B I O B....blame it on Bush...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When people claim OBAMA put us in this mess, they forget history. History shows that the republicans have overspent the democrats over the last 25 years yet they claim its the democrats who spent like out of control junkies.


If the right wing could take the blinders off and accept BUSH screwed this country pretty good, and if they got behind the new president just to get the country on its feet instead of keeping it on its back, then the USA would be a better place.

The world would also improve, but instead, the right wing wants to keep the USA on the ropes and the world stays on its knees with us.



golden ticket member
When people claim OBAMA put us in this mess, they forget history. History shows that the republicans have overspent the democrats over the last 25 years yet they claim its the democrats who spent like out of control junkies.


If the right wing could take the blinders off and accept BUSH screwed this country pretty good, and if they got behind the new president just to get the country on its feet instead of keeping it on its back, then the USA would be a better place.

The world would also improve, but instead, the right wing wants to keep the USA on the ropes and the world stays on its knees with us.


How come all of your graphs conveniently end at 2006.....hmmmmmm???


Well-Known Member
Do not change the facts to fit your story.
Obama from his very first day with the Democrats rammed a very unpopular Obama care plan through.
The President and the Democrat controlled Senate and Congress could have addressed taxation and a non -political stimulous. The economy has been ignored.
No leadership --incompetant.
Also you keep referring back to the housing bubble ----Fannie and Freddie -a bastion of Liberals created the mess along with the Black caucus, Dodd and Frank.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Do not change the facts to fit your story.
Obama from his very first day with the Democrats rammed a very unpopular Obama care plan through.
The President and the Democrat controlled Senate and Congress could have addressed taxation and a non -political stimulous. The economy has been ignored.
No leadership --incompetant.
Also you keep referring back to the housing bubble ----Fannie and Freddie -a bastion of Liberals created the mess along with the Black caucus, Dodd and Frank.


The healthcare plan did not tank this country. The day Obama walked into the oval office and sat down, the countrys debt sat at 10.7 trillion dollars (undisputed). It costs money to run a business, and it costs money to save a nation.

So far, Obama has spent 4.75 trillion on the country. That includes two wars that are still ongoing so you and the tea party faithful can feel "safe from the terrorists". Both Iraq and Afghanistan have wiped out our economy just like it did to russia when they occupied afghanistan for 7 years.

We arent as smart as Russia though. They knew they couldnt win, they knew they couldnt get to mission accomplished and they lost 15746 soldiers in the process and 2 trillion dollars. The right wing of this country would have us there for decades despite what it will do to our economy. Those evil terrorists have to be gotten, "freedom isnt free" , wasnt that the montra for the right wing and everyone on this board who supported war?

Well guess what, it isnt free, and its costing taxpayers like you and I a ton of money.

The democrats did address the bush tax cuts and the republicans used the tax cuts for political gain as they were intended to. Every talking head for the GOP promised that if the tax cuts were extended, job creators would see this as a sign and create jobs, but we know the end of the story dont we? It never happens, and true to history and tax cuts, unemployment went UP since.

I know its easy to listen to the talking heads whoever they appear to be and convince yourself that your getting the facts, but the blame for the housing bubble lies squarely on BUSH and the Republicans. A little program called the "HOME OWNERSHIP SOCIETY" led to this latest bubble and BUSH himself in his own words takes all the credit.

Everyone knows buying a home is expensive. Everyone knows that the standard was 20% down and 30 years. Everyone knows that a good paying job and two years tax returns was necessary to buy a home, BUT NOT IN BUSH'S world.

Bush's home ownership society called for 6 milion new homes build and sold. SUB PRIME was the goal. These ticking time bombs were the product of BUSH and the republicans. You cant blame Barney Frank for this.

YOU fall for the distractions, and not the facts.

I would suggest you find a new source of information for the one is leading you down a path of fantasy land.



Well-Known Member
How obvious. Of course it is always those Republican's like Bush pushing for Social programs and Minority home ownership !!


Well-Known Member
Very good. Now name the thousands of useless programs on the ongoing,neverending war on laziness --excuse me I meant to say poverty !!


golden ticket member
Yeah. Like unemployment, ssi, and medicare and medicaid. Gotcha.

