take a rocket surgeon to see where he was going with his preemptive election fraud narrative and to also take a guess at what might come after November 3 .

Trump has signaled he won't accept an election loss. Many of his voters agree.

U.S. election: What happens if Trump loses to Biden, but refuses to concede?

"President Donald Trump has refused to say he’d accept the results of the election in the event that he loses, and in the closing days of the race, some of his supporters have taken his faulty or unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud to heart.

At a packed outdoor rally in this battleground state Wednesday, Trump said the polls that show him trailing the Democratic nominee Joe Biden are “fake,” drawing boos from the crowd and raising their expectations of victory. He also said he feared voter fraud, which studies have repeatedly found to be extremely rare, and in most cases nonexistent.

“The biggest problem we have is if they cheat with the ballots. That's my biggest problem,” he told supporters at the Phoenix Goodyear Airport this week. “That's my only thing — that's the only thing I worry about.”

U.S. President Donald Trump is doubling down on claims that the upcoming election could be rigged, leading experts to sound the alarm over what could be the country’s first non-peaceful transition of power.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Trump would not commit to a peaceful transfer, should he lose to Democratic candidate Joe Biden on Nov. 3.

“Well we’re going to have to see what happens,” he said. “You know that I’ve been complaining about the ballots, the ballots are a disaster.”

“There won’t be a transfer, frankly,” he said. “There’ll be a continuation.”

On Friday, Trump again sowed doubt about the election results, saying the only way he would lose is “if there’s mischief.”

my gawd!!! The democrats planned to refuse to accept the result of the election because of voter suppression! These people are insert erections as wel!!!!!

You’re only lying to yourself by believing those people, wake up before the country is lost.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Guys like him usually don't last long in confinement. Too weak minded to be productive while locked up and more than likely will end up hanging himself in his cell.
I dunno. He might hold out hope that there’s a chance of becoming a Fox News analyst in the TSA (Trumpee States of America) in 10-15 years if the hard left/Democrats have become so insufferable that the southern states have seceded en masse by then.


I'm a star
I dunno. He might hold out hope that there’s a chance of becoming a Fox News analyst in the TSA (Trumpee States of America) in 10-15 years if the hard left/Democrats have become so insufferable that the southern states have seceded en masse by then.

I wonder if kicking states out of the US would be easier than seceding. Let's make sure to include DC.


Inordinately Right
This is the kind of thing you see in totalitarian countries. Democrats are truly disgusting anti American trash.
