Trying to beat the heat...

hats hold 60 t0 seventy pct of body heat in winter. Ahh so the story goes lose the hat and keep the cooler can you send a picture of 8 lbs of ice in a 2 gallon cooler?
No typo. Get a 2 gallon jug at walmart or target with a wide mouth. Get a 10 pound bag of ice at the same store or 7-11. Make sure to break up the ice in the bag so that there are no large chunks. You will have to scrape off a few cubes from the top to get the lid on, but it will hold most of it.


Well-Known Member
So my trick is to take a washcloth, fold it in half(triangle) roll it up shove it into the ice water in your cooler. Then tuck it inside your collar works great!


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
The best heat remedy used to be the dash fans. They were removed in our center about 10 years ago, the cited reason being maintenance cost, non uniformity in the district as well as a possible fire hazard due to being an add on and not being stock equipment. Instead now we have added on cameras, monitors, and telematics. All add-ons, and I'm no less overheated from pcm's encouraging me to drink more water and alternate with a corn syrup based sport drink with enough sodium to leach the calcium out of my bones. Hydration is necessary, but so is evaporation, and nothing drives that point home in this heat like a good breeze on your sweaty shirt. Something is lost when a latte sipping manager with his butt cemented to his desk chair, sitting under an a/c makes the decision to remove equipment that actually boosted production. Those who have never had a dash fan, will never know how much easier the job was when we had them.


KTM rider
Yeah get this question 5 times a day at least. Why the hell do u think my doors are wide open every time you see me.

I was asked twice this week. Both times, I said, "Both doors are open, what do you think??" They were probably just trying to start a conversation, but I was not in the mood.

A couple of weeks ago, my wife bought me a bunch of Chinese under armor sleeve-less shirts. They pull the sweat off and allow more evaporative cooling. I really like them, now that I have tried it and will not go without for the rest of the summer.

I keep 4 quarts of water in my cooler and have a towel lying on top of the bottles. At breaks, I run the towel under cold water and wipe off my face and neck. If I am really hot, I take the rest of my break with the towel either wrapped around my neck or over my head.

The route I am running right now, has a swimming beach. I change in the back of the PC, swim, shower in the shower house and change back into my smelly browns. It is really, really refreshing. Except the smelly browns part.


Well-Known Member
The best heat remedy used to be the dash fans. They were removed in our center about 10 years ago, the cited reason being maintenance cost, non uniformity in the district as well as a possible fire hazard due to being an add on and not being stock equipment. Instead now we have added on cameras, monitors, and telematics. All add-ons, and I'm no less overheated from pcm's encouraging me to drink more water and alternate with a corn syrup based sport drink with enough sodium to leach the calcium out of my bones. Hydration is necessary, but so is evaporation, and nothing drives that point home in this heat like a good breeze on your sweaty shirt. Something is lost when a latte sipping manager with his butt cemented to his desk chair, sitting under an a/c makes the decision to remove equipment that actually boosted production. Those who have never had a dash fan, will never know how much easier the job was when we had them.

Must just be my region, but I thought installing dash fans were mandatory per the contract. Whoever made the decision to pull them has to be one heartless bastard because on those real hot days that dash fan made a world of difference.


Retired 23 years
The best heat remedy used to be the dash fans. They were removed in our center about 10 years ago, the cited reason being maintenance cost, non uniformity in the district as well as a possible fire hazard due to being an add on and not being stock equipment. Instead now we have added on cameras, monitors, and telematics. All add-ons, and I'm no less overheated from pcm's encouraging me to drink more water and alternate with a corn syrup based sport drink with enough sodium to leach the calcium out of my bones. Hydration is necessary, but so is evaporation, and nothing drives that point home in this heat like a good breeze on your sweaty shirt. Something is lost when a latte sipping manager with his butt cemented to his desk chair, sitting under an a/c makes the decision to remove equipment that actually boosted production. Those who have never had a dash fan, will never know how much easier the job was when we had them.

I seriously don't think I would have stayed at UPS you 30 years if I didn't have a dash fan. If some idiot sitting with his feet up on a desk in some air conditioned office actually said "get rid of all the dash fans" I hope, no I know, he will burn in Hell for eternity for being such an A-hole.
When I started driving the 600 I had had a fan above the driver's door. That thing blew all the hot air that accumulated by the roof right into my face.The best delivery vehicle I drove was a 24 footer(we call them mooses) that had wing windows that folded in not just pop out.The air would blow right on you.The downside was being in the back of that and unloading a bulk stop for a 1/2 hour,no air in the back of that thing. You all be careful in the heat and don't let mgt. push you too hard.


Man of Great Wisdom
I seriously don't think I would have stayed at UPS you 30 years if I didn't have a dash fan. If some idiot sitting with his feet up on a desk in some air conditioned office actually said "get rid of all the dash fans" I hope, no I know, he will burn in Hell for eternity for being such an A-hole.

23 plus years in. Never saw vehicle with a fan. It was one of our contract proposals though.