<font color="0000ff">No it'a fact that UPS part-timers are paid less than Fed Ex Express and not just my opinion. I dont recall exact amounts but I know we were making lower wages "on average" than they were. What makes this NOT my opinion is the numerous reports, articles, news articles on the internet and newspapers, word of mouth straight from the sources, and etc. I believe they all said the average p/t UPSer was a $10.35 or so and all those sources stated that Fed Ex was making more than that. I've seen these figures here and there over the past 4 years and there were many of them especially during the contract negotiating. I wish it all wasnt true but it is. But like I said before......in 6 years we MIGHT be up there with them wage wise. So the facts are....Your typical part-timer at Fed Ex and Fed Ex Ground makes more money than their UPS counter parts. I thought it was kind of sad when I almost worked for Fed Ex Express and they were going to start me out at the pay rate it took me 4 years to reach at UPS and with good benefits but at the same time I was glad I stayed at UPS instead. It was the better choice for me. Things might be different for others. It all depends on what you are shooting for and all that good stuff. </font>