An Elephant Tale!


'neath the glen past the abbey
the maids all conspire, to make love to the one knight that they all desire,
Sir balinafad of avalon with his his strength and his virtue,both truthful and steadfast and his bod not too shabby


Fun bags!!!!

I disappear for two weeks and look at how this thread has degenerated. I feel like Moses coming back down from the mountain top and looking upon the degradation that has occurred in my absence.

Elephant Tale
We have failed thee
for lack of our nobility


Are you trying to breath new life into this thread? :wink2: Where has Dizzee been lately?

Dizee is probably celebrating the fact that the cleveland browns won a football game and is partying like it is 1999 which , coincidentally, was the previous to last time the Browns won a game.:wink2:


This thread is as a kingdom in famine,whereas it previously thrived,a kingdom of splendour that was once a sacred lake has become dry.
A poet that has lost his rhyme doth have the ability and talent to overcome the wane that permeates the realm to write again.As a true knight will know a counterfeit sword and scabbard,he also sees Gods will in the dedicated knaves and damsels at his service.This calls on all people of the brown table to exercise your will and alliegence .A falcon that refuses to hunt is only thus from being spoiled,a stallion that stops running should not own an orchard.So said,I bequeath the true believers to throw down thy shield.Although mortally wounded the Tale has by the will of God,survived.Therewithal this thread will not lay stark dead,it will arise meekly and ween itself from the wealth of imagination that is you.


This thread is as a kingdom in famine,whereas it previously thrived,a kingdom of splendour that was once a sacred lake has become dry.
A poet that has lost his rhyme doth have the ability and talent to overcome the wane that permeates the realm to write again.As a true knight will know a counterfeit sword and scabbard,he also sees Gods will in the dedicated knaves and damsels at his service.This calls on all people of the brown table to exercise your will and alliegence .A falcon that refuses to hunt is only thus from being spoiled,a stallion that stops running should not own an orchard.So said,I bequeath the true believers to throw down thy shield.Although mortally wounded the Tale has by the will of God,survived.Therewithal this thread will not lay stark dead,it will arise meekly and ween itself from the wealth of imagination that is you.

brown table , I like that

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
And Big keeps me in the tower.
High in the tower
Beist a beautiful flower
Fairest of the fair
With thy golden hair
I wish you no ill will
So feelest not a chill

Life has not been kind
to the spirits in my mind
My imagination beist blank
For that I have to thank
My wretched ex wife
Who creatith all my strife

My unhappiness has to end
For my mind to be on the mend
Just maybe the next tomorrow
Brings an end to all my sorrow
I will findeth the power
To saveth thou from the tower