It's safe to say you won't see any ultra righties or liberals elected to the presidency.
We should probably elect a pollster to the office since todays politicians don't develop their convictions until they have read the poll results.
Well said my friend! Loved the idea of electing a pollster. In a humorous way of course.
The so called "ultra right' has had it's day in the sun and the recent election IMO is proof. However, the democrat swing in Congress wasn't a confirmation of the opposite "liberal" agenda either IMO. If you really look at the democrats newly elected, most would be pigeonholed as moderate. Contary to popular neo-con myth, Hillary is more moderate than radical left as some would wish her to be. She gets jumped for her universal healthcare idea but look at Bush with prescription drugs for example? Right out of Hillary's playbook. And Newt himself has been hanging with Hillary has suggested some aspects of universal healthcare. Why monkey around with wanna-bees, vote in the real deal and get it for the same price! You boys are being dragged down the primrose path and don't even see it or is it the simple fact that deep inside you're one of
"THEM" also?
What gets folks thinking the demos are off into Karl Marx land is ultra right hype but also I think people see the democrat leadership itself as meaning this would be the case. For example, Murtha if speaker I think would have fought much harder to actually end the entire Iraq engagement and I also think he would be after Bush like a beagle on a rabbit but I'm not sure how "far lefty" he would go on the rest of the agenda.
Pelosi won the day, (actually moderates Hoyer and Reid are running the show) but she's not gonna push in these areas like Murtha would have. Also Pelosi is at disadvantage being the first woman speaker so she's under a microscope for that reason. Yeah, it's unfair for us to look at her this way but we're human.
I really and honestly don't think the democrats in Washington are totally opposed to war or even Iraq. They ran almost in unision to vote to support it and I'll bet my entire fortune if the events in Iraq were the opposite and going well that they would be doing everything to get credit for being the good guy. In the Clinton years they supported the very same thing in NationBuilding with the Balkans and ironically it was the repubs playing the now democrat role of obstructionist. Some things never change I guess. The democrats aren't acting like this because they're democrats, but because they're people, it's human nature. I actually take some comfort in that because to me it proves they are not hardcore idealogues. But it can run amuck too so that does concern me.
The Dems correctly see a great chance of taking the White House next year and rightly so. I would agree that if nothing dramatic changes, that very thing is likely to happen. I think all they want out of Iraq is to move it as much out of the way as they can before Jan. 09' so that they can focus on domestic agenda that allows them to use that mechanism to lock in voters even more so to ensure they maintain a majority power base from that point forward. And granted we do have a number of domestic concerns although IMO all were caused by the gov't in the first place and track records show they only make matters worse in the end. BTW: Wait until the 08' election really gets into full swing and the repub. candidates come out and condemn Bush as a failure in order to gain votes. You heard it here folks!
Ultra right. It amazes me to see that term and look at that idea today but then look back to the early 70's when I first walked into the voting booth and see what was called ultra right then. Ultra Right today is the so-called Neo-Con who believes in the spirit and tradition of FDR but also in the Wilsonian model of Globalism under the umbrella of democracy. Wilson's ideals (really Edward Mandel House's, read his book Phillip Dru, Administrator) of a global governing body (League of Nations) to advance democracy failed but not really because it was revived 20 something years later by FDR and finalized by Truman. Neo-Cons speak glowingly of FDR and even Wilson as great visionaires and great leaders who gave us wonderful and great policies under the federal banner that advanced life for the average American. I even believe the new ultra right longs for the Warren Court days.
If you don't get that then read up on Earl Warren and then it's become clear.
In the 70's the ultra rightist railed against FDR and Wilson. Globalism and New World Order were fighting words and the ultra right principle was against anything that in any way looked socialist or Marxist so big gov't programs were obviously a no-no and it mattered not what the excuse was. Vietnam had mixed emotions as well because ultra rightist were hard anti-communists and the belief of the day was a rouse called the domino theory that Marxism would conquer the world one country at a time. Never mind that the French had taken control of a free Vietnam in the 1800's and it was their presense and societial abuse that set this whole war up. This lead to the Geneva Accords in 1954' that split Vietnam into 2 countrys. Ironically it was the French and British who siezed control of the Middle East after WW1 beginning to see a pattern here like we keep coming from behind and cleaning up someone else's mess? I thought we broke and freed ourselves from being the houseboy of the old world European Empires?
you thought wrong there waldo!
The ultra rightist in the 60's and 70's was against gov't intervention but also very isolationist in foreign policy. The true 60's type ultra rightist is actually against the Iraq war and sees many of the policies resulting from 9/11 as a rouse and means for gov't to expand it's power while at the same time doing nothing to really ensure our safety. You feel safe? Let me bust that bubble. All one need to do is look at the most recent case of the Atlanta lawyer with TB who went galivanting all over the place while his name was on a "no fly" list and all security parties were on alert to detain him if he was spotted. In the meantime, he went right on under his real name and using his ID so do you honestly still believe these guys will protect you? What about
your President's Immigration fix? You feeling warm and fuzzy are you? He screwed you and didn't even have the descency to use lube or even a wet kiss.
In the Reagan era Goldwater wouldn't jump on the anti-abortion bandwagon and the Bible thumping moralist movement not because he disagreed with those principles but because he saw no place for this at the federal level. These were local matters and the feds had no say in them to begin with. As a result, Goldwater in his waining years was deemed a traitor, "he's gone to the darkside" was the cry but in fact he was maintaining the very same principles he always had and one that so-called rightwing politics of the earlier era has always maintained. Pat Buchannan because he's opposed the Middle East warmachine and the whole New World Order idea and been outted as some kind of nutjob with a loose screw. Now he and I part company when it comes to gov't mandating morals although we share many of the same morals on a personal level but I love him when he speaks out in the area of foreign policy. I didn't like Daddy 1's New World Order ideas and I don't like Jr. 2's coming in and using another rouse to take up the same mantra and take us in the same direction. And now this week we learn from Jr. that he envisons an American military presense in Iraq 50 years from now. Hell, no wonder he's in no hurry over there!
If you want to see and make an interesting comparison, look back at democrats like Henry Scoop Jackson or Hubert Humphrey and to some degree even George McGovern. Look at what they were saying at the time and what ideals and policies they promoted and go right over to some neo-conic websites like American Enterprise Institute or Project for a New American Century and read your heros of Newt Gingrich or Bill Kristol, Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld and many of your other heros and then compare them to what was once described as ultra liberal and you just about can't tell the difference between a 60's ultra liberal and a new millenium neo-con. The neo-con cloak of the label "compassionate conservative" means global warrior whose Roman legends will civilize the barbaric hoards to the glory of Rome under the banner of so-called greek democracy otherwise known as Love American Style. Remember that show anyine?) At the same time advancing the do-gooder gov't programs by just making them business efficent either by bringing in private business principles or privatizing them in order to allow the K Street connected to make money. More so the latter than the former IMO.
It is so ironic that the ultra liberal of the 60's is now the ultra rightist of the new millenium. Hang in there guys because if this keeps up in about 30 more years, your ultra right candidate for global leader will be a Hillary, Obama or even a Nancy Pelosi! Just think in a few more years the ultra right will worship these 3 as icons and societal visionairies!
I'll either be to old to give a rats ass, dead or living somewhere else while the Empire awaits it's own fate against a modern day Goth and Visigoth hoard! As it's going right now I'm working towards option 3! Does anyone have any property for sell in say.....Antartica? I like the penguins because they keep to themselves in large herds and don't involve or force their unwanted presence into my life unlike you humans so we should get along peachy!