Why did local 769 vote no?


Well-Known Member
Under discipline if I read it right it said basically possession of drugs or alcohol on any location the company does business. Couldn't in theory that be taken to mean any potential delivery destination(which would be pretty much everywhere)?


Well-Known Member
If you count the riders on the vote count. There are 31 riders. If you count the riders on the teamsters website there are 40 riders/supplements. What are the vote results if the missing 9?
We didn't open our rider. Our 6th day language has been rock solid. Our 8 hour language is bring back the truck language. Our local didn't want that messed up.


Well-Known Member
Under discipline if I read it right it said basically possession of drugs or alcohol on any location the company does business. Couldn't in theory that be taken to mean any potential delivery destination(which would be pretty much everywhere)?
I thought 769 only covers ramp workers, no drivers.