Your biggest pain in the butt delivery.


Marty Peters kid
This can be a delivery you use to do or one on your current route. Every route has one of these customers, or delivery stops that just takes forever with 20 hoops to jump through!


Life is a Highway...
Easy.......multiple Lawyers offices....second elevator. These guys always have tons of bankers boxes delivered and tons of boxes to be picked up. If there was ever a case to charge extra for multiple trips!


24 year driver
Residence is 4 miles off the highway, 7 gates to open and close, the drive is extremely rough and rutted, a pack of dogs in the yard and the woman is an "order queen", nothing better to do than sit at home and order stuff. :mad:


Staff member
I had a delivery Monday....... it took 2 1/2 hours EACH WAY....... for 2 pieces..... 2 L A R G E pieces..... I didn't actually lift anything......

Then when I got back...... I had to do ANOTHER stop! This one was only 1 hour each way...... and just one large piece.....

It was a grueling day!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I had a delivery Monday....... it took 2 1/2 hours EACH WAY....... for 2 pieces..... 2 L A R G E pieces..... I didn't actually lift anything......

Then when I got back...... I had to do ANOTHER stop! This one was only 1 hour each way...... and just one large piece.....

It was a grueling day!
AHHH Geez, talk about a tough day..................

Mine is miniscule. compared to such back breaking work.
But at first I thought she was just strange, youll have that.
Then I thought she was a buddy*, and Im right on that one.
Then I thought she was just blind.
And shes not, well the other personality she shares is.
She gets basic every day, almost always basic. But she has got to requiring a sig. Because she wants me to wait, FOREVER.
FIRST SHE YELLS, "ILL BE RIGHT THERE" then I hear commotion.
(Today I found out she is schizoprenic.)
She has to get her husky on a leash, it has to greet me first. Then she has to move the weights she has in front of the door, then she has three deadbolts and two key locks. By the time she opens the door, shes out of breath, and Im falling asleep. But I have been told to wait, as she complained. Then she wants to tell me how bad her day is, and how bad her neighborhood is, and to thank me for waiting...............................I hate that stop worse than a bow flex. And its every darn day.....................Im being tested.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Any major construction site sucks if you have a signature required pkg. A signed delivery notice won't cut it and one subcontractor won't sign for another's pkg. I once had a power plant being built on my route that got a lot of Next Day pkgs. One contractor required that all pkgs were to be signed for by their employees and not be left with anybody else or at their trailer. Of course, they were the people building the smoke stack. One day they were all at the top and couldn't come down. They sent down the lift and i got in with with the pkg. At the top, the foreman said, "Boy, you guys do go anywhere!". I was 240 feet up and the view was great. I'm glad that heights don't bother me.


Well-Known Member
Any major construction site sucks if you have a signature required pkg. A signed delivery notice won't cut it and one subcontractor won't sign for another's pkg. I once had a power plant being built on my route that got a lot of Next Day pkgs. One contractor required that all pkgs were to be signed for by their employees and not be left with anybody else or at their trailer. Of course, they were the people building the smoke stack. One day they were all at the top and couldn't come down. They sent down the lift and i got in with with the pkg. At the top, the foreman said, "Boy, you guys do go anywhere!". I was 240 feet up and the view was great. I'm glad that heights don't bother me.

Ha ha glad for you aren't afraid of heights, i would have been freaking the hell out up there.:blushing:


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
I had a delivery Monday....... it took 2 1/2 hours EACH WAY....... for 2 pieces..... 2 L A R G E pieces..... I didn't actually lift anything......

Then when I got back...... I had to do ANOTHER stop! This one was only 1 hour each way...... and just one large piece.....

It was a grueling day!
they wont let us feeder drivers cry here lol


Staff member
"they wont let us feeder drivers cry here "

They just don't understand the stress involved, the mental torture, the unrelenting taskmasters in feeders.....

<sigh> No sympathy at all!


Well-Known Member
The stress of seeing your butt get bigger and bigger from all that sitting and no delivering anymore! Poor, poor feeder drivers. (Don't let me kid you, most of you earned it by going through package)

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Bowflex! Especially when it's one of the later stops and you have to work around the 4-8 large and heavy peices through out the day until you get to that stop or when it's practical to break off and go ahead and deliver it.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Mine would be delivering an EAM to a nearby Army base. I have to save it for last because it takes so long. First, pull into a separate truck entrance and wait for my turn at a Guard Gate. Then, show my driver's license and work ID. Next, open the hood and rear door while a guard looks under the P500 for bombs with a large mirror. At this point, I get a Vender's Pass and I am free to go. This base doesn't use street addresses, everything is a building number. "Building 158" is hard to find, so I stop and ask a MP where it is. She doesn't know either, so she hops in a car and I follow. "158" turns out to be a room over "157" that a cellular contractor is working out of. Finally, after about 45 minutes, I get out of the Main Gate. Now I hand this stop off to a less senior driver.:wink:


Runnin on Empty
Lady gets a ton of Broder Brothers deliveries. All COD , and she used to work in our building. She loves to talk, always bitching about how the company and our center manager did her wrong, and she can't seem to write checks an talk at the same time. Fifteen minutes every time. Lucky for me, she's absolutely smokin hot:thumbup1: