why i am going sup


Industrial Slob
I have about two years in the courier industry. During summer break from university, I got on with UPS in June 2006, starting as a driver. I love being a courier; cube trucks are a better co-worker than humans, I was worked into the ground, I loved the challenge and how tired I was when I came home. The lucrative direct deposits every friday was a nice touch, too. In August, I learned that earn & learn does not apply even to part time drivers, so I Went into the hub sort in September when school started back up.

I hated it at first. Although co-workers and supervisors are nice and great people to be around, I busted my ass off stacking trailers, making a lower wage. I saw so much room for the operation to improve but being told "oh yeah I agree with you!", eventually realising that supervisors won't act on what I said because their hands are tied behind their back. I thought of quitting every night for the first month, but I remembered the tuition reimbursement and my self-promise to stick with this job for at least a year. One cause of the stress was that I didn't have control over my workspace; I didn't have a workspace. I didn't have a clearly defined goal other than to keep all trailers clean. This is unattainable, so I got stressed. I don't like losing.

Now, I have the same assignment every night. Pick two trailers. I take real pride with my trailers. I would scan every box, even though no one else bothers scanning. I'd even key in a tracking number if the label was unscannable. I'd get pissed when I see mis-sorts (although not pissed at a person, it's not my place to tell them). I'd even grab a mis-sorted box from the bottom of a stack and make sure it was properly sorted. Even though someone could stack the trailer for me, I would tell them I would do it myself because I see the way the trailer is stacked at the end of the night as reflective of my performance and skill. Hell, I even tail-load smalls, one time climbing a stack to grab a bag of smalls a co-worker threw up. My co-workers just say "you're new, you'll stop believing in this company in a few months", and the employees on the sort before me give me weird looks when I clean up my work area and scan un-scanned boxes in the trailer.

Eventually, my supervisor liked this and informed me of an opening. I applied for it. Everyone asks, why?

I believe in this company. Yes, there are operational areas that can be run better. Yes, the corporate culture here isn't spectacular, but it could be a lot worse. Work retail or food. Plus I don't know any university students who get a free turkey at christmas, let alone their education paid for virtually unconditionally. And hey, free food every Friday night is a lot better than having to work Sundays. Yes, even if I were supervisor, I wouldn't be empowered to make my own decisions. But this regimentation is the heart of the UPS business model, and the amount of customers that we get and hold (not to mention the profits we are turning) speak louder than the opinions of PAS. UPS is surely doing something right.

I feel that I can make my hub operation better. This kind of contradicts my previous view that there is limited empowerment and UPS is doing great, but there are small things that I feel can improve on that go ignored by our supervisor. I've seen this operation through the lens of a grunt, the only way I can improve on things is if they let me.

I want the challenge. In past jobs, if a manager would swear or raise his voice at me, I would tell him to friend'off. Our managemer does that a bit to our sup. He's not a great manager, but definately not a bad manager either. I want the challenge of working under this. I want to exceed his demanding expectations. And if I can't, all I can do is ask for his advice as to how I could have done better and improve. And if he can't provide me with advice, I'll tell him to friend'off :wink:. I want something more than picking two trailers. Yes, it will suck not being able to call in sick every few months when I need to study, or I'd rather watch monday night football, but I don't want my skills to be wasted, either.

I want to further advance. There are a few other things I'd like to do after university, but moving up the corporate ladder is an option I'm seriously considering. There's no way I want to advance in the operational areas, but definately on the corporate side. Go into corporate sales and advance internationally, possibly.

So there you have it. The four huge reasons why I want to be a sup. And here come the obligatory comments: "on Tuesday as a teamster you were a good person, and on Wednesday you will become a supervisor and a monster", "enjoy selling your soul to the devil", and my favorite, likely from over9/5 and trickpony:":lol::lol::lol: you're so young and naieve, kid."
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Active Member
and my favorite, likely from over9/5 and trickpony:":lol::lol::lol: you're so young and naieve, kid."

As a sup, I was going to say that you're naive myself lol.

