UPS Rising- contract faq


Part on order, ok to drive
Why have mechanics progression went down but not drivers????how long do new drivers have to wait for healthcare for themselves and their family if they were hired off the street???

Because the company has to attract qualified mechanics off the street. Most of us have 10+ years experience when we start at UPS and the starting rate is a big pay cut, add in working nights and the company sometimes has a hard time filling the jobs.

At my center we are IAM and it’s currently a 2 year progression... I think the starting rate is 22 or so

El Correcto

god is dead
Q: “Is there any language in the agreement where UPS is actually going to start advancing loads. What’s to keep UPS from loading up 22.4 Saturday and Sunday drivers and laying off Monday RPCDs (regular package car drivers)?

A: The situation on Mondays is really no different than the current situation found in many areas around the country. Right now there are lower paid employees delivering packages on a daily basis alongside of RPCDs; they are called various names, Regular Temporary Drivers, Utility, Cover, etc. These are part-time employees doing delivery; in many areas every day, all year long, with part-time pension and benefits. In addition, there are many areas currently operating Tuesday through Saturday ground delivery (at straight-time) as allowed in the Supplements. Despite this fact, daily overtime for RPCDs still exists and in fact is often excessive and forced. The Monday volume issue has existed previously and we do not expect the 22.4 classification to change that for the better or the worse”

This seems like fishy.

I was TCD, it’s not a full time position. I had dual wages 12 for part time work, 30 for days I drove I was making more than low seniority full timers when I drove.
I did part time work while a TCD and stayed in the hub for a while making part time wages. I don’t see Ups paying driver wages for 8 hours worth of part time work for all these 22.4, they will be lowed paid drivers.

The company had less insentive to use me to take package car driver work and they had more protection from me. I couldn’t come in on the weekends and run their Monday volume.

We wouldn’t have forced overtime if they properly staffed, they are getting a sweetheart deal with cheap labor and also changing our Monday’s to when works available.


Marty Peters kid
Because the company has to attract qualified mechanics off the street. Most of us have 10+ years experience when we start at UPS and the starting rate is a big pay cut, add in working nights and the company sometimes has a hard time filling the jobs.

At my center we are IAM and it’s currently a 2 year progression... I think the starting rate is 22 or so
I understand .... I heard that they raised the retirement age for retiring mechanics into their 60’s???? I know where I am at there are many mechanics that are more Disgruntled than the pkg car drivers...ymmv where you are at

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
I understand .... I heard that they raised the retirement age for retiring mechanics into their 60’s???? I know where I am at there are many mechanics that are more Disgruntled than the pkg car drivers...ymmv where you are at

Disgruntled is the perfect description.

I'm tired of being blamed for everything that fails. Last week a mechanic was mad because I asked him to change 2 worn drive tires. He points to the one part of the tire with tread and tells me they are fine...50% of the tire was a slick!

Of course I could have driven a rental but the shop takes a week to get them checked in, so none were ready.


Marty Peters kid
Disgruntled is the perfect description.

I'm tired of being blamed for everything that fails. Last week a mechanic was mad because I asked him to change 2 worn drive tires. He points to the one part of the tire with tread and tells me they are fine...50% of the tire was a slick!

Of course I could have driven a rental but the shop takes a week to get them checked in, so none were ready.
Absolutely....these goats and rigs are run almost 24 hours a day... sht is going to need replaced !!! I’m just sick of hearing “what did you break now???” Before I even get halfway into the shop by some grease monkey


Marty Peters kid
Disgruntled is the perfect description.

I'm tired of being blamed for everything that fails. Last week a mechanic was mad because I asked him to change 2 worn drive tires. He points to the one part of the tire with tread and tells me they are fine...50% of the tire was a slick!

Of course I could have driven a rental but the shop takes a week to get them checked in, so none were ready.
I have also noticed that the trailer mechanics are much more approachable and really care that the loads make it there on time than anyone in the power shop...just my observation here


Part on order, ok to drive
I understand .... I heard that they raised the retirement age for retiring mechanics into their 60’s???? I know where I am at there are many mechanics that are more Disgruntled than the pkg car drivers...ymmv where you are at

Depends on the union. IAM is still 30 and out.

Absolutely....these goats and rigs are run almost 24 hours a day... sht is going to need replaced !!! I’m just sick of hearing “what did you break now???” Before I even get halfway into the shop by some grease monkey

Your a feeder driver right? When you come in with whatever problem you got I need to stop working on the 1200 I am working on that operations NEEDS to have in the line tonight, put off the three write ups in my pocket and fix whatever is going on with the trailer some :censored2: put on door broken and ohh yeah no overtime allowed today so it’s 8 and the gate. So yeah... at times you may get a attitude because nobody wants to see a feeder pull up to the shop, i know it’s part of the job but it’s a giant pain in the ass and if your loaded and it’s going to be awhile to get you going management needs to be called if your going to miss service. Then after I am done fixing the trailer a idiot put on the door redtagged I need to down the 1200 or one or two of the written up trucks have to deal with “OMFG why did you not get that 1200 back last night.... aggghhgaggagaggagah”. At PCM

As I said before, we get hired off the street full time and with a shorter progression because UPS has no other way to acquire skilled techs.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely....these goats and rigs are run almost 24 hours a day... sht is going to need replaced !!! I’m just sick of hearing “what did you break now???” Before I even get halfway into the shop by some grease monkey
I would have taken it as a joke, and would have said, "As much as possible"