Biden - Tology


golden ticket member
Just making stuff up again, ‘eh Joe?
WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden said Latinos should vote for President Barack Obama because Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney doesn’t respect them.

In a Monday interview with “The Enrique Rodriquez Show” on Univision — the interview transcript was released Tuesday — Biden was asked why he thinks undecided Latino voters should pick Obama over Romney.

“First of all, it just is a matter of simple respect,” said the vice president. “It’s all about genuine respect. And you know, in the neighborhoods I come from you can tell, you can tell when people genuinely respect you. Genuinely want you participating. Genuinely want you on, genuinely understand the potential, the incredible potential that exists in the community.”

Biden went on to say that Romney and his vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan would slash Pell Grants and early education funding in their budget. Both cuts would have a significant impact on the Latino community, he said, since 16.5 percent of all college students and 24.7 percent of all K-12 students are Latino.


Just making stuff up again, ‘eh Joe?
WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden said Latinos should vote for President Barack Obama because Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney doesn’t respect them.

In a Monday interview with “The Enrique Rodriquez Show” on Univision — the interview transcript was released Tuesday — Biden was asked why he thinks undecided Latino voters should pick Obama over Romney.

“First of all, it just is a matter of simple respect,” said the vice president. “It’s all about genuine respect. And you know, in the neighborhoods I come from you can tell, you can tell when people genuinely respect you. Genuinely want you participating. Genuinely want you on, genuinely understand the potential, the incredible potential that exists in the community.”

Biden went on to say that Romney and his vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan would slash Pell Grants and early education funding in their budget. Both cuts would have a significant impact on the Latino community, he said, since 16.5 percent of all college students and 24.7 percent of all K-12 students are Latino.

Biden doesnt want DEMS to be successful because then they would turn REP. They need poverty and welfare to keep people voting for them.


golden ticket member
"There you go again" (you demented old circus monkey)

Via WFB:
Vice President Joe Biden seemed to think he was in Ohio this afternoon during a campaign stop in Ocala, Fla., called the Cleveland Plain Dealer one of the major newspapers “in this state.”


golden ticket member
Biden said he was going to get a place in Hawaii too.....the Obamas are talking to him about Florida as being the perfect place for him!

Via Weekly Standard:
“You need to take a vacation!” the host told the vice president of the United States.
“Well, I’m going to take a vacation about about three days after this election is over,” Biden revealed. “That’s what they told me.”

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The bad thing is, this is actually what you get when he thinks.

Unfortunately, he has the early signs of dementia. A gaff here or there is very human, we all make mistakes but with Joe a day does not go by that he does not say something that has you scratching your head.

I do not like to see anyone go through this....


golden ticket member
There he goes again.

Vice President Joe Biden, fresh from a re-election campaign that featured gaffes and goofs galore, made what might be the more cringe-inducing blunder of the year on Nov. 19, sending a congratulatory letter to a Republican state Senate candidate who withdrew from his race in October.

Worse, Delaware’s Eric Bodenweiser didn’t just have a change of heart: He was indicted on 113 felony counts related to accusations he raped a boy 39 times between 1987 and 1990 — beginning when the victim, now in his 30s, was 13 years old.

The News Journal reproduced Biden’s cheerful letter to the accused pedophile in his home state.

“I encourage you to reflect on the extraordinary moment we’re living in … The President and I remain confident that with your help, America’s best days lie ahead,” Biden wrote

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There he goes again.

Vice President Joe Biden, fresh from a re-election campaign that featured gaffes and goofs galore, made what might be the more cringe-inducing blunder of the year on Nov. 19, sending a congratulatory letter to a Republican state Senate candidate who withdrew from his race in October.

Worse, Delaware’s Eric Bodenweiser didn’t just have a change of heart: He was indicted on 113 felony counts related to accusations he raped a boy 39 times between 1987 and 1990 — beginning when the victim, now in his 30s, was 13 years old.

The News Journal reproduced Biden’s cheerful letter to the accused pedophile in his home state.

“I encourage you to reflect on the extraordinary moment we’re living in … The President and I remain confident that with your help, America’s best days lie ahead,” Biden wrote

These are "standardized" letters sent out by staffers and NOT the VP.




golden ticket member
My advice is to never name anything after a LIVING's tricky sometimes even after they die.

Biden: They Should Name A Train Station After Me…

A mental hospital would be more appropriate.
Via Politico:
Vice President Joe Biden opened his remarks at a Union Station reception on Thursday with something of a joke.
“Welcome to the station that should be named after me,” he said.

Biden went on to explain that he commuted to the station by train from his home in Delaware for the 36 years he was in the Senate, racking up thousands of round trips.

“I spent more time here than I did in the Senate, just going back and forth,” he said. “So hopefully you enjoy the station.”