"A massive UPS strike could devastate the economy"


Well-Known Member
I do the same but you still don't have the same view as you did with the older package cars m
The roof is much darker
Yeah. I agree with that. I also kind of secretly hope it runs the battery down during the winter. Though a dead battery during the middle of the day would screw me, it might be worth it just to aggravate management, ha ha.


FYI..... we held our strike vote yesterday (Sunday June 11th) with 99% of the voting members voting yes to authorize the strike vote. Interesting article today on CNN that I thought I would share.

Progress at the table​

The union hasn’t publicly said what percentage wage increase it is seeking. It is on record demanding that the new contract closes a gap in pay between some different classes of workers, better working conditions, including air conditioning in its delivery vans, and significantly higher overall pay from a company whose profits have nearly doubled in the last five years.

It amuses me somewhat that wages are the first thing the news goes to, as if other issues don't exist.

And I don't believe for a second the Teamsters have demanded A/C. Could be wrong. I'm on withdrawal so I don't get the updates.


Don’t worry he’s friendly
Yeah that’s what I meant. I probably should have been more specific but why not let us drive for a little bit with the bulkhead open? It’s a blessing when the door comes off tack or the lock breaks in the summer. It’s a night and day difference
Kick it off track 🤷‍♂️ just sayin
One good donkey kick from the inside does the job


Well-Known Member
It amuses me somewhat that wages are the first thing the news goes to, as if other issues don't exist.

And I don't believe for a second the Teamsters have demanded A/C. Could be wrong. I'm on withdrawal so I don't get the updates.
Check the app, they came to an agreement on AC.

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
Technically it’s maroon, because why represent the brown?