Your Next president


Well-Known Member
This campaign season IMO has been pretty wild. I mean, a year ago McCain was should we say "dead meat" and Rudy seemed the shoe in. Hillary was all but crowned queen and after the democrat sweep in the 06' Congressional elections, some pundits all but declared a democrat WH for Hillary in Jan. 09'.

Now we have everyone gone but McCain and he seems to be gaining ground and if the election were today against either democrat, I think McCain would win. A few weeks ago Obama was pounded by the Clinton camp via the "Pastor" scandal and Hillary seemed to surge and put the whole process back into open question with Obama slipping. Now Hillary pounded her own mouth with her own "war tales" and she's slipping fast again.

In this, McCain is growing in numbers and support and it's a long way to Nov. but he sure has to feel good right now having dispatched all the other repub. contenders. But here's where it gets interesting.

I've been seeing over the last few weeks a number of reports that the democrat party either at convention or prior too, making Al Gore the nominee and either Hillary or Obama the 2nd banana. It seems farfetched in one sense but as crazy as this election cycle has been, I'm not so sure it's as crazy as one might think and among democrat party loyalist I'm not sure how that would go over.

One could argue that the republicans shot themselves in the foot once in power as they became more and more like the democrats that they ran and railed against but who would have thought that the stupidity of the democrat party could in the end come November almost give the keys to the Kingdom back to the republicans. The next 7 months will most likely put someone in the WH that I don't like or rather agree with but lack of excitement getting there won't be a problem if the last year has been any measure!



golden ticket member
I don't think that the Jereiah Wright 'albatross' will fall from Obama's neck anytime soon.

Now there are stories of Wright's association with James Cone who says, "White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet."

Farrakhan still remains a hero of Rev. Wright. Wright says, "Minister Farrakhan will be remembered as on of the 20 th and 21st century giants of the African-American religious experience."

Obama's gonna have to do a lot of shakin' to get these fleas out of his coat !!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
After hearing Obama's preacher and all his rantings & ravings, I question Obama's 20 yr. affiliation with this religious leader.

Scary stuff !! :dissapointed:
Well if he missed his preachers teachings for 20 yrs, what would he hear from us in 4?


After hearing Obama's preacher and all his rantings & ravings, I question Obama's 20 yr. affiliation with this religious leader.

Scary stuff !! :dissapointed:

Moreluck, did you question President Bush's judgement after his 20 year affilation with a closet gay preacher who was not only using cocaine but meth?

A Review of Ted Haggard's Beliefs and Associations

The REAL Ted Haggard (what the mainstream media will never tell you)

In light of Haggard's confession that he is a liar and a deceiver, let us examine the evidence of Ted's deceitful behavior as presented on this website for years before his scandals became public knowledge:

One of the biggest lies to be propagated by Ted Haggard of New Life Church is his claim that he has positively changed the spiritual climate of his city. In a description of Ted's 1995 book, Primary Purpose, the statement is made:

You Can Change Your City's Spiritual Climate

It happened in Colorado Springs, and it can happen in your city too.

(Appropriately Titled Source: Strang Communications)

It happened in Colorado Springs? What is he talking about? Since Ted moved to Colorado Springs / El Paso County in 1985 things have not improved. In fact, things have gotten worse. Negative reports about the city are published every year. Here is an official compilation of vital statistics I extracted from our city's newspaper in 2002:

"El Paso County youths have a higher pregnancy rate, use more drugs and die more often from suicide than teens nationwide." (The Gazette, "Life" section, 5/5/02).
"Colorado Springs' evangelical image out of focus, officials believe"
At the end of this 2005 Denver Post article Ted glibly notes America's obscene spirituality and suggests that it is incorporated into New Life Church.

