Vacation change


Well-Known Member
When i was given the vacation calander I didn't have anything planned so I said I would pick my dates at a later time and pick days that are free. My supervisor said that he needed everyone to have their vacation listed and to just put my days in November and then give him 3 weeks notice to change it to the date I wanted and he said this infront of a steward. Fast forward today and we have a new supervisor who said he won't honor that agreement.

Anything that can be done here or am I out of luck?


Well-Known Member
Is the week you want to change your vacation to even available? They might be at max vacations already.


Don’t worry he’s friendly
Should have gotten it in written form with your center manager’s approval to go along with it in my opinion.
Regardless I don’t think there’s much you can do. Your vacation days were pushed because you didn’t bid them. Usually if someone doesn’t bid in our center, they skip them and are pushed to the bottom of the list in which management will post bid then.


I'm a star
No extra contract agreements. Article 6 section 1. Stop trying to work special deals with management. They will not be honored. I assume you are a driver, so the following is based on that. In my center all our weeks are booked up. You pick your weeks when the contract says, and those are what you get. You also can't switch weeks with other drivers. If we did that, the top senior guys would auction off weeks to the highest bidders to help pay for their knee replacement surgeries.

Doing time

Well-Known Member
Never put the option of using your time off into management’s hands. There will always be some kind of “emergency” and they will go say they need you there. Never make verbal vacation deals/swaps. Also with option days. Never ask permission in advance. Then they will say “we’ll see” or “should be ok”. Now they have you thinking it’s their option. Call at least one hour prior and let them know you won’t be there. End of story.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of being allowed to change weeks. UPS submits all the vacation weeks for each employee to time and labor. That’s how you get paid two weeks early. The one time I tried to change weeks in package my center manager flipped out. No way, it cannot be done. Maybe that supervisor knew he was leaving and didn’t like you so screwed you over knowing the next one probably wouldn’t honor what he said.


Pineapple King
When i was given the vacation calander I didn't have anything planned so I said I would pick my dates at a later time and pick days that are free.

Anything that can be done here or am I out of luck?
So let's say everyone did that? Then what?
You're out of luck. You'll get your pay in December.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Never heard of being allowed to change weeks. UPS submits all the vacation weeks for each employee to time and labor. That’s how you get paid two weeks early. The one time I tried to change weeks in package my center manager flipped out. No way, it cannot be done. Maybe that supervisor knew he was leaving and didn’t like you so screwed you over knowing the next one probably wouldn’t honor what he said.
Honestly, I’ve never seen it done. It was unheard of in my center. You picked and moved on.