
Light 'em up!
I would still eat at the hotel restaurant...usuAlly more expensive... They better not hook me up in a motel

They will pay for your food.

They will not pay for any alcohol.

I try to keep it reasonable and have never had a problem. I won't order that $50 steak and push my luck. Never had a problem with a $20 dinner and $10 breakfast.


Well-Known Member
The way harpa has been handling accidents your best bet is to stay home. Someone loses control and runs into you going down the road you should have expected the unexpected and knew that was going to happen. You will now be in the hub working until they can "find time" to give you a ride along roughly 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
There were 2 Rookie Feeder going to the same meet point to swap out loads, and bring the meet point loads back to their home Hub. Rookie #1 left the Hub for the meet point and was told his swap out load would be there within 30 min.
Rookie #2 left for the same meet point 20 min later.
You guessed it!
Rookie #1 got to the meet point and the swap out was late, so when Rookie #2 got to the meet point, they both thought the other was the swap out load.
One took lunch nearby, the other drove a bit before taking lunch.
So, the trailers taken FROM the Hub were brought back to the same Hub, and the swap out drivers were sitting at the meet point wondering where their swap out loads were!
Imagine the confusion!
Well,,,,the last drivers sitting their waiting for their meet, should've just swapped loads and ALSO brought them back to the same hub. What's the problem?? LOL
Isn't that the way it's gotten now? Just do it quick. No one tells anyone anything, because drivers are to dumb to act. Okay!!


Staff member
Kinda curious to see what that 69.99 paycheck looks like. I'd rather not work at all tbh, but as long as I'm here I want the phat lewt.


60 months and counting
Hey guys.... Since we are headed into the bad weather season could you give me some tip on driving in bad weather..all info is greatly appreciated!!