The Lie Machine


Für Meno :)
For the record, Obama's Hit List is (credit to Bill Clinton for some help):
1)Glenn Beck
2)Larry Sinclair
3)Rep. Joe Wilson
4)Sarah Palin
5)Sean Hannity
6)Orly Taitz
7)Pat Boone
8)Jon Voight
9)Rush Limbaugh
10)Ann Coulter
11)Rupert Murdoch
12)Jesse Jackson
13)Dick Cheney
14)Bill O'Reilly
15)Toby Keith
16)Rex Rammell
17)Hank Williams Jr.
18)Steven Anderson
19)Saul Anuzis
20)Michelle Malkin
21)Baba gounj

Fixed it for ya ! :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Just for wkmac:,-Pundits!-Heres-Whats-Up-With-the-Republicans

In the earliest decades of this nation -- before this nation was even a nation -- four waves of settlers arrived from Britain. The first three waves landed in New England, the Southern Colonies and the Middle Colonies, respectively, and each defined the culture of its own region. The fourth wave came in mostly through the Middle Colonies, but it didn't stay there. Instead, it migrated inland, into the Appalachian mountain range. It spread south, then west, through the Tennessee River Valley. It crossed the Mississippi River into Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. And because of its greater willingness to migrate, it's reached into almost every corner of this country.

The fact that this culture has, to a greater or lesser degree, influenced almost every part of America, doesn't mean that it is America. It's only one color in the mosaic. Yet it claims a monopoly on "American values," and incredibly, the media let it get away with that.

Here's why the media are wrong.

Yeah that's the Border Reviers. They are proud and still exist today, even have websites. Here's the UK site and here's the US. Reive in early english means, "to rob."

Now for a wee little history lesson so pay attention. I'm guessing you assumed the prefix Mac (meaning "son of" same as the jewish prefix "ben" or arabic "bin") and then the talk of Scot-Irish and you had me pegged. Well that could work except for one slight problem. Mac is gaelic and therefore of "Highland" not lowland origin. Also not only at each of the sites above but also in wikipedia under the article Border Reivers are the listings of the family names of Border or what some now called "borderers", peoples. Let's see, looking over the list......well nice try anyway on your part and as I said earlier, Interesting!

One other little side note of little importance I know but the border reivers don't use the highland term "clan" but use the lowland term "graynes". Now they mean the same thing but then other interchangable words with clan are family, folk, and even race. They all mean the same thing in historic terms but in our modern stupidity we wrongly ascribe them to something else. Helps when we do so which allows others to manipulate us. Also if one like myself dare attend a Reiver gathering in my kilt, I'd be immediately scolded and sent away (for one, I'm a highlander, not a lowlander) and borderers held the practice of wearing pants. Being mounted horseman (unlike highland clansman) wearing a kilt might leave one a little saddle sore if you get my drift!

Another tradition of the Highlands was Crann Tara and was a declaration of war and a means to assemble the members of the highland clan from the area. This once proud and noble highland tradition was sadly hijacked in America in the 20th century for the purposes of (see the next section quoting wikipedia.) Crann Tara was also known as the "burning cross." Might as well touch on that for it's truth before you pull it out from the dustbin of modern false imagery. An imagery I might add used wrongly by both sides in modern America. I would damn them all to hell for it if I believed in such false places. I gave up Horus and Set and later manifestations a long time ago. When it comes to religion, I like Tom Paine's direction.

The opening scene of Langdon's lecture in the Da Vinci Code is OH SO TRUE! If yet we could only learn something from it! Understanding the nature and history of false magery would go a long way in breaking the backs of those who manipulate us with it.

One other aspect of border life and culture and this comes from the wiki article itself.

The attitudes of the English and Scottish governments towards the border clans alternated between indulgence or even encouragement, as these fierce families served as the first line of defence against invasion from the other side of the border, and draconian and indiscriminate punishment when their lawlessness became intolerable to the authorities.

Well, Well, Well, who else but your prized and cherished State are found to have used and valued these border actions so maybe like so many other interventions in human history of gov't we find the tell-tell finger print of evil all over the place! Sounds like the State and ACORN don't it!



Bad Gas,

Can't agree on your observation of Rolling Stone. Matt Taibbi's article, The Great American Bubble Machine was pure dynamite and exposed the gov't and for that fact what both political parties really are. Maybe the only reason you don't like it is because like Fact Check, you are wedded to one political side of the border and only see that aspect in the publication.

Hmmmm. Border Reivers, divided on 2 sides, devoted to dominating a geo-graphic locale and it's people and wealth.

2 American political parties, divided on 2 sides, devoted to dominating a geo-graphic locale, it's people and wealth.

I think we just found where the descendents of the border reivers actually reside!