Like you said, some people don't care about scanning every package or the missorts. The hardest part is getting them to care. Good luck and I hope you enjoy it. :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
Very interesting read. Take it from someone who's been in both places.... twice. The grass is greener on the hourly side. Being in management does have its advantages (like making a living wage!). I'm not going to say you're naive or try to discourage you anymore. Heck, I'm trying to get back into supervising myself. Just know what you're getting into. The hours will be longer, the stress will be intolerable, and your friends will be fewer. Whether the job is worth it or not depends on what you're looking for. If you're wanting to grow with the company... stay hourly. Advancing past part-time supervisor, into driver or full-time is difficult to say the least. In my interview with the District HR manager, I was assured that not all employees can be guaranteed a career with the company. In fact, I was told they encourage part-time management to seek employment outside the company. Just know you're number one priority will be motivating your employees. In fact, that's about 90% of hub school. So, make sure this is what you want. Feel free to ask other supervisors about their experiences and for their advice. Good luck with everything and keep us updated on the process.:thumbup1:


Industrial Slob
Very interesting read. Take it from someone who's been in both places.... twice. The grass is greener on the hourly side. Being in management does have its advantages (like making a living wage!). I'm not going to say you're naive or try to discourage you anymore. Heck, I'm trying to get back into supervising myself. Just know what you're getting into. The hours will be longer, the stress will be intolerable, and your friends will be fewer. Whether the job is worth it or not depends on what you're looking for. If you're wanting to grow with the company... stay hourly. Advancing past part-time supervisor, into driver or full-time is difficult to say the least. In my interview with the District HR manager, I was assured that not all employees can be guaranteed a career with the company. In fact, I was told they encourage part-time management to seek employment outside the company. Just know you're number one priority will be motivating your employees. In fact, that's about 90% of hub school. So, make sure this is what you want. Feel free to ask other supervisors about their experiences and for their advice. Good luck with everything and keep us updated on the process.:thumbup1:
My supervisor keeps saying "trust me, you don't want my job". He works long hours, but that's because a full time sup position has been vacant, and he's taking that once a pt sup is found, which in turn, shoud cut the pt hours a bit ;).

Thanks for your input. I won't take the position if it involves working more than 5 hours a night. I understand irreg-ops and end of week, but I'm not putting my school aside for a job, especially when I can get more protection and the same tuition reimbursement. Money isn't an issue, I live at home and I only pay the insurance on my car and the fuel for it. There are a few other sub-supervisor positions like export sup or shift trainer/leadhand position that I'd be willing to take, but again, hours are an issue and I'm walking away from an offer unless I can get assurance of my hours in writing.

About advancement, believe me, mine eyes are outwards :wink:. Out of career ambitions, going UPS corporate is 4th out of 5.


Well-Known Member
"....and I'm walking away from an offer unless I can get assurance of my hours in writing."

What was I saying about young, innocent, impressionable, wide-eyed and bulletproof?


I have about two years in the courier industry. During summer break from university, I got on with UPS in June 2006, starting as a driver. I love being a courier; cube trucks are a better co-worker than humans, I was worked into the ground, I loved the challenge and how tired I was when I came home. The lucrative direct deposits every friday was a nice touch, too. In August, I learned that earn & learn does not apply even to part time drivers, so I Went into the hub sort in September when school started back up.

I hated it at first. Although co-workers and supervisors are nice and great people to be around, I busted my ass off stacking trailers, making a lower wage. I saw so much room for the operation to improve but being told "oh yeah I agree with you!", eventually realising that supervisors won't act on what I said because their hands are tied behind their back. I thought of quitting every night for the first month, but I remembered the tuition reimbursement and my self-promise to stick with this job for at least a year. One cause of the stress was that I didn't have control over my workspace; I didn't have a workspace. I didn't have a clearly defined goal other than to keep all trailers clean. This is unattainable, so I got stressed. I don't like losing.

Now, I have the same assignment every night. Pick two trailers. I take real pride with my trailers. I would scan every box, even though no one else bothers scanning. I'd even key in a tracking number if the label was unscannable. I'd get pissed when I see mis-sorts (although not pissed at a person, it's not my place to tell them). I'd even grab a mis-sorted box from the bottom of a stack and make sure it was properly sorted. Even though someone could stack the trailer for me, I would tell them I would do it myself because I see the way the trailer is stacked at the end of the night as reflective of my performance and skill. Hell, I even tail-load smalls, one time climbing a stack to grab a bag of smalls a co-worker threw up. My co-workers just say "you're new, you'll stop believing in this company in a few months", and the employees on the sort before me give me weird looks when I clean up my work area and scan un-scanned boxes in the trailer.