It should be clear to us that Ted has not been successful in positively transforming the lives of those within his city or even within his own congregation. Megachurches such as New Life Church have had the issue of non-sanctification raised even by pro-Charismatic publications in regards to their failure to mature people into Christ-like figures. In 2001 Charisma reported: "Megachurches in America may be growing numerically, but the pastors of the big congregations often fall short of growing people into a Christlike life." Ted Haggard's name is mentioned in the report (he gives a false church growth statistic):
Study: Megachurches Fail To Grow Up Disciples
(link no longer active)

Some very disturbing news is Ted's move toward ecumenism and interfaithism. An ecumenical letter was sent to President Bush where Ted Haggard joined other religious leaders in proclaiming the Islamic faith as a religion of "great traditions":
Ecumenical Letter to the President of the United States

Like many pastors in America Ted has been duped into believing that President George W. Bush is a Christian leader. He really needs to familiarize himself with the ungodly words and deplorable actions of Mr. Bush:
A good place to start: Bush Revealed

In the New Life Church bookstore Ted recommends published works by several secular / ungodly individuals, including David Gergen (who has advised numerous U.S. Presidents). Listen to Gergen as he is confronted about his participation in occult rituals at Bohemian Grove (northern California):

For an exposition of Ted's move away from the Gospel:
Ted Haggard Abandons the Gospel

Ted's recent association with TBN and praise for its star performer Benny Hinn should raise a red flag with every Bible believing Christian. Benny Hinn is a false teacher and false prophet who's unbiblical words and manipulative actions are well documented.
Recommended book: The Confusing World of Benny Hinn

Jack Hayford is a popular California based pastor and a New Life Church overseer, who co-authored a book with Ted Haggard:
Beware of Jack Hayford

Personal Freedom Outreach did an investigation of David Hogan, a man Ted Haggard has supported for years. The conclusion of that investigation is frightening:
Report on David Hogan

My personal encounter with Dave Hogan:
"Hogan Not a Hero"

To learn about the heretical beliefs and manipulative tactics of cult leader Ted Haggard:
Ted Haggard's Deceit and Error
(Great site, but I do not agree with the author's promotion of Billy Graham as a model of righteousness.)

New Life Church once promoted a degrading bumper sticker which read: "Social Services Needs a Spanking" (circa 1994-95). Ask a church official or member of the church (who has been there since at least 1994) why Ted Haggard had to eventually apologize for remarks made by him and his church against this organization.

"Submissiveness to leadership" is a major teaching at New Life. Ted's appointed church leaders are obsessed with control of their followers. Some of these leaders are very effeminate and sport the same wimpy physique as Ted.

In the mid-90's at Haggard's New Life Church I attended an uninspiring service led by guest speaker Morris Cerullo. Morris acquired his Inspiration (INSP) television network from Jerry Falwell (which Falwell seized from Jim Bakker when it was called the PTL network). INSP is a forum for practically every false and greedy teacher imaginable. Years ago I first viewed video of Morris instructing an injured man to take off his neck brace to try to force a healing (or paralysis). Seeing Morris grab and turn this man's neck in both directions and cause this man agonizing physical and emotional pain is the worst thing I have ever seen a televangelist do to a person. If you want to obtain this video clip to help warn people about the fraud of Morris Cerullo (and those who associate with him) this video footage is available on:
"The Original Godstuff" DVD[

Ted Haggard was on site to approvingly witness the signing by President Bush of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. Shockingly (to many), the "Ban Act" is in reality a pro-abortion bill:
The Partial-Birth Abortion Scam

Peter Popoff's Trickery
Ted Haggard will not speak on the subject. Why? Because one of his mentors, Oral Roberts, has for decades used the same scam (as does Oral's son, Richard). Ted is a graduate of Oral Roberts University (ORU).

One of Ted's newest catch phrases (from his diet book):
"Make your fat friends happy!"
(link no longer active)

Consider that hundreds of Haggard's church members are employees at Focus on the Family. This no doubt has contributed to the moral failings at the organization:
The Deceit of Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family


Well-Known Member
For a moment of humor!

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - If you are male and a Led Zeppelin fan, chances are you may be leaning toward voting Republican in the U.S. presidential election, according to a survey of rock radio fans released on Wednesday.

These fans must be "Dazed and Confused". Last time I checked The Dems are more likely than Reps to legalize their weed.

