The religion of peace strikes again...


Staff member
The wording of your question needs some help and you didnt capatalize God which also make the question a bit confusing. Sorry not trying to be more correct but it does make a big difference.:wink2:

A ) I did say it was a trick question.
B) In fairness to all religions throughout the centuries, "god" was not capitalized on purpose. When one speaks of Thor, or Zeus, or any of the inhabitants of Valhalla, they are spoken of as the Norse gods, not Norse Gods (unless in a title of literary work). I believe to capitalize "god" in this venue would have necessarily narrowed the scope to the monotheistic religions leaving out such religions as Hinduism and even native American religions.


NYC bomb suspect seized aboard Dubai-bound plane
May 4 12:17 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writers

NEW YORK (AP) - A Pakistani-born U.S. citizen was hauled off a plane about to fly to the Middle East and arrested in the failed attempt to explode a bomb-laden SUV in Times Square, authorities said Tuesday. One official said he claimed to have acted alone.

allah be praised the infidel was caught!:happy2:


Well-Known Member
A ) I did say it was a trick question.
B) In fairness to all religions throughout the centuries, "god" was not capitalized on purpose. When one speaks of Thor, or Zeus, or any of the inhabitants of Valhalla, they are spoken of as the Norse gods, not Norse Gods (unless in a title of literary work). I believe to capitalize "god" in this venue would have necessarily narrowed the scope to the monotheistic religions leaving out such religions as Hinduism and even native American religions.

Well the only problem w/ your statement is that the other religions dont have Elijah as a prophet and didnt have that situation you speak of. If Im wrong educate me.


Staff member
The question was which world religion. Elijah was not named so as to leave open any religion with such a prophet. One would need to know two things to correctly answer the question. 1) The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal and 2) that all three of the religions with Abraham as their patriarch recognize Elijah as a prophet. The overall point being that NONE of these three religions are "religions of peace" though all three seem at times to promote peace. As always, it's easier to hate when steeped in ignorance (on all sides) but as always we have more in common than we first realize.


Well-Known Member
You stated religion had nothing to do with the attack, so what was the motivation if they weren't motivated by their religion?


Their religious extremism is what brought them to this point to begin with. Its the main motivation behind everything they do, and had we let them control Afghanistan they would likely be teaming up with Al Queada to attempt something similar because we are the "great satan".

Listen to what your saying.....It's like the bread-spread on a NY deli sandwich named after George Bush Jr....
History recounts (other than Breitbart's) our involvement in the Middle-East. I'll give the condensed Reader's Digest version... From installing the Shah of Iran in the supplying Saddam and Company Arms and WMD during the Iraq/Iran War....supplying more arms to Osama and the Afgh Rebels....over-extending our Armies welcome and taking up residense in the Holyland.... Iraq/Afgh/Paki innocent casualties of war.... Oh, and did I mention the hard-on we have for Israel ?

Ok, I'll give you, Old World history vs Religion was synonymous with war, torture and domination. And still today small Countries, factions and tribes war over religion and territory, like our domestic gangbangers war over colors...Unlike the teachings though, Religion is used by Zealots as a firestarter to start regional flare ups..... But what prelongs it... Agression ?Revenge ? Domination ? What does agression, revenge, and domination do ?..... Breeds hate ? ....At this point, throw your religion out the door, because at this point, man no longer represents his religion on neither side....

Religious Muslims have it's extremists and fanatics, but so do we. Thank God, the Constitution prevents our Religious fanatics from injecting church into state. ( That was an oxymoron statement)
But the truth is....many if not most Middle Easterners do secretly embrace the West for our pop culture and our freedom, had we not blown up their family members....Do you think if one entity bombs and occupies a village of Atheists, they are not going to fight back an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth because they have no religion, no God...Oh well flame on...


golden ticket member
That Horowitz clip absolutely infuriates me !!! That rag-headed beeatch......!!
Why do we even have an organization like MSA on an American Campus when even ROTC has trouble being there ??

I'm sick of it !! I am officially a bigot against all head covered people including the babooshkas on the old ladies in the Catholic Church. Dammit !! :biting:

I'll bet is somebody checked, she's probably getting a reduction in her tuition....another smack in our faces!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
That Horowitz clip absolutely infuriates me !!! That rag-headed beeatch......!!
Why do we even have an organization like MSA on an American Campus when even ROTC has trouble being there ??