Eventually, my supervisor liked this and informed me of an opening. I applied for it. Everyone asks, why?

I believe in this company. Yes, there are operational areas that can be run better. Yes, the corporate culture here isn't spectacular, but it could be a lot worse. Work retail or food. Plus I don't know any university students who get a free turkey at christmas, let alone their education paid for virtually unconditionally. And hey, free food every Friday night is a lot better than having to work Sundays. Yes, even if I were supervisor, I wouldn't be empowered to make my own decisions. But this regimentation is the heart of the UPS business model, and the amount of customers that we get and hold (not to mention the profits we are turning) speak louder than the opinions of PAS. UPS is surely doing something right.

I feel that I can make my hub operation better. This kind of contradicts my previous view that there is limited empowerment and UPS is doing great, but there are small things that I feel can improve on that go ignored by our supervisor. I've seen this operation through the lens of a grunt, the only way I can improve on things is if they let me.

I want the challenge. In past jobs, if a manager would swear or raise his voice at me, I would tell him to friend'off. Our managemer does that a bit to our sup. He's not a great manager, but definately not a bad manager either. I want the challenge of working under this. I want to exceed his demanding expectations. And if I can't, all I can do is ask for his advice as to how I could have done better and improve. And if he can't provide me with advice, I'll tell him to friend'off :wink:. I want something more than picking two trailers. Yes, it will suck not being able to call in sick every few months when I need to study, or I'd rather watch monday night football, but I don't want my skills to be wasted, either.

I want to further advance. There are a few other things I'd like to do after university, but moving up the corporate ladder is an option I'm seriously considering. There's no way I want to advance in the operational areas, but definately on the corporate side. Go into corporate sales and advance internationally, possibly.

So there you have it. The four huge reasons why I want to be a sup. And here come the obligatory comments: "on Tuesday as a teamster you were a good person, and on Wednesday you will become a supervisor and a monster", "enjoy selling your soul to the devil", and my favorite, likely from over9/5 and trickpony:":lol::lol::lol: you're so young and naieve, kid."

Wow, I have to respect your enthusiasm, but I swear you sound like a jailhouse christian. In spite of all that is wrong around you, you've found a new religion that is gonna take you to a new level.

Believe deeply, but don't drink the purple koolaide.
Hoser, you've changed already, and I don't like it. (kidding).

You said you don't plan on making UPS a career. I say go for the P/T sup job. You will make much better money than you do as a 2 year loader. You will get some valuable experience in managing. It will look much better on your resume, when you do move on, that you supervised x number of people, as opposed t you loaded two trailers.
The only word of caution I would give is that a lot of people get sucked into making decent money at UPS and never pursue their dream or chosen field. Chances are after a few years, you will be making equal to entry level full time as a part timer which makes it hard to leave. Look back at the thread with the poll about would you stay at UPS if you could get a similar job for similar pay. Many people actually feel trapped at UPS because they are paid so well. It sounds absurd on the surface, but there is a lot of truth to it.
Don't lose sight of where you really want to end up.


New Member
If school is your main objective then I do not recommend going to P/T sup. They will demand more that five hours, they will move you from area to area and yes your hands are tied behind your back. The only worries that upper management have is what number they are instereset in obtaining that week. If you want to make a career at UPS go be P/T Sup, but you will still need a degree in something to give you a better chance to advance. With all the other companies that they have bought, they are laying management off in these places not hiring.


Industrial Slob
Wow, I have to respect your enthusiasm, but I swear you sound like a jailhouse christian. In spite of all that is wrong around you, you've found a new religion that is gonna take you to a new level.

Believe deeply, but don't drink the purple koolaide.
Hey, having gone from FedEx, I realise how much of a gong show UPS is. But this reflects their obsession for productivity, which ends up well on their profits. They have a good corporate structure, but a less than desireable coroprate culture (but not horrendous, there are many other worse place to work). Doesn't mean I can't take pride in what I do or that I can't believe in the company. UPS is a good brand.

Christian? :lol::lol::lol: Guy, I drink like no other, and I'm the last that believes in loyalty to one single woman, let alone restraining until, :hang::hang::hang: marriage....