As far as Obama's preacher, I'm more concerned how all his attackers deny or ignore the truths in his 9/11 Sermon quoting/interpeting Reagon Ambassador Andrew Peck and to do a little "self examination". Have we become a nation of naysayers when it comes to blemishes of American historical events. Or do you believe you can only be patriotic if you turn the other cheek and support a Gov't that runs amuck. A true patriot will stand up to authority and stop the atrocities being inflicted among "we the people" just as our founding fathers and the brave colonist did in the 1700's.


Well-Known Member
Hasn't it been about four or five years now? Does anyone know what happened to this case?

That article was very entertaining. Some of the best quotes.

"The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair."

Really LOL

"While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause,"


"he went to Yale where he was, again like his descendants, a member of the secretive and influential Skull and Bones student society."

Oh no not that again:surprised:

There was nothing illegal in doing business with the Thyssens throughout the 1930s and many of America's best-known business names invested heavily in the German economic recovery.


"You can't blame Bush for what his grandfather did any more than you can blame Jack Kennedy for what his father did - bought Nazi stocks - but what is important is the cover-up, how it could have gone on so successfully for half a century, and does that have implications for us today?" he said

I thought we were supposed to blame Bush for everything.

"What is also at issue is how much money Bush made from his involvement. His supporters suggest that he had one token share. Loftus disputes this, citing sources in "the banking and intelligence communities" and suggesting that the Bush family, through George Herbert Walker and Prescott, got $1.5m out of the involvement. There is, however, no paper trail to this sum."

I think Diesel made one trillion dollars from this. There is of course no paper trail to this. :funny:


Well-Known Member
Incase you don't get it, the whole point of the "Bush/Hitler" post is a counter and a comparison to Obama's connection with his estranged Dad and Preacher. Do you think I really believe George Sr and Jr are nazi's ? No (Although the GOP under Bush is alot closer to fascism than the Dem's are to communism.) LOL..I couldn't resist.
Attempts of guilt by association of Obama is such a stretch and a desperate failing attempt of character assasination as proven with record increases of new voter registration results favoring Democrats state by state.


Well-Known Member
Incase you don't get it, the whole point of the "Bush/Hitler" post is a counter and a comparison to Obama's connection with his estranged Dad and Preacher. Do you think I really believe George Sr and Jr are nazi's ? No (Although the GOP under Bush is alot closer to fascism than the Dem's are to communism.) LOL..I couldn't resist.
Attempts of guilt by association of Obama is such a stretch and a desperate failing attempt of character assasination as proven with record increases of new voter registration results favoring Democrats state by state.

What does voter registration have to do with B. Hussein Obama's character?


Well-Known Member
Incase you don't get it, the whole point of the "Bush/Hitler" post is a counter and a comparison to Obama's connection with his estranged Dad and Preacher. Do you think I really believe George Sr and Jr are nazi's ? No (Although the GOP under Bush is alot closer to fascism than the Dem's are to communism.) LOL..I couldn't resist.
Attempts of guilt by association of Obama is such a stretch and a desperate failing attempt of character assasination as proven with record increases of new voter registration results favoring Democrats state by state.

I'm afraid you are the one not getting it. This is so much more than guilt by association as Barak had 20 good long years to learn what kind of racist spoke at his church every Sunday. He even went as far to put this man on his campaign payroll. He hasn't said one thing admitting to making a mistake in doing so, and that tells us a lot about the true Barak Obama.


Well-Known Member
What does voter registration have to do with B. Hussein Obama's character?

It goes to show that new voters realize character assassination on Obama is not working. Americans would rather concentrate on the issues at hand and are smart enough not to get sidetracked with off course distractions. Speculation can be said that Sen Clinton also recruits new voters as well, but in the same breath some of her surregates maybe creating some of the distractions along with the McClain Camp and Fox Noise Network.

