Who holds our pensions?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Pensions disappear all the time, all Express employees get a letter every year saying how funded their pension is, everybody throws it away. A severely downsized company and a massive exodus of employees doesn’t look good for portable.
That’s why the Democrats bailed out the teamsters pension funds around the country.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Not Fedex, but pensions have gone under. There is a Fed govt. program/ins that covers some of the loss but not 100%
It wouldn’t be because FedEx went under, because MetLife is now admin of the traditional. Assets were transferred years ago, so FedEx has no skin in the game.
That’s why I don’t consider it a federal bailout, the bastards caused most of the problems. They should have and could have fixed it for far less years ago.
And the companies are also partially to blame
Everyone kept playing kick the can because they didn't want to come up with little cash up front before it got way too expensive