9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separate But Equal.


bella amicizia
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

The panel decision shouldn't affect a bid driver whose route is being cut.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

We printed out a copy of that. and looked in our new copy of the national agreement. We also have been told we have no opt in or opt out list,You have to file your first grievance on 9.5 to opt in. which is crazy..we (the 3 of us) are working 11 to 12 hours a day. So I guess we will start filing.. And see were it goes.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

@menotyou: I agree. My union representation does not agree strongly enough to do anything about it or the right union representative has not been informed.

@dqs95124: The general case seems to be that there is no longer a Opt In/Opt Out List because of the dynamics that occur with such a list. There is still supposed to be a list for drivers who have Opted In to the Article 37 language. To qualify to get on such a list, we have to have a "qualifying week" where we were on a route for the whole week and were over 9.5 for three or more days. Once we are qualified to be on the list, we then have to go speak to Supervision/Management about getting on the 9.5 List. We do not have to file a grievance to get on the 9.5 List. Maybe it is just me, but I think you are being misrepresented if you have to file a grievance to get on the 9.5 List UNLESS the grievance is because UPS is not allowing you on the 9.5 List because you are a Cover Driver.

Cover Drivers should be able to get on the 9.5 List if they qualify. It has been explained to me that they are only on the 9.5 List for the route they were covering when they qualified. It has also been discussed on Brown Cafe that the Bid Driver on the route the Cover Driver qualified for 9.5 on has to be on the 9.5 List also or the Cover Driver will not win an Article 37 grievance on that route. In other words, it is feasible even in the worst of scenarios; however, your Management can avoid the issue altogether by shifting the Cover Drivers at least once during the week (which is apparently done in some jurisdictions).

Technically, I am qualified for 9.5 on two routes (out of thirteen) in my Center but only one of them had a 9.5 Bid Driver when I qualified on the respective route. As a Cover Driver, I value whatever continuity I can get so I would rather be allowed to just cover routes for the full week which I get the opportunity to do pretty often now as the senior Cover Driver. As much as I may wish the circumstances were different, UPS has not failed to pay me for the hours worked and the general consensus I get from my union representation is, "If you don't like it, you should have started working here earlier. The door is over there."


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

I'm on a different rt. every day my agent says It's a National agreement and He can't do anything. There is so much room for abuse here. Eliminateing RTS, cutting cars. I go out on avg 180 to 200 stops, then I have to go help some one. With lower seniority going home.. If I can't file for O/t then I should be able to file for seniority?? Right...



Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

DQS, you pay union dues for almost the same reason you pay taxes, so that the ruling class(either political or union) can continue on with power and ability to maintain a high lifestyle with little or no effort. Good luck, you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

RE: Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues??

Where did you pull that language from? It isn't in the contract we all work against, and if it's an old version of the contract, it shouldn't be binding anymore. Furthermore, if it's from an old version of the contract, and a new contract has been ratified since this memorandum, if it were still binding, it would have been incorporated into the new contract. If it didn't make it into the new version of the national contract, then it's no longer valid.

In any event, if there are provisional additions/MOU's like this, where do I find them? If they're in writing, they must be made available for review, otherwise it turns into a he said, she said argument.

Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

The bottom line is this.....Since the company wrote that billion $$$ check buying out the retirement from the union.....the union is now bought and paid for. They both knew good and well how they would screw us this time.....get a contract passed with a clause that would let them change the 9.5 language after it was passed....leaving the members without a voice or a choice. Also...since new full time pk drivers have a cap on their wage...in tx region its several $$ less than us old guys......Look for a big ole bulls eye on the higher paid guys.....and dont for a second be shocked when our union does little or nothing to protect us old guys......bought and paid for. ( >20 yrs in TX)


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

read it front to back. the NATIONAL says not one damn thing about "COVER" drivers. It says any driver who has attained full time senority. can file..


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

why? Ive been there longer than you.. Back to the dark side where you belong...


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

I can tell you what the 9.5 panel is supposed to rule on if their job is done properly. Using their own guidelines you can only file as a cover driver if you are on the same route for the week. If you are moved around then you are SOL. People can say all they want but this is the current agreement. Now if your local doesnt stand up for you then that is a different problem; but I can tell you this is how the 9.5 committee is set up.

Seeing this going on here as well, but so far not every bid rt in my center is on the opt in list. UPS is also making an attempt to exempt "extended rts" as long as they are 150 miles or more. So my question would be if ALL bid rts in ANY center were to opt in on the list, and any cover did a combo of rts that were ALL on the list, would he (she) still not qualify for inclusion to the list and therefore 9.5 grievance filing privileges?


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

welcome to the teamsters and ups ,,allways a reason why things dont happen,, never a good reason why tho


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

In order to file don't you need to put your name list of people that don't want to work over 9.5.
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

yes, dqs95124 you are correct, the national does say that......but here in TX and whoever elso is covered by our region.....we have an Addendum to the National that specifically deals with 9.5 language....that was 'pre-passed' before it was written. This addendum trumpts the National in our area......Sounds friend'd up, but I know for a fact that its true. I have spoken with Teamster Reps in Washington DC about this and believe me they got an ear full....
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

upsguy72.....in my location, we are told that cover/swing drivers cannot sign that list....only full time bid drivers may sign it...and..if you cover someones route that is not on that list....you are friend'ed

Buck Fifty

Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

All cover drivers can file Article 37. No if and or Buts about it.


Active Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

You have the right to file a grievance..even if the local says you can't win you have the right to file article 51, a lot of supplemental language has been written such as having to be over 9.5 3 days in a week to be put on the 9.5 list, then the second infraction is triple time pay for all hours worked. You should file cover driver or not, it lets them know you don't want the overtime.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

I think all of us "Cover" Drivers need to file. period. I've worked more O/T then X-MAS. There is more of us, isn't there. Elimanted RT'S OF 25 yr Drivers and doing split cars. Isn't that great!!! To hide what what they are doing...


Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

I think all of us "Cover" Drivers need to file. period. I've worked more O/T then X-MAS. There is more of us, isn't there. Elimanted RT'S OF 25 yr Drivers and doing split cars. Isn't that great!!! To hide what what they are doing...

Our center averaged nearly 9.5 for the entire week a few weeks ago. 35-40 or so bid drivers, roughly 10 covers.