'We're traumatized': Raleigh family's dog 'Gucci' hit and killed by UPS driver

El Correcto

god is dead
'We're traumatized': Raleigh family's dog 'Gucci' hit and killed by UPS driver - ABC 11

A Raleigh family is dealing with a massive void in their home and hearts. The family's dog was hit and killed by a UPS delivery driver.

Mother Kelly Gibbs said her whole family is in shock after the loss of Gucci the German Shepherd.

"We're traumatized. Every night I send two kids to bed crying," said Gibbs.
Oh brother, keep your dog out of the road. If it was smarter it would of moved.


Happy Verified UPSer
depends if there is a leash law in this area? I'm not sure what the family wants. the UPS driver to swerve and hit a kid or get in a head on instead??

I've run over a couple dogs in the feeder truck. did not do it on purpose.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Mother Kelly Gibbs said her whole family is in shock after the loss of Gucci the German Shepherd.

"We're traumatized. Every night I send two kids to bed crying," said Gibbs.

The highly preventable incidents are always the most strongly felt. Bet they'll keep their next dog out of the road. They can go under the tires at any speed.

Dropping a grand or two to have an invisible fence installed to keep your $10,000 dog out of the road isn't a bad idea either. Nor is it for any free or low cost four legged family members.