Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
So, Timmy has a meeting/BBQ in the hall last Friday night and doesn't tell the local about it?

Why turn on the lights and invite only one center from Island City and not the whole building? What about the entire local?

It's not on the local's website, so what's up with all the secrets?


Well-Known Member
So, Timmy has a meeting/BBQ in the hall last Friday night and doesn't tell the local about it?

Why turn on the lights and invite only one center from Island City and not the whole building? What about the entire local?

It's not on the local's website, so what's up with all the secrets?

Tim must have figured That center to be his strong hold?? I wonder if he told those members that he's running for a position for the IBT next year??


That’s Craptacular
So, Timmy has a meeting/BBQ in the hall last Friday night and doesn't tell the local about it?

Why turn on the lights and invite only one center from Island City and not the whole building? What about the entire local?

It's not on the local's website, so what's up with all the secrets?
What?? Free food and I missed it?? No one told us a thing!


Well-Known Member
Really? And the members elected him twice? Guess you guys just can't put together a credible slate, huh 6045?

you have been trying to find a candidate for 20 years for the international and nothing credible? Fact!

HOFFA been elected 2x also!! What's your point again?
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Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
you have been trying to find a candidate for 20 years for the international and nothing credible? Fact!

HOFFA been elected 2x also!! What's your point again?

Actually member60whome?, I haven't been trying to find a candidate for 20 years. In fact, 18 years ago we had a General President that I supported. Hoffa ran against him...Hoffa lost...the government overturned the election, and we've been screwed ever since.

BTW...how are bigd and notwhativotedfor doing? I've been worried about you three rascals!

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
Splitting the vote killed and made Tim stay in office. It wasn't because only 40% of the vote liked him

Huh? Well, okay...splitting the vote is a fact of life that candidates have to deal with. Sometimes it works for them and sometimes it works against them. That's not all bad. In 1991, Ron Carey was opposed by R.V. Durham and Walter S. A three way split gave Ron the victory. That worked out very well for him and for us! Not so much for Durham and Shea.


Well-Known Member
Actually member60whome?, I haven't been trying to find a candidate for 20 years. In fact, 18 years ago we had a General President that I supported. Hoffa ran against him...Hoffa lost...the government overturned the election, and we've been screwed ever since.

BTW...how are bigd and notwhativotedfor doing? I've been worried about you three rascals!

The president that you speak of is long gone God rest his soul! Your TDU people tore his family apart after them realizing that Tim was nothing like there father just another salesman. I guess it was good for the campaign run, now you talk about them like there nobodies. I am so happy that Ken H and O'Brien didn't show any hate for 804 like Tim does on a daily basis. They came in a fixed a major problem that Tim started!! Not one signature or work working parties family member did nothing! But you guys took the stage as to say you did it!! Your partnerships did nothing for this local. Ken H and O'Brien brought the 250 drivers back and with class! No lights and no mic.


Well-Known Member
Credibility has now become the hurdle for Tim, Jim, Pete, Dave and company. All these guys have a history of not standing up! 2 terms of not showing up and a piss poor contract. The board is known now for blowing big lines of bs to us! These men are the real do nothing's. Tim would continue the same path at the next level. TDU is just using 804 legacy as there microphone.

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
The president that you speak of is long gone God rest his soul! Your TDU people tore his family apart after them realizing that Tim was nothing like there father just another salesman. I guess it was good for the campaign run, now you talk about them like there nobodies. I am so happy that Ken H and O didn't show any hate for 804 like Tim does on a daily basis. They came in a fixed a major problem that Tim started!! Not one signature or work working parties family member did nothing! But you guys took the stage as to say you did it!! Your partnerships did nothing for this local. Ken H and O brought the 250 drivers back and with class! No lights and no mic.

You're pretty much off the charts with your lack of credibility and irrational rants, member60whatareyoutalkingabout?.

1) "Your TDU people"? I am not a member of TDU and I don't have any TDU people.

2) "you guys took the stage as to say you did it"? I've told you many times in the past that I am not a member of the
Executive Board or an employee of Local 804! What don't you get about that?

3) "Your partnerships"? See my response to #2.

4) "Not one signature or work working parties family member did nothing!"? Frankly, I don't even know what that
sentence means!

5) "a major problem that Tim started"? I think that the majority of our members understand that the issue at Maspeth was
a major problem that UPS started...not Tim! It's pretty damn sad that you don't get that!

I do know that Tim had a very good relationship with Ron. Ron brought him on board to work at the International. The relationship with Ron's family was also very good and I'm pretty sure it still is. I am surprised that you would even bring this up, however. It was your guys who jumped over to Hoffa! It was your guys who refused to show up for Ron's funeral or the memorial service for him! It was your guys who removed every picture and reference to Ron from the Union Hall! It was your guys who didn't turn out when the street that Ron lived on was named after him!

Your rather belated "God rest his soul" pales in comparison to the above referenced failures to recognize his legacy! You guys should be ashamed of yourselves!

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
Credibility has now become the hurdle for Tim, Jim, Pete, Dave and company. All these guys have a history of not standing up! 2 terms of not showing up and a piss poor contract. The board is known now for blowing big lines of bs to us! These men are the real do nothing's. Tim would continue the same path at the next level. TDU is just using 804 legacy as there microphone.

I think that I've already addressed your own credibility issues (#8772). Those issues are a hurdle that you & the boyz haven't been able to leap over in the last two election...and are unlikely to leap over in the next!


Well-Known Member
you did point out maspeth as a problem building that needed to be fixed! Was it fixed? No!! Is maspeth any different than any other building in 804? No! The same problems continue in every building. Terminations, reduction of overtime, harassment, not getting paid for Election Day and lack of representation in the buildings! The board doesn't show for notice of discharge!! just to name a few things.