The End is Nigh


Well-Known Member
Hear ye hear ye, and all that all that all that. Ye ole Meat character (emphasis on the capital “M”) declares the end is nigh.

Why did Mr. Giuliani “shift gears”, and proclaim that there could have been collusion with Russia and Trump’s staff, but not Trump himself.

Hear ye hear ye - the narrative keeps shifting.

“There was no contact whatsoever” became “there was no collusion whatsoever”, and “there was no collusion whatsoever” became “Mr. Trump, himself, never colluded with Russia”.

What gives partisan morons?


Well-Known Member
Saw all that miles beforehand.

But, honestly, the only thing that’s gonna get Trump out of office is:

He loses the next Primary to another Republican, or...

He gets beat by a Dem in the actual Prez election after surviving Primary challenges.

What a toolbag, it’s so obvious how much of a n00b he is, sad...


Well-Known Member
Saw all that miles beforehand.

But, honestly, the only thing that’s gonna get Trump out of office is:

He loses the next Primary to another Republican, or...

He gets beat by a Dem in the actual Prez election after surviving Primary challenges.

What a toolbag, it’s so obvious how much of a n00b he is, sad...
I agree. The greatest threat to the nation is Trump's behavior if he should lose the nomination. And rest assured main stream Republican's are completely capable of throwing Trump under the bus if it appears that the GOP could go down to their worst political defeat in decades come 2020. Losing 9 governors and 40 House seats sent the party a wake up call.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Hear ye hear ye, and all that all that all that. Ye ole Meat character (emphasis on the capital “M”) declares the end is nigh.

Why did Mr. Giuliani “shift gears”, and proclaim that there could have been collusion with Russia and Trump’s staff, but not Trump himself.

Hear ye hear ye - the narrative keeps shifting.

“There was no contact whatsoever” became “there was no collusion whatsoever”, and “there was no collusion whatsoever” became “Mr. Trump, himself, never colluded with Russia”.

What gives partisan morons?



Well-Known Member
5-D chess while Mueller is playing checkers. Art of the Deal. MAGAAAAAAA
Judging by the reports coming out tonight and if they are confirmed Leopold and Cormier may end up becoming the Woodward and Bernstein of their generation......At least Nixon was allowed to walk out the front door and get on the helicopter when he was kicked out of the WH but judging by the way things are unfolding when Trump walks out that very same front door for the last time he discovers that the helicopter is nowhere to be seen just a battalion of federal agents standing there with handcuffs and a warrant.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Hear ye hear ye, and all that all that all that. Ye ole Meat character (emphasis on the capital “M”) declares the end is nigh.

Why did Mr. Giuliani “shift gears”, and proclaim that there could have been collusion with Russia and Trump’s staff, but not Trump himself.

Hear ye hear ye - the narrative keeps shifting.

“There was no contact whatsoever” became “there was no collusion whatsoever”, and “there was no collusion whatsoever” became “Mr. Trump, himself, never colluded with Russia”.

What gives partisan morons?
This is number 73 in the wave of accusations that's going to sink the Trump presidency.
By the middle of next week, this mighty wave will be another ripple.
And we can add it to the stack of lies by the Dimwit Libturds on here.
If I had been wrong the number of times y'all have, I would be afraid to show up on Brown cafe.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
This is number 73 in the wave of accusations that's going to sink the Trump presidency.
By the middle of next week, this mighty wave will be another ripple.
And we can add it to the stack of lies by the Dimwit Libturds on here.
If I had been wrong the number of times y'all have, I would be afraid to show up on Brown cafe.
You’re wrong everyday, doesn’t seem to slow you down though.