You said you don't plan on making UPS a career. I say go for the P/T sup job. You will make much better money than you do as a 2 year loader. You will get some valuable experience in managing. It will look much better on your resume, when you do move on, that you supervised x number of people, as opposed t you loaded two trailers.
The only word of caution I would give is that a lot of people get sucked into making decent money at UPS and never pursue their dream or chosen field. Chances are after a few years, you will be making equal to entry level full time as a part timer which makes it hard to leave. Look back at the thread with the poll about would you stay at UPS if you could get a similar job for similar pay. Many people actually feel trapped at UPS because they are paid so well. It sounds absurd on the surface, but there is a lot of truth to it.
Don't lose sight of where you really want to end up.
I appreciate your advice, the resume builder is something I want. Again, I have a few other ideas with respect to career path, but if I go UPS, it will definately not be on the operations side, it would be corporate.

I'm not sacrificing my education for UPS. I'm at UPS so they can help me get through university.


Senior Member
I have about two years in the courier industry. During summer break from university, I got on with UPS in June 2006, starting as a driver. I love being a courier; cube trucks are a better co-worker than humans, I was worked into the ground, I loved the challenge and how tired I was when I came home. The lucrative direct deposits every friday was a nice touch, too. In August, I learned that earn & learn does not apply even to part time drivers, so I Went into the hub sort in September when school started back up.

I hated it at first. Although co-workers and supervisors are nice and great people to be around, I busted my ass off stacking trailers, making a lower wage. I saw so much room for the operation to improve but being told "oh yeah I agree with you!", eventually realising that supervisors won't act on what I said because their hands are tied behind their back. I thought of quitting every night for the first month, but I remembered the tuition reimbursement and my self-promise to stick with this job for at least a year. One cause of the stress was that I didn't have control over my workspace; I didn't have a workspace. I didn't have a clearly defined goal other than to keep all trailers clean. This is unattainable, so I got stressed. I don't like losing.

Now, I have the same assignment every night. Pick two trailers. I take real pride with my trailers. I would scan every box, even though no one else bothers scanning. I'd even key in a tracking number if the label was unscannable. I'd get pissed when I see mis-sorts (although not pissed at a person, it's not my place to tell them). I'd even grab a mis-sorted box from the bottom of a stack and make sure it was properly sorted. Even though someone could stack the trailer for me, I would tell them I would do it myself because I see the way the trailer is stacked at the end of the night as reflective of my performance and skill. Hell, I even tail-load smalls, one time climbing a stack to grab a bag of smalls a co-worker threw up. My co-workers just say "you're new, you'll stop believing in this company in a few months", and the employees on the sort before me give me weird looks when I clean up my work area and scan un-scanned boxes in the trailer.

Eventually, my supervisor liked this and informed me of an opening. I applied for it. Everyone asks, why?

I believe in this company. Yes, there are operational areas that can be run better. Yes, the corporate culture here isn't spectacular, but it could be a lot worse. Work retail or food. Plus I don't know any university students who get a free turkey at christmas, let alone their education paid for virtually unconditionally. And hey, free food every Friday night is a lot better than having to work Sundays. Yes, even if I were supervisor, I wouldn't be empowered to make my own decisions. But this regimentation is the heart of the UPS business model, and the amount of customers that we get and hold (not to mention the profits we are turning) speak louder than the opinions of PAS. UPS is surely doing something right.

I feel that I can make my hub operation better. This kind of contradicts my previous view that there is limited empowerment and UPS is doing great, but there are small things that I feel can improve on that go ignored by our supervisor. I've seen this operation through the lens of a grunt, the only way I can improve on things is if they let me.

I want the challenge. In past jobs, if a manager would swear or raise his voice at me, I would tell him to friend'off. Our managemer does that a bit to our sup. He's not a great manager, but definately not a bad manager either. I want the challenge of working under this. I want to exceed his demanding expectations. And if I can't, all I can do is ask for his advice as to how I could have done better and improve. And if he can't provide me with advice, I'll tell him to friend'off :wink:. I want something more than picking two trailers. Yes, it will suck not being able to call in sick every few months when I need to study, or I'd rather watch monday night football, but I don't want my skills to be wasted, either.

I want to further advance. There are a few other things I'd like to do after university, but moving up the corporate ladder is an option I'm seriously considering. There's no way I want to advance in the operational areas, but definately on the corporate side. Go into corporate sales and advance internationally, possibly.

