Yelled At For Filing a SUP Working Grievance


bella amicizia
If you go over into the management area of BC, you can see posts of new hires(management) who state they are inundated with videos and presentations slamming the union and union employees. Programming them to hate us from the get-go.

I highly doubt Jim Casey ever put on those presentations.


I am a part time stewart also, it happened to me but I took notes daily and then filed Art 37. Now they leave me alone.
If it starts again, I will file labor charges. You have to have have to stand your ground. I will seek a civil labor lawyer if need be as I am not afraid of this company!!!!!!!! Good luck!


I'm a part time steward as well. I would put in a grievance for article 37 and mention that he threatened you with discipline for filing grievances. I've been a steward for a year now. They intentionally try to do things to see what you will let them get away with and try and manipulate you because your new. Talk with other stewards on a daily basis and your business agent as well.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
All the good advice is likely to get you fired. You're shooting spit balls at a guy with a cannon. And he sounds like an idiot with a cannon.

Grievances don't do much to the manager. They're just a nuisance and an ego buster. Warning letters, suspensions and terminations are not an even trade in my opinion.

It makes as much sense as picking a fight with a cop. Good luck.

The reaction of the center manager was the reaction of a scared, frightened little man.

If the threatened grievance truly was nothing more than a nuisance or an ego buster, he would not have yelled and screamed and thrown a tantrum.


bella amicizia
So i just got off the phone with our local Rep. He told me to file Monday morning on the Sups working and on the Incident with the center manager. He said that he didnt ever want to hear that they spoke to someone there that way. I am not one to ever let Sups harass me or yell at me, which is why i got the steward position, but i still feel a bit hesitant about going up against our Center Manager.
Why isn't he there with you? I was a steward, also. It is not my job to go up against a center manager. It is the BA's.
Why isn't he there with you? I was a steward, also. It is not my job to go up against a center manager. It is the BA's.

Menotyou I mean no disrespect but maybe that's why you were a steward? There are days you have to dig deep and do things you just don't want to do. I took this gig because it pays nothing and people on both sides hate my guts. So in essence I took it because I wanted this.


bella amicizia
I realize you mean no disrespect, and none is taken. Yet, it is not a steward's job to "take on" the center manager. It is our job to file grievances for our co-workers, to protect them. When the center manager becomes a megalomaniacal lunatic, it is the BA's job to come in and stand up for his/her steward. To show the yahoo the steward is not alone and he does have someone on his side. The center manager needs to see this show, so he understands that picking on any union steward will not be tolerated. When the center manager thinks the union doesn't care(because he doesn't see anyone from the union), he thinks he won. That is bad spot for the steward to be in.
The BA is the sheriff, not the steward.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Why isn't he there with you? I was a steward, also. It is not my job to go up against a center manager. It is the BA's.

The validity of the grievance and the legal/contractual protections afforded to the one filing it...are not affected by the rank of the management person that it is being filed against. A Center Manager has no more "power" to arbitrarily fire an employee than does a snot-nosed 21 yr old part time if the grievance is a legitimate one then you go ahead and file it and allow the process to work regardless of who it might piss off.


Grieve, grieve, grieve. And dont forget to grieve him for threatening you. It would also be a great idea NOT to ever talk to him without a witness. 11th Commandment: Cover your ass


bella amicizia
The validity of the grievance and the legal/contractual protections afforded to the one filing it...are not affected by the rank of the management person that it is being filed against. A Center Manager has no more "power" to arbitrarily fire an employee than does a snot-nosed 21 yr old part time if the grievance is a legitimate one then you go ahead and file it and allow the process to work regardless of who it might piss off.

I am referring to the statement that the BA instructed said steward by phone to stand up to the manager. Why can't the BA get off his duff and stand up to him himself?


Well-Known Member
I am referring to the statement that the BA instructed said steward by phone to stand up to the manager. Why can't the BA get off his duff and stand up to him himself?

They are lazy like my BA. I agree, the stewards are there to take up for the employee and employee needs to help the steward. But if the greivance is going to have any meat to it the BA needs to get off his A** and stand up for the steward. That is the problem with many locals now "the fat cats" are in the office and not at the union sites letting Super sup's know you will not talk to the stewards like that.


Well-Known Member
I am a part time stewart also, it happened to me but I took notes daily and then filed Art 37. Now they leave me alone.
If it starts again, I will file labor charges. You have to have have to stand your ground. I will seek a civil labor lawyer if need be as I am not afraid of this company!!!!!!!! Good luck!

Hell yes.


bella amicizia
They are lazy like my BA. I agree, the stewards are there to take up for the employee and employee needs to help the steward. But if the greivance is going to have any meat to it the BA needs to get off his A** and stand up for the steward. That is the problem with many locals now "the fat cats" are in the office and not at the union sites letting Super sup's know you will not talk to the stewards like that.
I so agree. I finally had to :censored2: THIS!! I, also, had a position which made it difficult for them to harang me. It is very hard when you are on preload without a seniority bid to stand up by yourself. Very Hard. It is very easy to sit here and bitch slap anyone who doesn't "stand up to the man". The OP is having the problem, not us.


Well-Known Member
One thing I must say, our agents have our backs, In our building we them at
least once a week. We call they call back the same day.


Why isn't he there with you? I was a steward, also. It is not my job to go up against a center manager. It is the BA's.

Our BA is an hour and a half away from us. I have only seen him in our center maybe 3 times and i have worked there for 4yrs. I'm sure he's been there more than that, but we just dont see him. Our union has a weak presence at our center as a result. I have been trying to change that since becoming a steward and that is what they are upset about. They are not used to people filing for breaches of our contract. There are quite a few people there that dont even see any reason in joining.When i started there, we were getting about 4 1/2 - 5hrs a day.We now have a slave driver Preload SUP and we struggle to get our 3 1/2hrs. Most people dont care about the 3 1/2hrs and leave right around 3hrs. We come out so heavy, it is ridiculous! We have box castles all around us because we cant move fast enough to grab all of them. The Preload SUP just says that we arent using our methods. Its pretty frustrating. he tried to make me scrub toilets a few weeks back to get my 3 1/2...I left and called our BA . That was quickly taken back by the SUP and they give us other stuff to do to get our 3 1/2hrs now


My Shop is the same way. There isnt a strong Union prescence. I am a alternate union steward, and I enforce the contract unlike our regular steward. I have goneto Union meetings and met some big shots. One guy inparticular is a guy named Al M. He is the secretary-treasurer of joint council 41 in Cleveland. He told all the stewards at the meeting that as Union members, we are equal to anyone at UPS. From management all the way up to the CEO. Teamsters is one of the most powerful unions around and we should never back down.

BUT being realistic, in my own experience. You have to pick and choose your battles. Because everyone know if u file greivances. Managemnts gonna find a way to retaliate somehow.