As for Brett, he still has a hang up on Rev Wright as a "Racist" Black Man, and is unable to distinguish the Rev as a spirited Fustrated Black Man. And being that your unable to accept historical faults and blemishes that the Ex-marine Rev of over 30 years spews in his sermons, than maybe you are a canidate in search of "self examination".



Well-Known Member
Attempts of guilt by association of Obama is such a stretch and a desperate failing attempt of character assasination as proven with record increases of new voter registration results favoring Democrats state by state.

What does voter registration have to do with B. Hussein Obama's character?

That's not Obama, that's Rush Limbaugh and Operation Chaos!

It's funny to me how in some "conservative" circles there are claims that democrats crossed party lines to vote in McCain and now there are the same claims among "liberals" that republicans are doing the same.

It would seem logical that among african american voters that there would be more interest in this election verses previous elections so IMO that voter increase may or may not be sustained based on the overall outcome. Hard to say at this point as to what longterm benefit this has to the democrat party. Ron Paul brought a lot of new faces into the election fray but the odds of the republican party seeing benefit from it is slim and none and one of the reason his whole effort was discounted IMO. Had Ron backed McCain or had backed the party as a whole and encouraged all those young voters to do the same, I'd venture to say the party response to his efforts would have been quite positive but then had he done this, those young voters would not have been there in the first place.


You made an eloquent effort in an earlier post to slam the LP but here's a piece that does so and the guy is a libertarian.

As I said way back, Ron Paul comes from the old school LP and he understands this process of education and planting seeds. That alone was the true purpose of his run for the WH to begin with. As Lew points out, the LP has choosen to play the same political game and I contend if you voted in a WH and whole Congress of libertarians today without an electorate undertanding it's own duties and ideals within principles of limited gov't, freedom and liberty, it would not take long for the same temptations that has corrupted the republican and democrat parties to also do the same to those of the LP stripe.

IMO libertarianism is as much about understanding the nature or sin nature if you will of man and how out of control that can get in quick order when groups of men form collectives and are given powers to enforce that collective will under the guise of majority rule. Libertarians again IMO should be checks at the door and not about owning the room inside! If I have to obtain office to force you to freedom and liberty by the use of law, then do I not violate my own principle of not using force to make others conform to my will? It can be a very thin line sometimes when I vote as to what is protecting the little liberty and freedom I have left verses forcing others to conform to my ideals of poltical and economic structure.



Well-Known Member
As for Brett, he still has a hang up on Rev Wright as a "Racist" Black Man, and is unable to distinguish the Rev as a spirited Fustrated Black Man. And being that your unable to accept historical faults and blemishes that the Ex-marine Rev of over 30 years spews in his sermons, than maybe you are a canidate in search of "self examination".


You can spin this how you like, but the fact remains that if he were white he would be labeled a racist. You are just trying to propagate a double standard just like reverend Wright propagates racism. He preaches to his church attendees that the evil white man holds them down each and everyday, which is essentially BS.

Based on your reply I'm assuming you agree that the government created AIDS to thin out the black populations in this country. It appears you are just as clueless as reverend Wright and Barak Obama.

BTW, how frustrated can Rev. Wright be when he is being given a million dollar, 10k square foot mansion as a retirement gift from his church? I consider that a very comfortable retirement.


Well-Known Member
It goes to show that new voters realize character assassination on Obama is not working. Americans would rather concentrate on the issues at hand and are smart enough not to get sidetracked with off course distractions. Speculation can be said that Sen Clinton also recruits new voters as well, but in the same breath some of her surregates maybe creating some of the distractions along with the McClain Camp and Fox Noise Network.