Lue C Fur

Evil member
For the record, Obama's Hit List is (credit to Bill Clinton for some help):
1)Glenn Beck
2)Larry Sinclair
3)Rep. Joe Wilson
4)Sarah Palin
5)Sean Hannity
6)Orly Taitz
7)Pat Boone
8)Jon Voight
9)Rush Limbaugh
10)Ann Coulter
11)Rupert Murdoch
12)Jesse Jackson
13)Dick Cheney
14)Bill O'Reilly
15)Toby Keith
16)Rex Rammell
17)Hank Williams Jr.
18)Steven Anderson
19)Saul Anuzis
20)Bill Cunningham
21)Paul Krugman
22)John Rich
23)Wiley Drake
24)Alex Jones
25)Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin is on my "Hit List" ....Giggity.:devil2:


Well-Known Member
susie always sucked up to wkmac.

Walk away Tie as it's known fact that you're the only male here to have your arse whipped by a girl!

You might be better served in the other forum posting gay porno clips. I always knew you were in the closet. speaking of sucking up, wanna do a 68 and I'll owe you one?

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the (rhymes with phone!)


Let's see who can make Tie scream first. Your turn Susie!



Well-Known Member
For the record, Obama's Hit List is (credit to Bill Clinton for some help):
1)Glenn Beck
2)Larry Sinclair
3)Rep. Joe Wilson
4)Sarah Palin
5)Sean Hannity
6)Orly Taitz
7)Pat Boone
8)Jon Voight
9)Rush Limbaugh
10)Ann Coulter
11)Rupert Murdoch
12)Jesse Jackson
13)Dick Cheney
14)Bill O'Reilly
15)Toby Keith
16)Rex Rammell
17)Hank Williams Jr.
18)Steven Anderson
19)Saul Anuzis
20)Bill Cunningham
21)Paul Krugman
22)John Rich
23)Wiley Drake
24)Alex Jones
25)Michelle Malkin

Paul Krugman on an Obama Hit list? You mean this Paul Krugman? Why would Obama find an enemy in Krugman when Krugman literally defends lock, stock and barrel everything Obama does? The guy champions the massive welfare state and has said over and over that if Obama is doing anything wrong, it's not spending enough money.

Why Obama would see it necessary to consider (as in waste time) Pat Boone, Bocephus or Toby some threat is beyond me but the Krugman part makes absolutely no sense at all. The rest for the most part IMO are self agrandizing ego maniacs out to create cults of personality. Public clowns would be the best description and they have their counterparts in folks like Chris Matthews, Keith Blubberman, et al so I guess Vince McMahon is doing a pretty good job of maintaining the balance of good guys/bad guys for the audience who attend and get wrapped up in the big main events!

This is the America bothsides want! I think they got it!



Strength through joy
Bill Clinton helped make-up this list, so maybe a few of his foes were added.

I'm shocked that Michael Savage was not on the list.


Well-Known Member
Here are some lies for ya...Without the drama. Stop spending time on the drama and start talking facts.

We will produce new jobs (stimulus promise)...Still losing jobs (and privious month revisions are lower) but wait, we saved millions...RIGHT!!!

No new taxes on ANYONE making under $250,000...Probably the first thing obama did.

We can save billions on eliminating waste. And it would be very easy to do.(campaign promise)...Nothing done there. Oh wait, It's too early, You can't expect obama to get ANYTHING done in only 9 months.

This took 8 years to create, you can't expect anything to get better in 10 months...Oh please, the only thing that has happened was the stimulus. And TALK. The talk of raising taxes everywhere we can. We still have the same FED policy of nearly free money that many have said helped create our problems.

Hilda Solis.....Labor Secretary (today) "We are doing everything we can"
"Clearly it isn't enough or it isn't working."

What a great week for the shorts.


Walk away Tie as it's known fact that you're the only male here to have your arse whipped by a girl!

You might be better served in the other forum posting gay porno clips. I always knew you were in the closet. speaking of sucking up, wanna do a 68 and I'll owe you one?

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the (rhymes with phone!)

Let's see who can make Tie scream first. Your turn Susie!

Just trying to achieve your level of political smugness where I can sit back and say the country is screwed up and its all your fault not mine.


You've been slowing down a little lately perhaps we can get you to up your quota of 20,000 word postings that no one reads?:rofl:


Well-Known Member
You've been slowing down a little lately perhaps we can get you to up your quota of 20,000 word postings that no one reads?:rofl:

I decided to dumb down my posts to your level!

Actually from an anarchist POV, I take beingblamed for screwing up the country as a great compliment. It needs to be screwed up so it will fall on it's face and then from the ashes we can rebuild our lives of freedom and liberty!


I decided to dumb down my posts to your level!

Actually from an anarchist POV, I take beingblamed for screwing up the country as a great compliment. It needs to be screwed up so it will fall on it's face and then from the ashes we can rebuild our lives of freedom and liberty!

thank you for sharing your superior intellect with us. Burn the country to the ground and rebuild from the ashs. got ya. :rofl:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Whats wrong with Michelle...shes educated, points out the lies of Obama and his left wing nut jobs, and she got the Asian persuasion goin on. Thats hot!!!!:devil3:

Are you serious? Why is it, that someone like Michelle Malkin can get a grip on someone like you and yet, you dont find the hypocrisy of Michelle Malkin Nauseating?

