To Customers / recipients of packages: where is your house number ???


Been around the block a few times
Neat trick.....if there is a phone number on the package yet noone is home to verify the correct address. Call the number. If the phone rings on the other side of the door you are standing at, then you are at the right place.


Well-Known Member
Integrity issue.
not with HD... if it's a weekday, we should have that option to code it a 04. if it's a Saturday, we have a code 11 (business closed on saturday)...

in which this stuff should be transferred to Ground for a Monday attempt instead of just waiting until Tuesday for Home Delivery to attempt it again


Well-Known Member
Neat trick.....if there is a phone number on the package yet noone is home to verify the correct address. Call the number. If the phone rings on the other side of the door you are standing at, then you are at the right place.

this will only work if my cellphone has bars; some of these rural routes that I cover doesn't have squat when it comes to cellphone signals... that's the only time i have to code it a 03


Staff member
not with HD... if it's a weekday, we should have that option to code it a 04. if it's a Saturday, we have a code 11 (business closed on saturday)...

in which this stuff should be transferred to Ground for a Monday attempt instead of just waiting until Tuesday for Home Delivery to attempt it again
Yeah, I've seen alot of "11" codes on Monday...going to McDonalds, malls, gas stations, etc. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've seen alot of "11" codes on Monday...going to McDonalds, malls, gas stations, etc. Pathetic.

Well you get what you (don't) pay for.

We have a couple of cover drivers who we call "NSS/NSN" and "NI1", respectively. NSS is No Such Street, NSN is No Such Number and NI1 is Not In 1. These guys are basically blowing off stops, usually chasers, by claiming that the street doesn't exist or that there is no such number or that the consignee was not home. These pkgs are then brought to the PM clerk who normally just puts them back out for delivery with no action taken as she knows how these guys operate. The bid driver then has to deal with the customer asking why their pkg was delayed.


Well-Known Member
Wow! I wasn't aware that 04's hurt you guys too. Might explain why I never see that code on the Home Delivery side (I work in a colo). Learn something new every day. Does it hurt Ground as well?

As for trying to explain to a customer why their package is late; I just tell them what the driver is attempting to tell me by what they scanned, regardless of it was a BS scan or not ("You're telling me he couldn't find Main st?"). Good times.