So there you have it. The four huge reasons why I want to be a sup. And here come the obligatory comments: "on Tuesday as a teamster you were a good person, and on Wednesday you will become a supervisor and a monster", "enjoy selling your soul to the devil", and my favorite, likely from over9/5 and trickpony:":lol::lol::lol: you're so young and naieve, kid."
I like people that are willing to follow their goals and back it up with hard work.Just don't let them change you too much. Best of Luck.


Hose---follow your heart.There is good and bad--pros and cons--positive people and negative people----good managers and not so good!! The managers and FT Sups will change faces---keep in mind that you are involved with operations and there is a huge other side of the business---and huge opportunites for someone who is willing to work hard and have a great attitude.

My advice would be-----always try to be fair and treat people like you would like to be treated---if people respect you they will do anything for you---you don't have to be a screaming a-hole!!



Well-Known Member
Now, I have the same assignment every night. Pick two trailers. I take real pride with my trailers. I would scan every box, even though no one else bothers scanning. I'd even key in a tracking number if the label was unscannable. I'd get pissed when I see mis-sorts (although not pissed at a person, it's not my place to tell them). I'd even grab a mis-sorted box from the bottom of a stack and make sure it was properly sorted. Even though someone could stack the trailer for me, I would tell them I would do it myself because I see the way the trailer is stacked at the end of the night as reflective of my performance and skill. Hell, I even tail-load smalls, one time climbing a stack to grab a bag of smalls a co-worker threw up. My co-workers just say "you're new, you'll stop believing in this company in a few months", and the employees on the sort before me give me weird looks when I clean up my work area and scan un-scanned boxes in the trailer.

Even though your intentions were admirable... Climbing on packages is a violation and cause for termination... Then we have to look at the safety issue of not following HABITS...


Industrial Slob
hoser, what are you gonna be when you grow up?
Haven't a bloody clue. Once again, UPS is at or near the bottom of my ambitions list, although I see absolutely no issue with going into sales or corporate communications.

Even though your intentions were admirable... Climbing on packages is a violation and cause for termination... Then we have to look at the safety issue of not following HABITS...
Who said I climbed on a box? Regardless, a solid 4'*4'*4' box that weighs 150 lbs is a lot better base than some of the loadstands.

No disrespect to Trickpony1, but not just "my thoughts exactly," this has to be the thoughts of every rationale human alive.

This kid has popped UPS acid. His trip, from his posts, is nonstop.

This is a really special young man, probably an eagle scout -- no, no, an Eagle Scout with Honors, Third Level. He says he doesn't believe in the sin of pre-marriage sex, and yet the boy is taking on the responsibility of friend'ing me when he has never been friend'd himself.

Grow Up, hoser.
Hahaha, I'm the one that needs to grow up :lol::lol::lol:

I take pride in what I do, and I'm branded an eagle scout "with honors" that takes acid before "friend'n employees". I just want a challenge, guy, no hidden agenda, unlike you.


Well-Known Member
No disrespect to Trickpony1, but not just "my thoughts exactly," this has to be the thoughts of every rationale human alive.

This kid has popped UPS acid. His trip, from his posts, is nonstop.

This is a really special young man, probably an eagle scout -- no, no, an Eagle Scout with Honors, Third Level. He says he doesn't believe in the sin of pre-marriage sex, and yet the boy is taking on the responsibility of friend'ing me when he has never been friend'd himself.

Grow Up, hoser.

FOOCL-fell out of chair laughing!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Crawling on packages is something every driver has had to do at Christmas peak. I remember dragging my body over my pickups with a couple feet of room over my head, working my way to the residential stops that still had to come off that night.

You sound like you take pride in your work: that is something desperately needed at UPS. Too many people look to just making their life easier without thinking about the company or the person on the other side of that package. Earning respect from the company and the people on the street will at least gain you a reputation that you can live with. When that occasional nutjob accuses you of wrondoing (it does happen out there in wacko land) your bosses will know it's not true, or at least give you every benefit of the doubt. I once had a guy call in on me (whom I never saw in my life) who claimed I refused to give him his package and yelled at his daughter. The stop was a NI3 and I never laid eyes on the guy before or after his delivery attempts. Having a good reputation made that go away immediately.