UPS Driver Stops Woman To Tell Her A Surprisingly Sweet Thing About Her Dog


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UPS Driver Stops Woman To Tell Her A Surprisingly Sweet Thing About Her Dog - The Dodo

If you walk by Chloe Bonnell’s house in Tallahassee, Florida, chances are you’ll spot a sweet face looking back at you. A black and white dog named Atlas sits in the window all day, patiently waiting for his mom to return.

And the pup’s faithfulness hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Bonnell adopted Atlas last March after a friend sent her a Facebook post about an abandoned litter of puppies. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for a dog, but when she met Atlas, he wouldn’t let her leave without him.

“He came right up to me and wouldn’t leave me alone,” Bonnell told The Dodo. “I feel like God told me to get that pup because he knew what was coming next. He’s my little saving grace and has been with me through this whole pandemic and virtual teaching.”

Last week, Bonnell returned home from work after a stressful day to find a package at her door. When the UPS delivery man drove up the street and stopped in front of her house, she assumed something was wrong.

“He said, ‘Excuse me, ma’am, can I talk to you for a second?’ I put my stuff down and walked back out to him, preparing for some random bad news,” Bonnell wrote on Facebook. “He said, ‘That is the most loyal dog I have ever seen. Does he just sit there all day and look out the window while you are gone? Every time I drive by, he is sitting right there. Even when I come up to drop off a package, he doesn’t bark at me. Most dogs do. I knock and he just looks at me. I guess he is just waiting for you to come home, so he’s not bothered by me. Anyways, I love driving by because I always see him sitting in the window.’”


Retired 23 years

Get thru the pants...

Stops at the panties.

Sorta like...

Self teasing.

You sly ol cat you.

I can dig it.
Please don't tell me you have never heard the expression "get in her pants". Is the younger generation this screwed up? I could come back at you and say "why would you stop at her panties-- don't you mean get in her vagina"?


nowhere special
Please don't tell me you have never heard the expression "get in her pants". Is the younger generation this screwed up? I could come back at you and say "why would you stop at her panties-- don't you mean get in her vagina"?
You can't get in their pants if they don't wear pants


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Please don't tell me you have never heard the expression "get in her pants". Is the younger generation this screwed up? I could come back at you and say "why would you stop at her panties-- don't you mean get in her vagina"?
Uncle @rod ...

You are upsetting yourself again with the overthinking.

Bring your fist down out of the air and have some of this Orville Redenbacher.

Its delicious.