tougher than it looks

bigblu 2 you

Well-Known Member
Why should you help me? Because you are the ones telling me not to whine and to take action to better our union. My stewards don't exist. We have interm stewards who are clueless. I know more than them and I don't know much. Again, you want to call me a whiner yet when I ask for advice you turn me away? Hypocrites, the lot of you.
sounds like your in a real can turn it around,but how bad do you want to?you can fight harassment,do the right things,file,document and hold your unions feet to the fire.this wont be easy
but nothing worth anything is.there are multiple outside agencies that can help,{nlrb,osha,aclu,etc.}just my opinion,the worst union job is three levels above any non union.spend a week in a nike factory and judge.we are fortunate at our local to have hard working men and women who enforce our contract to the letter and would come stand by us if we called.hopefully you can find a way to put a fire under your reps and a strong voice toward management.


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
Why should you help me? Because you are the ones telling me not to whine and to take action to better our union. My stewards don't exist. We have interm stewards who are clueless. I know more than them and I don't know much. Again, you want to call me a whiner yet when I ask for advice you turn me away? Hypocrites, the lot of you.
+ 1000 your stewards,, ba's, there all for it if they can make money off the deal, union high ups and ups high ups are hand in hand


Well-Known Member
Time for some of you to put your money where your mouths are! I am not a whiner, nor a complainer. I am the hardest worker amongst hard workers in my building. I wish to be informed of the intricacies and not just the grey areas contained in the contract. I have a lot of questions that need answers about the little things and wish to be informed. Please, PM me a phone # or method for real time chat and give me some of your time. I will pass what I can along to others and we will see what happens.

Sounds like you need to man up and take control of your situation or go back and sit on the porch... It a rough world out there and your the only one that can control what happen to you.....

There must be a Steward in your building to talk to about your situation.. There is also a bulletin board somewhere with you BA number on it....... Use it...


Well-Known Member
Like I said our long time steward quit. When he was around I couldn't even get straight information on where I could get a contract booklet. This is the guy who told me I couldn't get one until I had my dues paid in full 6 months into my UPS career. 5+ years later he is retired but now has no real replacement, there are several "interm" stewards yet no sign of a true steward to fill the void. Our BA was contacted by other members who are also fed up with what goes on during our shift, this was a week ago. The targets have been assigned on those who made contact with him. The same problem supervisors are still working in the same areas while the grievances seem to be going no where as of last check. These "problem employees" have been relocated to other areas of the building so they have no business where the supervisors are working all shift. My conclusion right now? Move to a shift with more like minded people. I know for a fact the day shift does not have this problem. Why? Strength in numbers. It is easy for you to harp on me and tell me to man up. But it is not feasible to stick your neck our when you're one or two amongst two hundred who look the other way.

If you step up in this environment you're like a sheep straying from the flock. An easy meal for the wolves. I have zero doubt there are strong union men and women here who could answer my questions so I can defend myself properly if I want to make change in my hub. I follow the methods and work my ass off - I just don't know the little things that would make me a worthy competitor. I haven't received one PM reaching out to me to discuss tactics that some of you surely have knowledge on. I want to be slick and know for certain when I take action I am doing things the right way. It's the only way to approach this without any stewards who are informed at my shop currently.

brown bomber

brown bomber
The two-tiered wage system, if it is ever implemented, would be for new FT hires after the ratification date of the contract. The UAW balked at the idea at first but it has been an integral part of their resurrection.
don't lump UPS in the same boat as the the UAW......UPS is not in need of resurrection


Well-Known Member
don't lump UPS in the same boat as the the UAW......UPS is not in need of resurrection

Perhaps not but wouldn't it be better to be proactive rather than reactive? FedEx Ground is becoming more efficient with improving customer service. There is talk of a 28% increase in their volume which will most likely be diversion of P2 from Express. I am not endorsing a two-tiered wage system but am realistic enough to know that our wages and resulting price point make it very difficult to get new volume and that something needs to be done, whether in 2013 or 2019.


Well-Known Member
Let the company figure out ways to get new volume before you start by killing the future careers of hundreds of drivers as a "proactive" measure.


Well-Known Member
And your first option is to pull the rug from under your fellow teamsters after you've made your money. Let's cut your pension before we do that, or give management a two-tier wage system for all new full timers in operations. How about we cut Scott Davis down to size, or look into alternative fuels more heavily as gas prices continue to rise. You're lost, I can only hope other teamsters don't think the way you do after they have their NEST EGG secured.


Package Center Manager
The two-tiered wage system, if it is ever implemented, would be for new FT hires after the ratification date of the contract.

The UAW balked at the idea at first but it has been an integral part of their resurrection.

The UAW balked at the idea at first but it has been an integral part of their resurrection.

...a job is better then no job.


rocket man

Well-Known Member
I'm a realist. The bottom line is no matter how much I participate nothing is being enforced by my "brothers". The contract isn't worth the paper it's written on and we both know it, so crawl away. Does voting matter when the majority purely vote for a name? Do grievances matter when they aren't resolved in a timely matter and in doing so you become the one for management to chuck spears at, until you leave or they find a reason to get rid of you? Change is not up to one person and it is so awful right now it will take a walk to even regain hope of real change. Tell me what good my union is doing for me right now Upstate. Please, tell me what I can do different. Tell me what I can do if I try and enforce the contract as the lone solider and end up in the pits of my building until I have no will to continue Upstate. You know nothing. Personal opinion, of course.

I am prepared to walk the line or outright leave this "union" if true enforcement doesn't come soon.
the top pay and bennifits that are printed on your pay check and the med bills that are paid when you go to the doctor and the nice car house and the days you can take off with out worying about things is that worth the paper its printed on ? send me the adress to your union hall ill pay for your withdrawl card ill wait for a answer.
I would like to take it one more step If I may, how many people have lost their lives or suffered major injuries due to trying to meet some impossible standard put upon them from a company who says safety is their number 1 goal. Tell that to someone who is going down the path towards being fired because they arent "going fast enough..."


rocket man

Well-Known Member
perhaps a better question might be....How many innocent individuals lost their lives, or suffered major injuries due to drivers poor judgement???? I can think of 1 death, and several significant crashes , with severe injuries ??
lets see your answer is intresting. police depts dont have as many trucks as we do across america trash trucks mail trucks ems vechs how many do they hit when not on a emergency call? taxi cabs ect ect ect, you must be managment