Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
Then I would let the FBI settle it.

You got a problem, sport?

You're not an attempted rapist, are you?
Why do you guys keep demanding the FBI investigate it? It's not their jurisdiction. Is it because you know there are anti-Trump elements within the FBI who'll screw over Kavanaugh to make Trump look bad? Oh, wait, that ship has sailed. They're all being rooted out.


Well-Known Member
very predictive . Dems are running a 27 year old play for a 36 year old alleged case.

and the repugs still have not learned how to defend against it.
For the most part they have no nuts, and there are still many anti Trump sponges left. Many could give an old man jingles ass what happens to the rest of the country, they and their's are taken care of, that's all that matters.


Well-Known Member
They're only falsely accused if they are white males. Everyone else is guilty as charged.:happy2:
You are correct, every Duke player was a Big Johnson and the sweet girl was a petite blond from Athens Georgia. They are only falsely accused if they are falsely accused no matter the color. The chip on your shoulder is breaking your back. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Um, yes it is. You lead since you think it is treacherous for any man. I want to go down the road, you have the floor.
The road that countless women have been down that were raped by acquaintances whose parents had more power/status than them?



Well-Known Member
My goodness.

Kavanaugh is the cleanest Putin could come up with?

Why him?
Only to piss you off, personally, it's all for you.
I'll take the white girl from Notre Dame, Alex for a lifetime appointment.
Seriously, who do you want?
None of the above, understood, that is exactly why these games are being played.
After the midterms when the repubics hold the house and senate, I'd run through you guys like :poop: through a goose.