I'm sick of it !! I am officially a bigot against all head covered people including the babooshkas on the old ladies in the Catholic Church. Dammit !! :biting:

I'll bet is somebody checked, she's probably getting a reduction in her tuition....another smack in our faces!!

"if you dont condem Hamas then you support it"...that pretty much sums it up.

Col. West is right on...I would like to see him run against the Messiah in 2012.:happy2:


Strength through joy
(Fox News) — They may call it the “Land of the Pure,” but Pakistan turns out to be anything but.
The Muslim country, which has banned content on at least 17 websites to block offensive and blasphemous material, is the world’s leader in online searches for pornographic material, has learned.
“You won’t find strip clubs in Islamic countries. Most Islamic countries have certain dress codes,” said Gabriel Said Reynolds, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame. “It would be an irony if they haven’t shown the same vigilance to pornography.”
So here’s the irony: Google ranks Pakistan No. 1 in the world in searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content.
Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for “horse sex” since 2004, “donkey sex” since 2007, “rape pictures” between 2004 and 2009, “rape sex” since 2004, “child sex” between 2004 and 2007 and since 2009, “animal sex” since 2004 and “dog sex” since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms.
The country also is tops — or has been No. 1 — in searches for “sex,” “camel sex,” “rape video,” “child sex video” and some other searches that can’t be printed here.


Strength through joy
SHE was only 14 when she was forced into marriage with an older man. Yet within a year of her wedding, Azar Bagheri was charged with adultery and sentenced to be stoned to death.
The sentence could not be carried out until she was 18. So for the past four years, Ms Bagheri has been languishing on death row while the courts waited for her to reach maturity so she could be put to death.
According to Iranian human rights activist Mina Ahadi, Ms Bagheri was denounced by her husband, who accused her of committing adultery with two men.
Ms Ahadi said the teenager had been subjected to two mock stonings. On each occasion she was taken out of her cell and buried up to her shoulders in the yard of Tabriz prison, in northwest Iran, as if being prepared to be pelted to death with stones.
Ms Bagheri's lawyers are now planning to ask the judges to reduce her sentence to 99 lashes. Buoyed by an international campaign against Iran's death sentence for women convicted of adultery, they hope the court will show mercy.
After widespread condemnation of the sentence of stoning passed on another woman, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, the Iranians backed down last week. The Iranian embassy in London said that according to information from the judicial authorities in Tehran, the stoning of Ms Ashtiani would not go ahead.
But campaigners warned that Ms Ashtiani could still be executed by other means.
Amnesty International noted that three Iranians sentenced to death by stoning last year had been hanged instead.
"A mere change of the method of execution would not address the injustice," said Amnesty's deputy director for the Middle East, Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.
Ms Ashtiani was sentenced in 2006 for having an "illicit relationship" with two men, for which she has already received a public flogging of 99 lashes. She was convicted of adultery even though she was a widow at the time -- her husband was killed before the alleged affair started.
Her family claims that during the trial of the two men accused of murdering her husband, another court found her guilty of adultery with the suspects, even though no evidence was given.


Strength through joy
(JPost)A group of young Saudi men have launched a campaign to convince Saudi men of the unappreciated virtues of polygamy.
It is a response to young Saudi women uninterested in joining a polygamous marriage, older Saudi women divorcees and Saudi men unable or unwilling to support more than one woman. The campaign seeks to counter what Saudi traditionalists see as an increasingly negative stigma attached to polygamy.
Campaigning under the slogan “Prophet of Four”, a reference to the Islamic edict allowing men to marry up to four wives, the group calls for every Saudi man to take four wives so as to rid the country of so-called ‘spinsters’, a term referring to unmarried Saudi women over the age of 30. Launched at the start of Saudi Arabia’s ‘marriage season’, the campaign’s Facebook page has already garnered a few hundred supporters.
Saudi Arabia’s strict patriarchal guardianship system requires all women to be represented by men, either their husband, father or son, in all public and official spheres of life. Women are not allowed to drive, inherit, divorce or gain custody of children, and cannot socialize with unrelated men.