The first day of the 118th Congress ended Tuesday without a Speaker of the House


Well-Known Member
It's a fact that Putin did interfere in our elections in favor of trump. Deny all you want.
Here you can see a leftist take an argument, and only use one part of it to try and prove an invalid point. Putin is going to do whatever he wants. Who cares so did Obama. Trump had nothing to do with it. You have to understand the argument before you make a statement.


Well-Known Member
How will the MAGA crowd live without knowing if Hunter snorted coke off a Chinese hookers butt in a hotel paid for by Russian mob money?
They can ask you. You've certainly learned to ignore the Biden family selling out to get rich. It's the Democratic way.


All Trash No Trailer
Last 24 hours: Rudy sued for sexual harassment, male staffer says he was groped by Matt Schlapp, Kilmeade called Freedom Caucus insurrectionists, Hannity attacked Boebert, Ali called MTG a whore, McCarthy fails again, Mace called Gaetz a fraud, Loomer called MTG Benedict Arnold.

tenor (10).gif


Well-Known Member
The important fact is the GOP now controls congress and the Dems are looking in, out of power. Once the dust settles, and it will, since this is all nothing new as it has all happened before, Republicans will be setting the agenda.
It only controls the House of Representatives. And by a margin so small they is no way the GOP could override a presidential veto. .