
Well-Known Member
Lots of typical snowflake responses around here.

Anyone who works hard and does well for themselves is expected to not have nice things, and give more to everyone else.
News flash : The average home doesn't have a pool and isn't owned by someone worth about 200 million.



Tell that to all of the ranchers across the high plains.

News flash : If Al sells the place, most likely the new owners will use a similar amount of energy. Also, how do you know it's unused or unoccupied with Al as the owner?
But they also wouldn't have gone on crusades that the world is ending because of global warming. I guess he doesn't care about future generations, according to himself.


Inordinately Right
But they also wouldn't have gone on crusades that the world is ending because of global warming. I guess he doesn't care about future generations, according to himself.
Isn't he one of the big proponents of carbon credits and offsets though?

With that system he could burn through as much fossil fuel as he wants as long as he has the money to buy the offsets.


Well-Known Member
Lots of typical snowflake responses around here.

Anyone who works hard and does well for themselves is expected to not have nice things, and give more to everyone else.
News flash : The average home doesn't have a pool and isn't owned by someone worth about 200 million.

newsflash a swimming pool is not a sign of wealth and come with many more modestly priced homes.


Well-Known Member
The way to green is scale. Al should has sold the place and make a serious down scale. All that un used or un occupied square feet is a pure waste. Same is true of big jets too.

One can appreciate the effort but at the same time, it is still nothing but window dressing.

think of all the refugee's he could house in that mansion.


Al Gore’s Carbon Footprint Doesn’t Matter

The claim that Gore and his ilk are hypocrites is a classic conservative attack strategy of redirection (because it ignores the core issue of climate change) and of poisoning the well (because it attempts to discredit the message by discrediting the messenger). This is much easier, and perhaps more rhetorically effective, than debunking climate science itself. That’s why you only see groups like the National Center for Public Policy Research releasing “studies” on Gore’s energy use. NCPPR, which has been funded by oil interests, advocates against policies to fight global warming because it denies that global warming exists. “The world isn’t warming,” the group falsely claimed in a 2014 paper arguing against climate regulations. Thus, it’s in their interest to try to undermine one of the most effective advocates of aggressive climate action.

But the hypocrisy charge simply doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. An anti-abortion advocate who believes abortion is immoral and should be illegal, but gets one herself, is a hypocrite. But climate change advocates who don’t live a carbon-neutral lifestyle aren’t hypocrites because, for the most part, they’re not asking you to live a carbon-neutral lifestyle. They’re asking governments, utilities, energy companies, and large corporations to increase their use of renewable energy so that you can continue to live your life as you please, without contributing to global warming


Inordinately Right
Just the rich man's way of justifying his hypocrisy.
I don't think he's advocating for a minimalist lifestyle to save the planet. If he was, then he'd be a hypocrite. I'm not a fan of the carbon offset idea, but it doesn't make him a hypocrite. Out of touch rich elitist? Probably.


Well-Known Member
I don't think he's advocating for a minimalist lifestyle to save the planet. If he was, then he'd be a hypocrite. I'm not a fan of the carbon offset idea, but it doesn't make him a hypocrite. Out of touch rich elitist? Probably.
He doesn't practice what he preaches, and his lack of concern for the environment, says a lot more than what he actually says.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, doesn't make sense.

When you purchase an offset, do you just get the warm fuzzies, or something else? Whatever you get, don't use them. Maybe it is a 1%er problem, but I've never seen them to even buy them, so they must be either totally irrelevant, or something an environmental guy shouldn't need.