How does it prove that? That is one heck of a connection you are trying to make. You would have me believe that B. Hussein Obama's mentor of 20 years who is a racist and that does not matter. You would have me believe that one of his good friends and supporters who admitted to terrorist activities does not mean anything. None of this has anything to do with his character, but when new people register to vote before a presidential election just like they do every cycle this is somehow proof that B. Hussein Obama has good character. What? Are you serious?:dissapointed:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
How does it prove that? That is one heck of a connection you are trying to make. You would have me believe that B. Hussein Obama's mentor of 20 years who is a racist and that does not matter. You would have me believe that one of his good friends and supporters who admitted to terrorist activities does not mean anything. None of this has anything to do with his character, but when new people register to vote before a presidential election just like they do every cycle this is somehow proof that B. Hussein Obama has good character. What? Are you serious?:dissapointed:
Just coz he attended doesnt mean he believes it...................
or heard it............
So Mr. Obvious, what does he hear and believe, no one knows..............
I know hes not my candidate. He is untouchable as finding out what he is really all about. At least Clinton airs hers she has no choice, and Mcain does he have any dirty laundry? Well they tried, but it didnt last. Ill take my chances, but operation chaos in Ohio, I voted for Hillary, but in the end I will vote for Mcain.


Well-Known Member
Just coz he attended doesnt mean he believes it...................
or heard it............
So Mr. Obvious, what does he hear and believe, no one knows..............
I know hes not my candidate. He is untouchable as finding out what he is really all about. At least Clinton airs hers she has no choice, and Mcain does he have any dirty laundry? Well they tried, but it didnt last. Ill take my chances, but operation chaos in Ohio, I voted for Hillary, but in the end I will vote for Mcain.

I would never care what church he attended Ms. Obvious. He does however claim Mr. Wright to be his mentor. I would guess that they do not share every view but when Obama claims he never heard any of those racist words that seem to have been spoken so often by the so called reverend I say he has a serious issue with the voters. The polls even bear this out just go to and look at the polls and compare the dates. Yes it is our responsibility to vet the candidates and determine for ourselves if they are credible enough for our votes. It has been quite some time since I have been to church but it does strike me as unusual that you say he would not have heard the sermon. If he is hard of hearing they had someone doing sign language. It is my understanding that he quotes the Reverend Wright quite often. He has even acknowledged that he will have to distance his self once he get the nomination to have a legitimate shot at the presidency. No I do not think this one thing makes much of a difference but when you add it all together it does seem like more than just an accident that he surrounds himself with these kinds of people. While it may not matter to you if he is surrounded with people who have our country or are racists but it does matter to me for my vote. All of those things point to his character to me. Again all I was asking was how does it prove anything about Obamas character when someone else registers to vote in an upcoming presidential election cycle? It just does not seem as obvious to me as it does to you or diesel. you say you do not know what he believes so why not watch his actions and who his friends or mentors are?

Let us not forget that Obama has said several times that while he has no experience his character is such that he will be able to make good judgements if elected.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I would never care what church he attended Ms. Obvious. He does however claim Mr. Wright to be his mentor. I would guess that they do not share every view but when Obama claims he never heard any of those racist words that seem to have been spoken so often by the so called reverend I say he has a serious issue with the voters. The polls even bear this out just go to and look at the polls and compare the dates. Yes it is our responsibility to vet the candidates and determine for ourselves if they are credible enough for our votes. It has been quite some time since I have been to church but it does strike me as unusual that you say he would not have heard the sermon. If he is hard of hearing they had someone doing sign language. It is my understanding that he quotes the Reverend Wright quite often. He has even acknowledged that he will have to distance his self once he get the nomination to have a legitimate shot at the presidency. No I do not think this one thing makes much of a difference but when you add it all together it does seem like more than just an accident that he surrounds himself with these kinds of people. While it may not matter to you if he is surrounded with people who have our country or are racists but it does matter to me for my vote. All of those things point to his character to me. Again all I was asking was how does it prove anything about Obamas character when someone else registers to vote in an upcoming presidential election cycle? It just does not seem as obvious to me as it does to you or diesel. you say you do not know what he believes so why not watch his actions and who his friends or mentors are?

Let us not forget that Obama has said several times that while he has no experience his character is such that he will be able to make good judgements if elected.

What scares me as that people are actually defending Obama and that preacher. That is just another sign of the times I guess. It's a little reassuring to know that I know many people that are not usually into politics and have never voted are going to actually vote this time just to help keep the travesty of Obama becoming president from happening.