She was once a featured "blowhard" namecaller on the Orielly comedy hour until that fateful day when it was discovered, that she had a little secret...

Yes, the same Michelle Malkin who speaks out against illegal immigration and "border babies". You know the ones, the pregnant hispanic women who cross from mexico to have kids so they become american citizens..

Low and behold, it comes out that Michelle Malkin herself is a BORDER BABY. Yes, the rightwing whackjobs parents were here on EXPIRED student visas when her mother was pregnant, and BANG, Michelle Malkin is an AMERICAN CITIZEN.

Her parents, now having an american daughter didnt leave the country when they were suppose to, and stayed here ILLEGALLY for years.

They came from the Phillipines and were ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country taking advantage of every free program out there at the time.

Bill Orielly was forced to drop her as a featured guest to save his own rear from those claiming he was a hypocrite.

She married and changed her name, trying to hide her own past by blasting those trying to make their own life in the US.

She is the most hated person in the media in California, even as far as having her children threatened over and over, forcing her to put them in school after school to avoid controversy.

Right wingers like her style of diarrhea of the mouth cause it suits there sentiments.

Dont embarrass yourself by hitching your wagons to this POS Illegal Alien byproduct.

If you hate illegal immigration, then you should really hate this wretch.


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Are you serious? Why is it, that someone like Michelle Malkin can get a grip on someone like you and yet, you dont find the hypocrisy of Michelle Malkin Nauseating?

She was once a featured "blowhard" namecaller on the Orielly comedy hour until that fateful day when it was discovered, that she had a little secret...

Yes, the same Michelle Malkin who speaks out against illegal immigration and "border babies". You know the ones, the pregnant hispanic women who cross from mexico to have kids so they become american citizens..

Low and behold, it comes out that Michelle Malkin herself is a BORDER BABY. Yes, the rightwing whackjobs parents were here on EXPIRED student visas when her mother was pregnant, and BANG, Michelle Malkin is an AMERICAN CITIZEN.

Her parents, now having an american daughter didnt leave the country when they were suppose to, and stayed here ILLEGALLY for years.

They came from the Phillipines and were ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country taking advantage of every free program out there at the time.

Bill Orielly was forced to drop her as a featured guest to save his own rear from those claiming he was a hypocrite.

She married and changed her name, trying to hide her own past by blasting those trying to make their own life in the US.

She is the most hated person in the media in California, even as far as having her children threatened over and over, forcing her to put them in school after school to avoid controversy.

Right wingers like her style of diarrhea of the mouth cause it suits there sentiments.

Dont embarrass yourself by hitching your wagons to this POS Illegal Alien byproduct.

If you hate illegal immigration, then you should really hate this wretch.


The point is....ID STILL HIT IT!!!! :wink2:


Well-Known Member
On the first day of August, a mob of 200 right-wing Texans stormed the parking lot of a Randalls grocery store in southwest Austin. They were united in a single goal: Disrupt the "office hours" that Rep. Lloyd Doggett, the district's congressman, had scheduled for his constituents. The protesters targeted Doggett for his role in crafting the House's bill to reform health care, brandishing signs that read "No Government Health Care" and "No Government Counselor in My Home!!!" But their anger seemed to encompass a universe of conservative fears: higher taxes, illegal immigration, socialism. The threat of violence was thinly veiled: One agitator held aloft a tombstone with the name Doggett. Screaming, "Just say no!" the mob chased Doggett through the parking lot to an aide's car — roaring with approval as he fled the scene.

Conservatives were quick to insist that the near-riot — the first of many town-hall mobs that would dominate the headlines in August — was completely spontaneous. The protesters didn't show up "because of some organized group," Rick Scott, the head of Conservatives for Patients' Rights, told reporters. "They're mad about the stimulus bill, the bailout, the economy. Now they see that their health care is about to be taken over by the government."

In fact, Scott's own group had played an integral role in mobilizing the protesters. According to internal documents obtained by Rolling Stone, Conservatives for Patients' Rights had been working closely for weeks as a "coalition partner" with three other right-wing groups in a plot to unleash irate mobs at town-hall meetings just like Doggett's. Far from representing a spontaneous upwelling of populist rage, the protests were tightly orchestrated from the top down by corporate-funded front groups as well as top lobbyists for the health care industry. Call it the return of the Karl Rove playbook: The effort to mobilize the angriest fringe of the Republican base was guided by a conservative dream team that included the same GOP henchmen who Swift-boated John Kerry in 2004, smeared John McCain in 2000, wrote the script for Republican obstructionism on global warming, and harpooned the health care reform effort led by Hillary Clinton in 1993.
Socialism is what makes America great.