Entitlement my ass! I paid cash for my Social Security insurance!!!! Just because they borrowed the money, doesn't make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!!


Staff member
Entitlement my ass! I paid cash for my Social Security insurance!!!! Just because they borrowed the money, doesn't make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!!
Oh. So the government lied to you. Surprise, surprise, surprise! It is what it is. For some reason YOU paid for it, but everyone is OK with saying it will be gone when it's time for me to collect. Why is that? What ENTITLES you to collect today, but not me in the future? Maybe we should kill it now.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How obvious. Of course it is always those Republican's like Bush pushing for Social programs and Minority home ownership !!

DID You not hear BUSH in his own words promote minority home ownership??

Cmon brother, you cant escape the truth. Face it, the republicans ran through a ton of social programs under bush and they ALL FAILED. But, we are in today, and knowing how we got here should give us some insight on how we are going to get out of it. It wont be in 24 month and it wont be on the back of social security.

Minority (low income) home ownership rammed down our countries throats for 6 years of bush along with the de-regulation of the mortage and banking industry under bush has created a minefield of foreclosures that will continue until 2015. These ticking time bombs will hurt this country and the housing market.

BUSH did not have the "competence" to see the handwriting on the wall despite being WARNED by Alan Greenspan prior to the creation of the Home Ownershp Society program.

Accept the facts, BUSH screwed the country along with the republicans in both houses. Once you accept this concept, you can get to a solution.

Re-electing a republican majority isnt the answer. It took bush 8 years to destroy a perfectly working economy with a 4% unemployment rate. After 8 years, the country was flushed down the toilet.

We dont need a repeat of the Bush administration.



Strength through joy
One of the things Bush left bhos was a AAA bond rating, but sadly that's now gone and no one can blame Bush for that.


golden ticket member
DID You not hear BUSH in his own words promote minority home ownership??

Cmon brother, you cant escape the truth. Face it, the republicans ran through a ton of social programs under bush and they ALL FAILED. But, we are in today, and knowing how we got here should give us some insight on how we are going to get out of it. It wont be in 24 month and it wont be on the back of social security.

Minority (low income) home ownership rammed down our countries throats for 6 years of bush along with the de-regulation of the mortage and banking industry under bush has created a minefield of foreclosures that will continue until 2015. These ticking time bombs will hurt this country and the housing market.

BUSH did not have the "competence" to see the handwriting on the wall despite being WARNED by Alan Greenspan prior to the creation of the Home Ownershp Society program.

Accept the facts, BUSH screwed the country along with the republicans in both houses. Once you accept this concept, you can get to a solution.

Re-electing a republican majority isnt the answer. It took bush 8 years to destroy a perfectly working economy with a 4% unemployment rate. After 8 years, the country was flushed down the toilet.

We dont need a repeat of the Bush administration.

Minority home ownership was a pet project of Clinton's !!


golden ticket member
....."BUSH did not have the "competence" to see the handwriting on the wall despite being WARNED by Alan Greenspan prior to the creation of the Home Ownershp Society program........." (TOS)

Old Barney Frank & Maxine Waters were in the middle of this mess and both proclaimed that FM & FM were solid.............what a couple of inept creeps!!!.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
....."BUSH did not have the "competence" to see the handwriting on the wall despite being WARNED by Alan Greenspan prior to the creation of the Home Ownershp Society program........." (TOS)

Old Barney Frank & Maxine Waters were in the middle of this mess and both proclaimed that FM & FM were solid.............what a couple of inept creeps!!!.

Is that the best excuse FOXED SPEWS was able to communicate to you?


BUSH clearly STATES that "HE" directed both fannie and freddie to set aside millions of dollars to "COVER" these new home sales to low income minority home owners. THIS wasnt enough money! To deny that BUSH claimed he had it all figured out is to deny the plain truth. BUSH says so himself. You cant avoid the truth, unless you deliberately look the other way and that way is FOXED SPEWS.



golden ticket member
I have my own thought about matters. There are only so many possible combinations of opinions. I'm bound to agree with someone.......it's just the odds and has nothing to do with FOX........