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Hope all is well fellow BCers. I will get right to my concerns.
Seasonal or in the runnings to make book?
I went thru an interview with about 25-30 people at my local center the regional sup had us in sections-Pkg Handlers,Private Vehicle Drivers & Pkg. Car Drivers. The Sup kept throwing in the term seasonal from time to time but never really seemed to be clear. I then asked her if our bunch was seasonal. Sup never responded. There was about 18 of us there for driver positions on the PC. When filling out online app it never mentioned seasonal anywhere on the system I had been applying for this position(Package Delivery Driver) for many years with no calls back or emails and actually got a response but declined the position last year because the Regional Sup had mentioned it being seasonal. This year I was offered the interview again and decided to start the adventure as times are progressively more strife in my financial conquests.
Completed interview after all 18 of us 1 by 1 individually spoke with the regional Sup in the center back office. Sup asked why i wanted to drive for UPS and I said I had always wanted to do the job and was excited to start right away. She said to remember the only way to become a full time driver was to become a Pkg Handler for 1.5 yrs in our area. I said friend it and decided to see it all the way thru this time regardless of the outcome. So a couple days passed and i received a call from the Regional sup from the states Main Hub(Same Sup from interview). Sup asked if i would be available for a road test on the given date and I said Yes Absolutely!! With a great big smile on my face! Throughout the road test which went really well from what I gathered I heard the Road Test Sup talking on cell about how horrible the other tests had gone and how this ones on , seemingly relieved....I assumed she was happy with my drive and was told I did well and to do well like I did here when I get to Driver School. So I am completely stoked and tell my family the good news. I get a call days later congratulating me on my successful road test & explaining the Hotel accommodations UPS will be making for me while out of town at the States Main HUB. I am told about $30 per day in food reimbursements from the sunday we left to the friday morning before checkout. We are also told about gas mileage reimbursements and driver pay while in school. For me this is the biggest thing I have ever done in my life as far as employment is concerned, and I have worked for some big Technology Moguls w/o revealing to much. I arrive almost 3.5 hrs away from my local center,get to the hotel the sunday before class. Everything is very nice being that the Hotel was a Ramada had a swimming pool,jacuzzi,breakfast buffet,gym. Even had a balcony in my room with a mini fridge and microwave,couch, california queen mattress. Really impressive as far as I was concerned. I then made my way to a walmart & dollar tree to grab some food items. Saved my receipts for everything as I was told to on the phone call about the accommodations and what not. Monday morning we were told to arrive at a different UPS facility(Not main HUB). There we were to pickup our Browns for class. We get there to this HUGE facility with train tracks and gated entry ways with bob wire and huge Bays and Hangar like buildings. This rep gets there(Its 6 am btw),there is about 25 of us lined up along the fence by the entrance. We walk inside and there is about a hundred or more p1200s and other air driver vehicles all lined up at a dock inside the center of facility. Were all still walking following the rep leading us around to a room deep inside. This room was about 20x20 room filled with racks of different UPS attire from Shorts to pants to Long sleeve shirts and short sleeve shirts,vests,jackets and even wind breakers. It took damn near an hr just to find our sizes and try them on in the bathroom one person at a time. I was kind of taken by surprise as I didn't really know what to expect next. I found my sizes and rep said we could take whatever we want. But not to wear shorts in the class room since we didn't have any UPS socks. We get to class before 8am as told. The facility is even bigger than the one i previously saw this time feeders galore many being doubles and lined up on a holding pattern runway style black top fully fenced in and even a p1000-1200 graveyard with Blue Spray Painted part #s on the sides. Complete with a guard shack w/ 2 way metal detectors for entrance/exit and wand scanners. Feeders were stopped upon exit & entrance. The feeling was intense to say the least. We were told to sit at the bench outside guard shack until trainer arrived. Class was really awesome and our trainer went on to say many of us would go on to permanently drive and we had a really good chance because THE TIME WAS NOW to get into UPS. Trainer worked decades for UPS upon retiring and was now contracted to train classes. Delivered for many decades before getting into management and finally retiring. Trainer was Legendary, a real class act with a twist of Rodney Dangerfield. Really made the classroom a breeze having a character and expert as we did. I mentioned that we were told UPS does not normally hire off the streets and trainer looked at me like WTF?!?!?! I was asked where i get my info from and I stated the reg sup had mentioned it. Trainer said that was a bag o beans and that we had one of the best chances NOW to get in. Another character came in(Seasoned PC Driver of 14+Yrs on the safety committee, he sated that package handlers in our state were looking at 9 months of seniority before becoming permanent drivers. On my app online the position applied for shows:Casual Package Driver but on the UPS website the only positions in my area hiring show Package Delivery Driver. I might mention that out of the 18 of us at the local interview only 3 of us made it. I was one of the 3 that made it to the Driver Training School at the States Main HUB. Out of 25 of us I believe only 23 of us made it,1 couldn't get his 5-10 down and the other never showed up after day 1. We were given a driver test with 40 eye movements witting 2 min. I passed. We also had to recite the 5-10 and pass the I Sat. 97% on that. on friday after I Sat the lead trainer signed our workbooks on page 25. He said when we had that Sig on page 25,we would know we had passed. They bought donuts and cookies for us out of they're own pocket. The survivors left(We) felt like champions!!! It was a great day for all. Were told to take our booklets with scores and sigs for filing into records with us for further training and 30 day at local centers.....Seems like a lot for just a seasonal hire, I guess Time will Reveal all. #INIT4THELONGHAUL

Will my 30 day Probation count towards making book? I hear i need an Eligible Rehire to drive again or get any job with UPS in the future...Would i be eligible to get a route if I get a satisfactory completion of my 30 day Probation? What is pay like for new drivers after the new ratification? We were quoted 21 something per hr but I need to get clarification. We were told class would be at that rate also but I was under the impression of $18.75 HR. Some of the other students had mentioned 21 and change from the local sup at they're centers due to new ruling and ratification. I had no idea of this until they mentioned it. I have no idea what to expect for the 30day.
What do I need to do to complete my 30 day? How is it accomplished? What things should I know before then? I need some clarification on different delivery labels...1, 1+,etc if anyone can please take the time to show me what different labels i would come across that would be greatly needed. We didn't have a good projector so the labels were not very clear unfortunately...
So please,all help and info is GREATLY APPRECIATED-I am my families keeper-Thanks in advance team BC.

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