What center do you work out of??


Someone is watching me

I work in the district where one security manager was fired for downloading porn onto his work laptop and where his replacement security manager was sleeping with a security supervisor (both were married to other people).


You did say work right? I think you would be better to ask what center I am employed at?

Imabigfatfeederdriver! I don't do no work!

Ever heard of "Hooterville"?

rocket man

Well-Known Member
in a pkg car ill give you a hint a brown pkg car i wear brown uniforms somtimes its cold and hot . i start around 9 get done around 9 somtimes 8 ill narrow it down i do stops and pickups oca,s nda,s 2 day ground try to get sales leads get harrassed by supers. get wrote up write greivances. get good comments and bad from customers. eat lunch once day get mostly dumb messages on a diad. that narrows it down easy hints on what hub i work at. WICH ONE DO YOU WORK AT?:whiteflag: