Will Trump Repeal Bill Clinton's Mistakes


Well-Known Member
Which our Government needs to be no part of. Keep your cult out of Washington.


that pretty much highlights the liberal hate trip . Our beliefs defined the concept of marriage. liberals have been trying to redefine the definition of marriage ever since. Suddenly a concept that does tend to create a very stable environment for raising children is defined as a cult concept.

and yes I understand you can come up with exceptions but your exceptions do not create the rule.


Nine Lives
You're buying into the welfare queen fairy tale. Sure it happens. You aren't going to balance the federal budget on those pennies.
I will step across this line into race this one time ... there are many more Whites taking advantage of these welfare programs than Blacks.
Don't equate this to wanting to clamp down on blacks but anyone that works the system.


Well-Known Member
Specifically, will Trump repeal the ineffective and "costly to taxpayer provisions" of the 1994 bill. including

  • $8.7 billion for prison construction for states that enacted “truth-in-sentencing” laws, which required people convicted of violent crimes to serve at least 85 percent of their sentences.
  • Adding 100,000 police to the already too high number of police in the US at a cost of billions upon billions of wasted taxpayer dollars.
  • 3 strikes and you're out regardless of whether the crime hurt others or not.
  • Explosive growth in the building of Correctional facilities (i.e. - prisons).
All which makes the USA the highest percentage of population in jail, prisons, etc.

Text - H.R.3355 - 103rd Congress (1993-1994): Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994

ah Bill C here , could he ah hem repeal a few interns for me? Thank ya much


Well-Known Member
Specifically, will Trump repeal the ineffective and "costly to taxpayer provisions" of the 1994 bill. including

  • $8.7 billion for prison construction for states that enacted “truth-in-sentencing” laws, which required people convicted of violent crimes to serve at least 85 percent of their sentences.
  • Adding 100,000 police to the already too high number of police in the US at a cost of billions upon billions of wasted taxpayer dollars.
  • 3 strikes and you're out regardless of whether the crime hurt others or not.
  • Explosive growth in the building of Correctional facilities (i.e. - prisons).
All which makes the USA the highest percentage of population in jail, prisons, etc.

Text - H.R.3355 - 103rd Congress (1993-1994): Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994
No. He will do the same, only more bigly.